(a) Approach part
(b) Grasp
(c) Pick up
(d) Insert
Figure 9: State of object assembled by robot. (a) Robot
approaches the grasping point estimated by the proposed
method. (b) The part is grasped by the robot. (c) Robot
pick up the part. (d) The robot inserts the carried parts into
the shaft.
a “function” such as “to be grasped” or “to be assem-
bled with other parts” for each region. We defined a
novel idea of functional labels and their consistency in
industrial parts. Functional consistency is used in the
proposed method as a cue, robot motion parameters
are estimated on the basis of relationship between pa-
rameters and functions. In an experiment using con-
necting rods, the average success rate was 81.5%. The
effectiveness of the proposed method was confirmed
from the ablation studies and comparison with related
work. The proposed method has a higher success rate
than methods that do not use function and functional
consistency, these are especially important concepts.
In future work, we will propose a method for estimat-
ing grasping points for parts that are easy to assemble
from a bin scene.
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