Explainable Decision Support Modelling Based on Multi-Layer FCM
with Multi-Objective Optimization Characteristics: The Case of the
Microservices Adoption Problem
Andreas Christoforou
and Andreas S. Andreou
Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics,
Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus
Multi-Layer Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Explainable Decision Support, Multi-Objective Optimization, Microser-
vices Adoption.
The tremendous progress in the field of artificial and computational intelligence has enabled the application of
relevant techniques to a wide range of human life aspects. However, these techniques appear in their majority
incompetent to allow users to explain and understand their decisions. This paper introduces an enhanced, ex-
plainable decision support approach using a promising graph-based computational intelligent model, namely
Multi-Layer Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (MLFCM). MLFCM have evolved over the last two decades into a flexi-
ble and powerful tool that enables the execution of simulation scenarios to facilitate decision support in highly
complex environments. The proposed enhancement of MLFCM revolves around their integration with Multi-
Objective Evolutionary Algorithms that allows executing simulations with multiple conflicting targets and then
analyzing the values and relationships of the participating nodes. The applicability of the enhanced MLFCM is
demonstrated through a case-study on adopting microservices. Microservices have been considered as one of
the most promising alternatives to software development nowadays. Nevertheless, their adoption often stum-
bles on various factors such as security, exit policy, effectiveness, etc. In this context, the factors contributing
to Microservices adoption are assessed, analyzed and modeled via MLFCM using a series of real-world and
synthetic scenarios that yielded quite promising results.
Nowadays, the ever-increasing use of intelligent
decision-making methods in complex problem do-
mains plays a vital role in everyday human life. At
the same time, trust and transparency are becoming
essential for such kinds of approaches, and this un-
derlines the importance and need for techniques that
humans can interpret (Gunning and Aha, 2019). Mod-
els with enhanced explainable abilities can deliver re-
sults through a transparent process that allows one to
understand how the system decides, predicts, and per-
forms its operations.
While the models and techniques that aim to de-
liver predictions with high accuracy and support a de-
cision efficiently become more complex, the develop-
ment of transparent versions becomes more complex
(Meske and Bunde, 2020). Towards delivering a suf-
ficient model with enhanced explainable and analysis
features, this work introduces a new computational
intelligence process involving Multi-objective opti-
mization characteristics. The applicability and perfor-
mance of the proposed model are tested and demon-
strated on a complex decision problem related to the
adoption of microservices architecture.
Software microservice architectures are consid-
ered nowadays one of the most successful approaches
for the development of cloud-native applications, of-
fering a plethora of small, autonomous, and collab-
orative services, which are easy to understand, de-
ploy, and scale. Nevertheless, there is yet no consen-
sus between the industry and academia on the critical
and decisive factors that would enable a global ac-
ceptance and adoption of this new paradigm (Woot-
ton, 2014). In addition, since such architectures are
highly complex and are described by multiple, often
conflicting factors, the majority of the software devel-
opment organizations are not ready to fully exploit the
benefits of microservices, while adapting their pro-
Christoforou, A. and Andreou, A.
Explainable Decision Support Modelling Based on Multi-Layer FCM with Multi-Objective Optimization Characteristics: The Case of the Microservices Adoption Problem.
DOI: 10.5220/0011681000003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 413-420
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
cesses to this new environment is a tedious task (Bal-
alaie et al., 2016). The present paper builds upon
and extends previous works on the topic that utilized
MLFCMs (Mateou and Andreou, 2005) and Geneti-
cally Evolved MLFCMs (Christoforou et al., 2022) to
offer a novel decision and analysis model comprising
the key factors to consider for adopting a microser-
vice architecture using a multi-objective approach. So
far the relevant literature reports hybrid MLFCM-GA
forms and execution strategies that allow perform-
ing only single target optimization. This is consid-
ered as a weakness of the hybrid model as it is of-
ten desired that multiple factors are considered for
optimization. This is addressed in this paper which
proposes an extension of the MLFCM structure with
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEA).
The hybrid MOEA-MLFCM model allows for the ex-
ecution of simulations with multiple, often conflicting
targets and the analysis of the activation levels and re-
lationships of the participating nodes.
The main contributions of this paper are the
following: (i) Extension and enhancement of the
MLFCM model with multi-objective capabilities
which opens new ground for the study and simula-
tion of different scenarios that involve achieving si-
multaneously conflicting targets. This allows a deeper
and more precise definition of the critical factors that
affect the decision of microservices adoption, along
with their importance and interrelationship. (ii) Re-
visit of the problem of supporting the decision for
migrating to microservices architecture under a new,
multi-objective prism. As will be shown later, the
new multi-objective MLFCM model allows to define
more than one objective reflecting the important fac-
tors affecting the final decision, set up different sim-
ulation scenaria with multiple objectives which relate
to the major concerns or drivers against or in favor
of adopting microservices respectively. (iii) Prelimi-
nary investigation and comparison between the results
achieved when coupling MLFCM with known and
widely used MOEA over the problem of adopting mi-
croservices as a new software development paradigm.
The above contributions of this paper essentially con-
stitute the most significant differences to similar at-
tempts reported in literature in the past, which also
differentiate the type of experiments executed and the
results yielded and interpreted.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows: Sec-
tion 2 outlines related work on the topic, while sec-
tion 3 presents briefly the technical background be-
hind FCM and MLFCM. Section4 describes the pro-
posed approach for integrating MLFCM with MOEA,
while Section 5 demonstrates its application on mod-
eling the decision for adopting microservices as the
architecture for developing software and discusses the
results obtained. Finally, Section6 concludes the pa-
per and suggests some future research steps.
The integration of FCM models with evolutionary
techniques and methodologies has been used during
the last two decades, mostly to address some FCM
shortcomings and extend their application. The first
attempt to use an evolutionary approach with a FCM
and deliver a hybrid model is reported in (Koulouri-
otis et al., 2001). The authors in this work adopted
an evolution strategy to estimate the cause-effect rela-
tionships among the concepts of the maps.
The authors in (Andreou et al., 2003) introduced
a genetically evolved FCM model aiming to adjust
the weights of the interrelations between the nodes to
meet the objectives after a strategic change. A novel
approach for the automatic construction of FCM mod-
els from historical data was introduced in (Stach et al.,
2005). Through a comparative analysis, the authors
in (Froelich and Juszczuk, 2009) showed how and
to what extent evolutionary learning methods may
outperform the corresponding adaptive ones. The
research work of (Pedrycz, 2010) utilised Particle
Swarm Optimization (PSO) to identify and calibrate
the causal relationships between the nodes of the
map. A decomposed learning scheme was proposed
in (Chen et al., 2015) based on Swarm Intelligence
to adjust gene regulatory networks. A new Structure
Optimization Genetic Algorithm (SOGA) for FCMs
learning is presented in (Poczeta et al., 2015) aiming
to simplify complex FCM models and reduce their
size by selecting the most important concepts and
connections between them. The development of an
evolutionary approach for FCM learning is introduced
in (Poczeta et al., 2019) to reduce the number of con-
cepts of the map, as well as to determine the weights
of the connections between them.
One can easily observe that the majority of the rel-
evant research uses evolutionary approaches to calcu-
late the weights of the causal relationships between
the concepts of the map under study targeting par-
ticular objectives. In addition, very few of them uti-
lize evolutionary algorithms to identify the proper set
of concepts and initial activation levels so that the
model can deliver the best possible output. Although
the approaches mentioned above exhibit high perfor-
mance on the target they are designed for, by calculat-
ing the inter-correlations in a somewhat random way
they practically remove the most significant advan-
tages of the model, which are the transparency and
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the reasoning process. This weakness is tackled by
the approach proposed in this paper through the evo-
lution (optimization) of the model’s initial activation
levels, something that preserves its reasoning capabil-
ities and explainability.
Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) are computationally
intelligent, soft computing tools that combine ele-
ments of fuzzy logic and neural networks (Kosko,
1992). FCMs are easy to construct and comprehend,
and straightforward to execute. In essence, a FCM is a
directed graph with nodes that represent concepts in a
domain and weighted edges that describe the various
causal relationships that exist among these concepts
either positive or negative. The capabilities of FCMs
are enhanced by fuzzy logic, which defines both the
type of representation of the causal relationships be-
tween the concepts and the strength of presence of
each concept in the problem dealt. Causal relation-
ships are defined as numerical values in the interval
[1,+1]. A value w
i j
> 0 means that a positive in-
terrelation exists between concepts C
and C
, that is,
an increase or decrease of the C
value causes an in-
crease or decrease of C
respectively. Inversely, when
i j
< 0 there is a negative interrelation between con-
cepts C
and C
. Finally, if w
i j
= 0 then there is no
relationship between concepts C
and C
. Naturally,
the higher the number of nodes and relationships, the
higher the complexity of the resulting map. A nu-
meric activation level AL (or activation value) per
concept denotes the strength of its presence in the
problem domain. Activation levels are represented
as a vector the elements of which take values in the
interval [1,1] or [0, 1], depending on the modelling
scheme followed. The map is initialized with a set of
activation levels which represent a particular situation
or problem in hand, and then it is executed on a series
of discrete steps. Equation 1 describes the update rule
initially proposed by Kosko, which calculates the to-
tal causal input for node A
at a given iteration (t + 1)
based on the influence it receives from all other nodes
that are connected to it (also known as feeders or
sources) at the previous iteration.
= f
j=1,i6= j
Similarly to neural networks, four transfer func-
tions are widely used in FCMs (Bueno and Salmeron,
2009): (a) sigmoid, (b) hyperbolic tangent, (c) step
and (d) threshold linear. Generally, most of the
studies that use FCMs for decision making (includ-
ing ours) use the unipolar sigmoid function, which
exhibits the highest predictive capacity among all.
FCMs that use sigmoid functions are also called sig-
moid FCMs.
The iterative execution of the map (i.e., the ap-
plication of the transfer function over the concepts) is
terminated when the model for a number of iterations:
(1) is stabilised at an equilibrium state, (2) exhibits
oscillating behavior, or (3) exhibits chaotic behavior.
The former two cases allow for inference, while the
third case suggests that the model should be revisited.
For inference purposes, the final activation value of
the central concept of the model is interpreted in the
context of the problem.
In the case of complex and multifaceted concepts
then it comes into the picture the notion of Multi-
Layer Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (MLFCM) (Mateou and
Andreou, 2005). A MLFCM is essentially a hierarchi-
cal tree structure, with the upper levels (parents) be-
ing composed of other nodes at the lower level (chil-
dren). Thus, several “local” sub-FCMs are formed.
The traversing algorithm of the MLFCM adopted in
this paper is the one proposed in (Mateou et al., 2008)
which starts from the root FCM and follows a depth-
first search approach, computes the activation level of
a leaf sub-FCM for only one iteration and transfers
its value back to the parent sub-FCM. Then the exe-
cution of this sub-FCM is performed for one iteration
and its activation level is transferred again back to its
parent FCM and so on. The process for one iteration
ends when the root sub-FCM completes the calcula-
tion of the new activation level of all of the nodes it
As previously mentioned, this paper addresses a sig-
nificant challenge in modeling problems with the use
of MLFCM, that is, the inability to execute what-if
scenarios with multiple, conflicting objectives. These
scenarios essentially reflect hypothetical cases inves-
tigated in a simulated environment which focus on
multiple concepts of the map at different levels of the
hierarchy and with different impact on the final out-
put. Therefore, the main contribution of this paper
may be summarized to the integration of MLFCM
with different Multi-Objective approaches. In this
context, a multi-objective engine is developed to serve
the dynamic analysis of MLFCM, that is, the analy-
sis of the model’s behavior under execution, which
utilizes various well-known Multi-Objective Evolu-
Explainable Decision Support Modelling Based on Multi-Layer FCM with Multi-Objective Optimization Characteristics: The Case of the
Microservices Adoption Problem
tionary Algorithms (MOEA), such as the NSGAII,
GDE3, OMOPSO and SPEA2, that are then used
to execute scenarios with multi-objective targets and
compare the outputs of the map. The results are as-
sessed in terms of demonstrating the applicability of
the MOEA and proving the significant enhancement
of MLFCM models.
Problems that require the optimization of multiple
criteria at the same time, need to use multi-objective
evolutionary algorithms where the goal is to find the
best solution by optimizing a set of objective func-
tions. In case of conflicting or competing objectives,
a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm typically de-
livers a set of optimal solutions instead of a single
one. This set of optimal solutions is called Pareto op-
timal set (or Pareto front) and contains those solutions
that are not dominated by any other solution yielded
during evolution. Each optimal solution constitutes
a specific balance between the objectives under op-
timization, where any improvement in one of them
leads to worsening the other. Therefore, a decision-
maker is provided with the set of optimal solutions
and is supported to decide which values of the deci-
sion variables are most suited based on the targets and
the requirements of his application.
A Multi-objective optimization (MOO) problem
can be mathematically expressed using the equation:
min/max f
(x), f
(x),..., f
(x),x U, (2)
where x is solution, n is the number of objective func-
tions, U is feasible set, f
(x) is the n
h objective func-
tion and min/max is combined objects operations.
The proposed approach of integrating and execut-
ing an MOEA with an MLFCM model relies on a
step-wise process as follows:
Step 1: Identify the decisive nodes in the map
that were revealed through its static analysis; Step
2: Define the decisive nodes or nodes of interest af-
ter consulting domain experts and decision-makers;
Step 3: Execute the resulting model utilizing a se-
lected set of MOEA under different initial configu-
rations; Step 4: Evaluate the resulting solutions and
assess whether objectives are conflicting (set of solu-
tions diverse) or synergistic (very few solutions); Step
5: Identify which algorithm provides the best values
for the objectives-concepts.
In the context of the proposed approach, the can-
didate solutions, or the decision variables, are the
activation values of all nodes participating in the
MLFCM. The objectives reflect the final activation
values of two or more nodes for which we target par-
ticular equilibrium values.
Four well-known and widespread MOEAs were
selected, aiming to assess their ability to pro-
vide solutions coupled with an MLFCM: The Non-
dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-
II) (Deb et al., 2002), the Generalized Differen-
tial Evolution 3 (GDE3) (Kukkonen and Lampinen,
2005), the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm
2 (SPEA2) (Zitzler et al., 2001) and the Opti-
mized Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization
(OMOPSO) (Sierra and Coello Coello, 2005).
As mentioned above, the case study used in this pa-
per to demonstrate the applicability and efficiency of
the Multi-Objective MLFCM is related to the adop-
tion of microservices architecture as a paradigm for
software development. This problem is quite complex
and challenging, and was first addressed in (Christo-
forou et al., 2022) where the authors reported also the
use of a framework introduced in (Christoforou and
Andreou, 2017) to analyse the behavior of a MLFCM
and reveal its hidden features and dynamics. This
analysis is divided into two steps: The first provides
information about the structure of the map and is
called static analysis, while the second is called dy-
namic and it essentially executes the MLFCM model
with different what-if scenarios (i.e. initial activation
level values) and investigates the results produced.
The dynamic analysis was extended in (Christoforou
et al., 2022) with the integration of a Genetic Al-
gorithm (GA) able to produce a set of near-optimal
solutions in the form of initial activation values tar-
geting particular final activation values. It should
be noted that the GA integration targeted a single-
objective optimization and therefore it was quite diffi-
cult, if not impossible, to reach to solutions involving
more than one objective, and in particular when the
objectives set are conflicting (see also (Christoforou
et al., 2022)). This paper follows the same approach
for the static and dynamic analysis of MLFCM, with
the latter being enhanced with multi-objective (MO)
optimization capabilities. In this context, the integra-
tion of MLFCM with known MO algorithms will be
described in terms of traversing of the map and devel-
opment of the solution space. Below we provide the
main findings of the static and dynamic analysis per-
formed on the MLFCM model depicted in Figure 1,
which comprises the concepts listed in Table 1.
The static analysis uses notions and metrics from
graph theory to draw meaningful conclusions about
the structure of a MLFCM model. The results are
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: The MLFCM model for the Microservice Archi-
tecture adoption problem.
provided in Tables 2 and 3. Table 2 presents the
corresponding metrics and measurements about the
model’s complexity and tendency for each subFCM.
The Complexity indicator consists of Density, the
number of nodes and interactions, and Depth the num-
ber of layers. The Tendency indicator takes into
account the number of positive or negative cycles
formed in a (sub)FCM and checks their balance; if the
number of positive cycles is substantially higher com-
pared to that of negative then the map exhibits a pos-
itive tendency (i.e. a small increase in any node leads
the central concept of interest to increase as well) and
vice-versa. Table 3 lists metrics and measurements
that describe the impact of each participating node on
the model (calculated incoming (in-value) and outgo-
ing (out-value) weight, and number of incoming (in-
degree) and outgoing (out-degree) edges).
A series of experimental runs (simulations) was
then performed by setting different concepts of the
model under study as objective functions (dynamic
analysis). Each algorithm was run ten times for
5000 fitness evaluations (FE) and concluded with a
Pareto near-optimal solution. For the performance
comparison between the selected MOEAs, two in-
dicators were utilized, the HyperVolume (HV) (Zit-
zler and Thiele, 1999) and the Inverted Generational
Distance (IGD) (Van Veldhuizen and Lamont, 2000).
These two quality indicators were selected to assist
in comparing the four MOEAs with respect to per-
formance and scalability, given the metrics’ ability to
assess both convergence and diversity (uniformity and
spread) of the algorithms. Specifically, the HV indica-
tor assesses the volume covered by the non-dominated
solutions of a Pareto front in the objective space.
Table 1: Concepts related to the decision of adopting mi-
croservice architecture and their groupings (FCMs) - Cen-
tral concept of each FCM in bold.
No. FCM Concept Name
C1 1, 2 Governance
C2 1, 3 Infrastructure and Manage-
ment Services
C3 1 Maintainability and Evolvability
C4 1 Operational Complexity
C5 1 Business Complexity
C6 1 Reliability
C7 1 Security
C8 1, 4 Cost
C9 1, 5 Design
C10 1, 6 DevOps
C11 1 Data Migration
C12 2 Decentralized Governance
C13 2 Data Governance
C14 3 Containerization
C15 3 Scalability/Elasticity
C16 3 Monitoring
C17 3 Serverless Architecture
C18 4 Migration Cost
C19 4 Operations Cost
C20 5 Design For Failure
C21 5 Granularity and Bounded Context
C22 5 Service Contracts
C23 5 Communication Model
C24 5 Decentralization
C25 6 Organization Culture
C26 6 Skilled and Educated DevOps
C27 6 Tool Support
C28 6 Continues Activities
C29 6 Automated Tasks
C30 6 Information Sharing
C31 1 Microservices Adoption
Table 2: Complexity static measurements.
FCM Layer Density Cycles+ Cycles-
1 1 0.72 64642 65900
2 2 1 5 0
3 2 1 68 16
4 2 1 5 0
5 2 1 409 0
6 2 1 2365 0
Therefore, the larger the volume covered by the so-
lutions generated in a run, the higher the HV value,
which indicates a better performance. The IGD indi-
cator assesses how far the elements of the true Pareto
front (reference data in our case) are from the non-
dominated points of an approximation Pareto front.
Therefore, the greater the extent of the true Pareto
Explainable Decision Support Modelling Based on Multi-Layer FCM with Multi-Objective Optimization Characteristics: The Case of the
Microservices Adoption Problem
Table 3: Strength indicators for the top level FCM.
Node deg
(i) val
(i) Cycles+ Cycles-
C1 18 8.4 56703 57479
C2 16 7.2 53897 54464
C3 18 8.5 56149 57610
C4 18 8.7 56724 57633
C5 9 4.5 30705 31338
C6 18 7 56355 58002
C7 18 7.8 56445 57912
C8 11 6.3 0 0
C9 18 9.6 57279 58307
C10 16 7.5 54070 55041
C11 19 5.6 58390 59921
C31 11 6.7 0 0
front that is covered by the non dominated points gen-
erated by a run in the objective space, the lower the
IGD value, which denotes better performance.
All of the parameters in the algorithms used were
selected considering that decision variables take real
values ranging between 0 and 1. The overall im-
plementation utilized the Platypus
, a Python-based
multi-objective optimization algorithms library.
Among a series of executions that were per-
formed, two indicative simulations were selected and
presented below. In the first case, consultation with
domain experts and decision-makers indicated Mi-
croservices adoption and Security as the factors to
take part in the objective functions. These concepts
were considered interesting by the experts to study
together and test how they may be related since se-
curity is a common concern of companies moving to
developing software with microservices. Therefore,
the model was executed targeting to identify solutions
for maximizing both objectives. The resulting two
dimensional Pareto fronts for each algorithm are de-
picted in Figure 2.
Table 4: Hypervolume and IGD mean values from a series
of 12 executions for the first optimization case.
HV 0.8870 0.8856 0.8743 0.8803
IGD 0.5121 0.5189 0.7270 0.5134
The HV and IGD values of 12 executions (out of
100 repetitions) calculated for these series of simula-
tions and their corresponding means are listed in Ta-
ble 4. It is clear from HV and IGD that all algorithms
perform quite well, with GDE3 appearing slightly su-
perior than the rest in both metrics. It is also interest-
ing to note that NSGAII and GDE3 reach multiple and
diverse solutions, followed by SPEA2. OMOPSO, on
Figure 2: Pareto front for Microservices adoption (x-axes)
and Security (y-axes) objectives. (a) NSGAII, (b) GDE3,
(c) OMOPSO, (d) SPEA2.
the other hand, finds only one dominant solution with
both objectives set to values very near to their desired
maximums. We should also note here the existence
of multiple solutions that span a range of values for
the Security concept. This suggests that Security is
not the most decisive factor contributing in favor or
against Microservices adoption since the maximum
values for the latter are also achieved with lower val-
ues of the former.
To check whether there is a statistically significant
difference between the four algorithms, the Wilcoxon
singed-rank test (Rey and Neuh
auser, 2011) was ap-
plied on both performance indicators HV and IGD.
The null hypothesis (H0) initially set is that the two
compared samples are equal. The calculation of the
p value, which indicates the level of significance,
for HV and IGD is listed in Table 5. Based on the cal-
culated p values, in the case HV, the null hypothe-
sis is rejected (p < 0.05) in all pairs of algorithms but
NSGAII and OMOPSO. Similarly, when examining
IGD it is not clear whether there is statistically sig-
nificant difference between the algorithms except for
OMOPSO-SPEA2. Therefore, we may assume with-
out loss of generalization that all algorithms perform
well, but GDE3 stands out with significant statistical
The second case explores the solutions delivered
by the model considering three objectives, the Mi-
croservices adoption, which is the central concept
of interest, the Security as the main concern of the
decision-maker, and the Operational Complexity as
one of the most decisive concepts based on the static
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 5: Pairwise comparison for HV and IGD indicators
for the first optimization case.
GDE3 0.002 0.002 0.002
NSGAII 0.770 0.002
OMOPSO 0.002
GDE3 0.193 0.002 0.131
NSGAII 0.002 0.160
OMOPSO 0.002
Figure 3: Pareto front for Microservices adoption (z-axes),
Security (x-axes) and Operational complexity objectives (y-
axes). (a) NSGAII, (b) GDE3, (c) OMOPSO, (d) SPEA2.
analysis (Table 3). The Microservices adoption and
Security objectives were set to be maximized, while
the Operational complexity was set to be minimized.
The three-dimensional Pareto fronts that emerged
from the above executions are depicted in Figure 3.
The calculations of the two performance indicators
for the second series of simulations are listed in Ta-
ble 6.
Table 6: Hypervolume and IGD mean values from a series
of 12 executions for the second optimization case.
HV 0.7880 0.7774 0.8012 0.6991
IGD 0.5121 0.5189 0.7270 0.5134
The results suggest again that the algorithms per-
form well and manage to find solutions despite the
fact that the problem is now harder than the first case.
The diversity of the solutions is now evident for all
algorithms, while GDE3 seems again superior than
the rest of the algorithms in terms of both the HV
and the IGD metrics. According to the Wilcoxon
test, the null hypothesis for the HV values may be re-
jected for all pairs of algorithms except for NSGAII-
OMOPSO. In the case of IGD, the null hypothesis
can not be rejected for the pairs NSGAII-OMOPSO,
GDE3-NSGAII and GDE3-OMOPSO. Therefore, it
seems that GDE3 again performs best, with slight dif-
ferences compared to the rest of the algorithms.
Table 7: Pairwise comparison for HV and IGD indicators
for the second optimization case.
GDE3 0.002 0.002 0.002
NSGAII 0.770 0.002
OMOPSO 0.002
GDE3 0.084 0.084 0.002
NSGAII 0.084 0.002
OMOPSO 0.004
Overall, the experimental process described in this
section demonstrated that all of the multi-objective
algorithms utilized have managed to find good solu-
tions and that GDE3 appears to be slightly superior.
It should be noted that the theory of multi-objective
optimization in the case of MLFCM is somewhat dis-
turbed by the fact that the complexity of the relation-
ships between the nodes does not allow for a clear
separation of the conflicting nodes. This means that
there are paths in the model that could be visited that
are not easy to define a-priori and these alternative
routes in some cases give birth to solutions that are
not necessarily conflicting, as in the first case of the
experimental process. Therefore, one thing that the
model calls for further analysis and investigation is
the number and type of individual solutions, as well
as the different forms of conflicting or not objectives.
This assessment reveals also the complexity of the op-
timization scenario in cases in which the set of solu-
tions is not so rich and vice-versa.
This paper proposed an enhanced form of explain-
able decision support modelling based on Multi-
Layer Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (MLFCM) and Multi-
Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEA). The
case of a complex decision problem related to the
adoption of microservices architecture was addressed
to show the applicability and effectiveness of the pro-
posed model using four well known and effective
MO approaches, namely NSGAII, OMOPSO, GDE3
and SPEA2. Two MO scenarios were developed and
tested, the first involving two and the second three ob-
Explainable Decision Support Modelling Based on Multi-Layer FCM with Multi-Objective Optimization Characteristics: The Case of the
Microservices Adoption Problem
jectives, which were formed with the aid of domain
experts. The results suggested that the proposed inte-
grated MOEA-MLFCM successfully managed to cap-
ture the dynamics behind the decision for migrating to
Future research will concentrate on the following:
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ond, automation of the selection of the most appropri-
ate MOEA will be pursued for each multi-objective
scenario formed in each problem dealt.
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence