deep learning approaches, and demonstrated that al-
though deep learning can produce superior perfor-
mance when provided with a large volume of data,
statistical algorithms such as ITAD can perform much
better and thus be preferred for small datasets. We ac-
curately replicated TypeNet on the Aalto desktop and
mobile datasets, achieving 0.93% and 6.77% EERs
respectively. Applying statistical algorithms on the
same datasets, we achieved EERs of 12.25% and
20.74% respectively. However, on a much smaller
dataset (the CU mobile), statistical algorithms sig-
nificantly outperform deep learning (4.3% and 1.3%
EERs for Scaled Manhattan and ITAD vs 19.18%
EER for TypeNet). Hence, when working with small
datasets, statistical algorithms remain the state-of-the-
art. Furthermore, the deep learning approach is still a
grey box and additional work is required to further ex-
plain its inner working (i.e., explainable AI), whereas
the statistical algorithms are clear and easy to under-
stand as they are based on statistical concepts, such as
mean, variance, and percentile.
Future work will be directed at quantifying the
size of a small dataset that should not be considered
for deep learning approach. We will also apply both
approaches on other public datasets, e.g., (Murphy
et al., 2017), (Sun et al., 2016). To further improve
performance, we will train the deep learning approach
with “semi-hard triplets” and “hard triplets” (Schroff
et al., 2015), and implement a weighted score fusion
for the ITAD metric. In addition to dataset sizes,
the nature/settings under which the datasets were col-
lected (e.g., typing behavior and/or content typed) can
also have an impact on performance. We plan to fur-
ther study these in future.
This work was supported by US NSF award TI-
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ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods