number of selected pixels. Figure 11 shows that pro-
posed method 1 achieved reliable matching in almost
the same processing time as the CPTM and CoP-
TM methods. Figure 10 and 11 show that proposed
method 1 achieves the same performance as YOLOv5
despite its short off-line processing time (3 [sec]),
with a processing time of 58 [msec] and a recognition
success rate of 94%, while YOLOv5, a comparative
learning-based method, had a processing time of 55
[msec] and a recognition success rate of 91%. The re-
sults of proposed method 2, shown in Figure 10, con-
firm that preferentially selecting pixels that are robust
to similar objects is effective in improving the recog-
nition rate.
In this study, we proposed fast image matching
method that uses only effective pixels for matching on
the basis of two measures from color and grayscale
images. Experiments using 100 real images showed
that when approximately 0.5% (68 pixels) of the
117 × 117 template image was used, the recognition
success rate was 80% and the processing time was 5.9
msec. When 5.0% (648 pixels) was used, the success
rate was 98% and the processing time was 80 msec,
confirming that both high speed and high reliability
are possible. The recognition rate of proposed method
decreases in the presence of disturbances such as ro-
tation, illumination change, and shading. We would
like to improve the method by adding images that in-
clude highlights and illumination changes to the pos-
itive samples and by improving the pixel selection al-
gorithm. In addition, since we used our own datasets
for this experiment, we would like to experiment with
public datasets(Wu et al., 2013) in the future.
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VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications