The Single Depot Multiple Set Orienteering Problem
Ravi Kant, Abhishek Mishra and Siddharth Sharma
Department of CSIS, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, 333031, India
The Orienteering Problem, The Set Orienteering Problem.
In this article, we present the single Depot multiple Set Orienteering Problem (sDmSOP), a new variant of the
classical Set Orienteering Problem (SOP). A significant feature of sDmSOP is the presence of many travelers
who set off from the same depot and return there at the end of their journey. The objective of the problem
is to maximize the profit while remaining within the budget; hence the challenge at hand involves searching
multiple paths among the mutually clustered sets for travelers. A set’s profit can be collected with a single
node visit only. Supply-chain management, the bus delivery problem, etc., are just a few examples where
the sDmSOP has proven useful. By simulating the instances of the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem
(GTSP) using GAMS 37.1.0, we determine the optimal profit for GTSP instances for some small and medium
instances which follow the triangular and symmetric properties. We find that the use of multiple travelers
is beneficial for both service providers and customers, as it allows service providers to offer their services
to customers at a lower cost because the service provider gets a significant amount of profit using multiple
Due to their practical implications, NP-hard routing
problems with profits have gained interest. Specifi-
cally, (Archetti and Speranza, 2015) studied arc rout-
ing problems, whereas (Archetti et al., 2014) and (Gu-
nawan et al., 2016) focused on node routing problems.
Profit in Arc routing problems is associated with arcs,
while in node routing problems, it is associated with
nodes. Since the node routing problem has real-world
applications in supply chain management, the bus de-
livery problem, and smart city waste management, it
is more important to research. (Golden et al., 1987)
proposed the Orienteering Problem (OP), which is
now widely known as a classical example of a node
routing problem. The goal of the OP is to maximize
profit by making as many node visits as possible uti-
lizing a fixed budget and a single traveler. There is a
profit to be earned from each node in the OP, but it
can only be earned once.
A new variant of the OP, termed the Set Orien-
teering Problem (SOP), was recently suggested by
(Archetti et al., 2018), in which the nodes are grouped
into mutually exclusive clusters, and the profit asso-
ciated with a cluster can only be achieved if at least
one node is visited by the traveler. The problem is
based on the revenue generated by clusters as opposed
to individual nodes. (Archetti et al., 2018), (P
et al., 2019), and (Carrabs, 2021) proposed the so-
lutions for the SOP by combining the Lin-Kernighan
heuristic given by (Lin and Kernighan, 1973) and the
Tabu-search meta-heuristic given by (Glover and La-
guna, 1998), the Variable Neighbourhood Search, and
the Biased random-key genetic algorithm (BRKGA),
respectively. It is shown that BRKGA achieves better
results in terms of time.
This article focuses on a generalized version of
the Set Orienteering Problem, which we refer to as
the single Depot multiple Set Orienteering Problem
(sDmSOP), in which customers (vertices) are grouped
in mutually disjoint sets, and the profit is associated
with each set. In sDmSOP, multiple travelers be-
gin and end their journey at a fixed depot in order
to collect the maximum profit by visiting as many
sets as possible exactly once within the given budget.
While the research into the SOP is significant because
of the practical applications proposed by the afore-
mentioned authors, many real-world situations can-
not be simulated with a single traveler, such as the
well-known bus delivery problem and reliable sup-
ply where more than one distributor is required. It
was discovered that the SOP could be applied to the
supply chain by grouping customers from different
chains together; however, in sDmSOP, we must also
account for the situation in which more than one trav-
eler is required to provide the services to the supply
Kant, R., Mishra, A. and Sharma, S.
The Single Depot Multiple Set Orienteering Problem.
DOI: 10.5220/0011681800003396
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2023), pages 175-179
ISBN: 978-989-758-627-9; ISSN: 2184-4372
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
chain, and distributors can maximize their profits by
offering these services to the chains that are most con-
venient for their customers to access.
The sDmSOP also has potential use in the well-
known school bus problem, in which the individuals
typically travel in clusters. Through the use of sDm-
SOP, the best route to pick up as many passengers
as possible from a given starting place can be deter-
This paper is categorized as follows: In section
2, We define and give a mathematical formulation of
the sDmSOP, the comparative results are discussed in
section 3, and section 4 contains the conclusion of the
The sDmSOP is a generalization of SOP (Set Orien-
teering problem), so first, we give a formal definition
of SOP.
The SOP can be formalized on an undirected com-
plete graph G(V, E) where V = {v
, ...., v
} is the set
of vertices and E = {e
i j
} is the set of edges, e
i j
fined as an edge between vertices v
and v
, moreover
a cost c
i j
0, is associated with each edge. The ver-
tices are partitioned into disjoint sets S = {s
, ...., s
such that their union contains all vertices of the graph.
The objective of the problem is to gain maximum
profit by visiting the possible number of sets within a
distance constraint B with the predefined starting and
ending depot. The profit from a set can be collected if
only one vertex of a set is visited by a traveler.
In this paper, we propose the single Depot mul-
tiple Set Orienteering Problem (sDmSOP), a general
variant of the SOP.
2.1 Mathematical Formulation
To represent an integer linear programming formula-
tion for sDmSOP, we use some notations, which are
given as follows:
Let v represent vertices and s represent sets
t : {1, ..., m} (the different salesman).
i, j : {1, ..., n} (the list of vertices).
Assume the depot at vertex 1.
Let c
i j
represent the edge weights.
Let P
represent the profit associated with a set S
Let B represent a Budget.
We can then construct an Integer Linear Program
(ILP) formulation using the decision variables:
ti j
: 1 if traveler t uses the edge (i, j) E and 0
: 1 if vertex i is visited by traveler t and 0 oth-
: 1 if any vertex in set q is visited by traveler t
and 0 otherwise.
i j
: flow variable for the Sub-tour Elimination
Constraints (SECs).
The proposed mathematical formulation of sDmSOP:
, (1)
subject to:
ti j
, y
, z
{0, 1}, (2)
ti j
i j
B, (3)
t1 j
= m =
t j1
, t, j, (4)
V −{v
ti j
= y
t j
t, j, (5)
V −{v
t ji
= y
t j
t, j, (6)
= z
t, q, (7)
1 q, (8)
0 u
i j
(n m)
ti j
, t, i, (9)
i j
, t, i | i ̸= j, i V {1}.
The objective function (1) maximizes collected
profits from the sets visited, constraints (2) define the
domain of the variables x
ti j
, y
, andz
. Constraint (3)
ensures that budget B is not exceeded. Constraint (4)
ensures that exactly m travelers start and end at depot
1. Equations (5) and (6) imply that the in-degree is
equal to the out-degree of a vertex except for the de-
pot. Constraint (7) ensures that a set S is visited by a
traveler t if any vertex in the set is visited and at most
one vertex can be visited per set. Constraint (8) im-
plies that no set can be visited by more than one trav-
elers while equations (9) and (10) are used to remove
the Sub-tours in the path. The Sub-tour Elimination
Constraints (SECs) are based on the Traveling Sales-
man Problem (TSP) model proposed by (Gavish and
ICORES 2023 - 12th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Table 1: Comparison with optimal solutions on small instances with w < 0.5
Instance n t Pg w Opt.
Sol. Time Gap (%)
11berlin52 52 2 g1 0.2 37 37 28.875 0.00
11berlin52 52 2 g1 0.3 43 43 51.046 0.00
11berlin52 52 2 g1 0.4 47 47 36.172 0.00
11berlin52 52 2 g2 0.2 1729 1729 36.188 0.00
11berlin52 52 2 g2 0.3 2090 2090 105.047 0.00
11berlin52 52 2 g2 0.4 2284 2284 96.828 0.00
11berlin52 52 3 g1 0.2 43 43 50.094 0.00
11berlin52 52 3 g1 0.3 48 48 8452.922 0.00
11berlin52 52 3 g1 0.4 51 51 1.578 0.00
11berlin52 52 3 g2 0.2 2090 2090 117.297 0.00
11berlin52 52 3 g2 0.3 2338 2338 627.5 0.00
11berlin52 52 3 g2 0.4 2508 2508 6.516 0.00
11eil51 51 2 g1 0.2 28 28 34.313 0.00
11eil51 51 2 g1 0.3 39 39 85.703 0.00
11eil51 51 2 g1 0.4 46 46 433.641 0.00
11eil51 51 2 g2 0.2 1376 1376 29.797 0.00
11eil51 51 2 g2 0.3 1911 1911 97.297 0.00
11eil51 51 2 g2 0.4 2272 2272 238.563 0.00
11eil51 51 3 g1 0.2 39 39 85.25 0.00
11eil51 51 3 g1 0.3 48 48 203.828 0.00
11eil51 51 3 g1 0.4 50 50 5.437 0.00
11eil51 51 3 g2 0.2 1911 1911 98.5 0.00
11eil51 51 3 g2 0.3 2421 2421 213.594 0.00
11eil51 51 3 g2 0.4 2475 2475 2.187 0.00
16eil76 76 2 g1 0.2 40 40 1909.547 0.00
16eil76 76 2 g1 0.3 59 59 3125.797 0.00
16eil76 76 2 g1 0.4 70 70 36372.547 0.00
16eil76 76 2 g2 0.2 2144 2144 10217.375 0.00
16eil76 76 2 g2 0.3 3090 3090 3397.734 0.00
16eil76 76 2 g2 0.4 3550 3550 43317.578 0.00
16eil76 76 3 g1 0.2 59 59 3089.171 0.00
16eil76 76 3 g1 0.3 72 72 1916444.594 0.00
16eil76 76 3 g1 0.4 75 75 8.468 0.00
16eil76 76 3 g2 0.2 3090 3090 3318.11 0.00
16eil76 76 3 g2 0.3 3632 3632 383533.094 0.00
16eil76 76 3 g2 0.4 3700 3700 52.172 0.00
Graves, 1978) and assessed for the Asymmetric Trav-
eling Salesman Problem by (
Oncan et al., 2009). In
the above ILP formulation equations (1)-(10) attempt
to find out the optimal path with maximization of the
profit using permutation of the sets and the vertices
which are to be visited in the specific set.
In this section, we simulate the mathematical model
using GAMS 37.1.0 on GTSP instances and give the
performance of comparative results using multiple
travelers. The simulation is done on the windows 10
platform with an i7-6400 CPU @3.4Ghz processor
with 32GB of RAM.
In section 3.1, we describe how the instances are
generated for sDmSOP, and the simulation results are
shown in section 3.2.
3.1 Test Instances
To analyze the comparative results of the above for-
mulation, the Generalized Traveling Salesman Prob-
lem (GTSP) instances suggested by (Noon, 1988) are
used. The branch and cut method proposed by (Fis-
The Single Depot Multiple Set Orienteering Problem
Table 2: Comparison with optimal solutions on medium instances with w < 0.5
Instance n t Pg w Best Possible Sol.
Sol. Time Gap (%)
21lin105 105 2 g1 0.2 82.817211 49 7200.828 40.83
21lin105 105 2 g1 0.4 104 84 7204.031 19.23
21lin105 105 3 g1 0.2 104 104 306.531 0.00
21lin105 105 3 g1 0.4 93 75 7200.812 19.35
30ch150 150 2 g1 0.2 94.106272 43 7201.218 54.3
30ch150 150 2 g1 0.4 139 110 7201.36 26.16
30ch150 150 3 g1 0.2 125.32 80 7201.687 36.16
30ch150 150 3 g1 0.4 149 140 7202.359 6.04
40d198 198 2 g1 0.2 162.32 50 7202.766 69.19
40d198 198 2 g1 0.4 197 169 7203.609 14.21
40d198 198 3 g1 0.2 197 130 7201.719 34.01
40d198 198 3 g1 0.4 19 171 7206.047 13.19
chetti et al., 1997) for the Symmetric Generalized
Traveling Salesman Problem was used for executing
the formulation. We modified the GTSP for the single
depots for the need of our formulation as follows:
1. Transfer the depot vertex from the non-depot set
to the depot set.
2. Sort the non-depot sets in ascending order of the
number of vertices in the set.
3. Iterate over the list, and if there is an empty set,
find the first vertex from a non-empty set with a
size greater than one and put it into the empty set
This algorithm generates sets that satisfy the con-
straints of our problem.
The profit is assigned to the sets using g
and g
schemes used by (P
cka et al., 2019). In the g
scheme, the profit of a set is equal to the number of
vertices. Whereas in the g
scheme for each vertex
numbered k, the profit assigned is (1 + 714 × k)mod
100, and the profit assigned to a set is the sum of prof-
its of the vertices in the set. In each case, the depot
set is assigned a profit of 0.
3.2 Computational Results
It is not feasible to solve the large instances of GTSP
using GAMS 37.1.0, so we put the following criteria
for Table 1 and Table 2 for the simulation:
1. Table 1: threads = 1 on small GTSP instances
2. Table 2: threads = 1 with two hours of CPU time
on large instances.
here threads=1 means the system is using only one
thread to solve the instance. Results are presented in
Table 1 and Table 2. The organization of Table 1 and
Table 2 are as follows: The first five columns rep-
resent the GTSP instance name, number of vertices
(n), number of travelers (t), the rule to generate the
profit (P
) and the value of w. Budget (B) is calcu-
lated as w × t × T
, where T
is the solution of
the GTSP instance, Opt. column represents the best
possible solution given by GAMS, and the last three
columns represent the solution, time, and relative gap
for ILP respectively. There is no CPU time restriction
for Table 1; we run all the instances of table 1 till we
find the optimal solution, while each instance of Ta-
ble 2 is run for two hours because if we try to solve
the large instances till we find the optimal solution,
GAMS does run out of memory. Only one instance
of 21lin105 is solved optimally with three travelers
by GAMS in 306.531 seconds. The results presented
in Table 1 and Table 2 show that the service provider
gets the better profit for multiple travelers for the same
In this paper, we introduced a new variant of the
Set Orienteering Problem, which has a single depot
and multiple travelers with all the travelers associated
with that particular depot; the objective of this prob-
lem is to gain maximum profit out of mutually ex-
clusive sets by using multiple travelers with a fixed
starting and ending depot within a fixed budget B. A
fixed profit is associated with each cluster, calculated
using two rules named g
and g
, and the profit can
only be gained if any traveler visits exactly one node
of a set. The sDmSOP is an extension of the single
depot multiple traveling salesman problem; it has an
application in the supply chain, where a distributor
has one service point from which the distributor can
supply the products to the retailers and can gain the
maximum profit out of it while giving a better price
of the product to the retailers within a given budget.
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The Single Depot Multiple Set Orienteering Problem