in Fig. 3, the artefacts generated in this phase are
the OPC UA type and instance models that could
be used directly for code generation.
4. Model Validation. The processes in this phase
should be executed in parallel with the previous
model creation phase. This phase involves vali-
dating the developed type model(s) first and then
validating the instance model(s). Model validation
includes a check for semantic as well as syntactic
validation based on the OPC UA specification. An
example of semantic validation could be check-
ing if all the variables and methods in the address
space are part of either an ObjectType, Object, or
VariableType. Syntactic validation will check if
the serialized model follows the notations defined
by the OPC UA standard (e.g. nodeset schema
from the OPC Foundation).
5. Code Generation. In the last phase of the model
development process, code can be generated di-
rectly from the developed type and instance mod-
els using certain code generation tools. The type
libraries could be generated first from the type
models which can be reused in different applica-
tions. The OPC UA server address space code is
specific to the application domain and can be inte-
grated directly into the OPC UA application. The
code generation process will depend on the choice
of the programming language of the end-user.
To summarize, this position paper provides a de-
tailed analysis of the OPC UA information mod-
elling paradigm and based on the analysis, a generic
model development methodology is provided along
with detailed descriptions of individual steps. For the
OPC UA model creation process, flowcharts are pro-
vided as guidelines for creating custom types and in-
stances. The methodology is generic and therefore
applicable to any existing model development tech-
niques. In the methodology, the development of a set
of technology-agnostic intermediary system model(s)
to describe the different characteristics of the system
is proposed. These system model(s) could be compa-
rable to the PIMs from the MDA concept or domain
models of domain-driven design. Future work in this
direction would be to investigate and develop mech-
anisms to generate the structural and behavioural as-
pects of system model(s). Apart from that, a survey
of suitable modelling languages for the implementa-
tion of system model(s) is also necessary. Apart from
that, a mapping of concepts from the generic system
model(s) to the OPC UA model is necessary for the
auto-generation of address space. To achieve that, a
meta-model for the CPPS domain should be devel-
oped first. This could be a topic for research as cur-
rently there exists no abstract meta-model for mod-
elling entities in CPPS. Regarding system analysis
and knowledge translation, a framework can be de-
veloped which can automate the analysis and model
generation process. The architecture, as well as the
functionality of this framework, could also be consid-
ered as a future work of this paper.
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A Modelling Methodology for Developing an Information Model for Cyber-Physical Production Systems using OPC UA