and world representation model can be easily ex-
tended to a more complex setup in size of the network
and action space, the scalability and computational
feasibility of such extensions have yet to be evaluated.
Therefore, the natural direction for future research
is to expand our approach towards larger environ-
ments, which will require subsequent scalability test-
ing due to those complex setups. We also plan to in-
corporate other types of cyber attacks into Mitre tax-
onomy and model the defender as a rational entity
with its own set of actions in the interaction. In ad-
dition, we plan to test the performance of our agent in
a simulated environment.
Along with increasing the environmental com-
plexity, the problem of more complex goals for the
attacker is also in the pipeline resulting in the need
for more reconnaissance from the agent.
The authors acknowledge support from the Re-
search Center for Informatics (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/
16 019/0000765) and Strategic Support for the De-
velopment of Security Research in the Czech Repub-
lic 2019–2025 (IMPAKT 1) program, by the Min-
istry of the Interior of the Czech Republic under No.
VJ02010020 – AI-Dojo: Multi-agent testbed for the
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Catch Me if You Can: Improving Adversaries in Cyber-Security with Q-Learning Algorithms