An End-to-End Multi-Task Learning Model for Image-based Table
Nam Tuan Ly
and Atsuhiro Takasu
National Institute of Informatics (NII), Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: Table Recognition, End-to-End, Multi-Task Learning, Self-Attention.
Abstract: Image-based table recognition is a challenging task due to the diversity of table styles and the complexity of
table structures. Most of the previous methods focus on a non-end-to-end approach which divides the problem
into two separate sub-problems: table structure recognition; and cell-content recognition and then attempts to
solve each sub-problem independently using two separate systems. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end
multi-task learning model for image-based table recognition. The proposed model consists of one shared
encoder, one shared decoder, and three separate decoders which are used for learning three sub-tasks of table
recognition: table structure recognition, cell detection, and cell-content recognition. The whole system can be
easily trained and inferred in an end-to-end approach. In the experiments, we evaluate the performance of the
proposed model on two large-scale datasets: FinTabNet and PubTabNet. The experiment results show that
the proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in all benchmark datasets.
The tabular format is one of the rich-information
formats and is widely used in communication,
research, and data analysis. Tables commonly appear
in research papers, books, handwritten notes,
invoices, financial documents, and many other places.
Thus, table understanding becomes one of the
essential techniques in document analysis systems
and attracts the attention of numerous researchers.
Image-based table recognition is the key step of
table understanding which refers to the representation
of a table image in a machine-readable format, where
its structure and the content within each cell are
encoded according to a pre-defined standard (Zhong
et al., 2020). The machine-readable format can be
HTML code (Jimeno Yepes et al., 2021; Li et al.,
2019; Zhong et al., 2020) or LaTeX code (Deng et al.,
2019; Kayal et al., 2021). The choice of the machine-
readable format is ultimately not very important,
since one can be transformed into the other. Image-
based table recognition is a challenging task due to
the diversity of table styles and the complexity of
table structures. In the past few decades, many table
recognition methods have been proposed and can be
divided into two categories: end-to-end methods and
non-end-to-end methods. Most of the previous works
(Nassar et al., 2022; Qiao et al., 2021; Ye et al., 2021)
focus on non-end-to-end approaches which divide the
problem into two separate sub-problems: table
structure recognition; and cell-content recognition,
and then attempt to solve each sub-problem
independently using two separate systems. On the
other hand, the end-to-end approach attempts to solve
the problem using a single model (specifically a Deep
Neural Network) and achieves state-of-the-art results
on many tasks such as machine translation (Vaswani
et al., 2017), speech recognition (Bahdanau et al.,
2016), and text recognition (Lu et al., 2021; Ly et al.,
2021). However, to the best of our knowledge, there
are few studies (Deng et al., 2019; Zhong et al., 2020)
on the end-to-end approach to table recognition and
their performance is mediocre compared to the non-
end-to-end methods.
In this paper, we formulate the problem of table
recognition as a multi-task learning problem, which
requires the model to be jointly learned in three sub-
tasks of table recognition. To address this problem,
we propose a novel end-to-end multi-task learning
model which consists of one shared encoder, one
Ly, N. and Takasu, A.
An End-to-End Multi-Task Learning Model for Image-based Table Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0011685000003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theor y and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
shared decoder, and three separate decoders for three
sub-tasks of table recognition: table structure
recognition, cell detection, and cell-content
recognition. The model takes an input table image and
produces the table structure information, location of
table cells, and contents of table cells, which can be
easily transformed into the HTML code (or LaTeX
code) representing the table. The shared components
are repeatedly trained from the gradients received
from three sub-tasks while each of three separate
decoders is trained from the gradients of its task. The
whole system can be easily trained and inferred in an
end-to-end approach.
We have evaluated the performance of our model
on the PubTabNet (Zhong et al., 2020) and
FinTabNet (Zheng et al., 2021) datasets,
demonstrating that our model outperforms state-of-
the-art methods in both table structure recognition
and table recognition. We further evaluated our
model on the final evaluation set of Task-B in the
ICDAR 2021 competition on scientific literature
parsing (Jimeno Yepes et al., 2021) (ICDAR 2021
competition in short), demonstrating that our model
achieves competitive results when compared to the
top three solutions. The code will be publicly released
to GitHub.
In summary, the main contributions of this paper
are as follows:
We present a novel end-to-end multi-task
learning model for image-based table
recognition. The proposed model can be easily
trained and inferred in an end-to-end approach.
Across all benchmark datasets, the proposed
model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.
Although we used neither any additional training
data nor ensemble techniques, our model
achieves competitive results when compared to
top three solutions in ICDAR2021 competition.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In
Sec.2, we give a brief overview of the related works.
In Sec. 3, we introduce the overview of the proposed
model. In Sec. 4, we report the experimental details
and results. Finally, we draw conclusions in Sec. 5.
Table understanding in unstructured documents can
be defined in three steps: 1) table detection: detecting
the bounding boxes of tables in documents (Casado-
García et al., 2020; Huang et al., 2019); 2) table
structure recognition: recognizing the structural
information of tables (Itonori, 1993; Kieninger, 1998;
Wang et al., 2004); 3) table recognition: recognizing
both the structural information and the content within
each cell of tables (Deng et al., 2019; Ye et al., 2021;
Zhong et al., 2020). We will briefly survey table
structure recognition, and then table recognition.
Table Structure Recognition can be considered
the first step of table recognition and has been studied
by researchers around the world for the past few
decades. Early works of table structure recognition
are based on hand-crafted features and heuristic rules
(Itonori, 1993; Kieninger, 1998; Wang et al., 2004).
These methods are mostly applied to a simple
structure or pre-defined data formats. In recent years,
inspired by the success of deep learning in various
tasks, especially object detection and semantic
segmentation, many deep learning-based methods
(Raja et al., 2020; Schreiber et al., 2017) have been
presented to recognize table structures. S. Schreiber
et al. (Schreiber et al., 2017) proposed a two-fold
system named DeepDeSRT that applies Faster RCNN
(Ren et al., 2015) and FCN(Long et al., 2015) for both
table detection and row/column segmentation. Sachin
et al. (Raja et al., 2020) presented a table structure
recognizer named TabStruct-Net that combines cell
detection and interaction modules to localize the cells
and predicts their row and column associations with
other detected cells. Structural constraints are
incorporated as additional differential components to
the loss function for cell detection. Recently, graph
neural networks are also used for table structure
recognition by encoding document images as graphs
(Qasim et al., 2019).
Table Recognition: Most of the previous works
of table recognition (Nassar et al., 2022; Qiao et al.,
2021; Ye et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2022) focus on
non-end-to-end approaches which divide the problem
into two separate sub-problems: table structure
recognition; and cell-content recognition, and then
attempt to solve each sub-problem independently
using two separate systems. J. Ye et al. (Ye et al.,
2021) proposed a Transformer-based model named
TableMASTER for table structure recognition and
combined it with a text line detector to detect text
lines in each table cell. Finally, they employed a text
line recognizer based on (Lu et al., 2021) to recognize
each text line. Their system achieved second place in
ICDAR2021 competition. A. Nassar et al. (Nassar et
al., 2022) proposed a Transformer-based model
named TableFormer for recognizing both table
structure and the bounding box of each table cell and
then using these bounding boxes to extract the cell
contents from the PDF to build the whole table
recognition system. Z. Zhang et al. (Zhang et al.,
2022) proposed a table structure recognizer, Split,
Embed, and Merge (SEM) for recognizing the table
An End-to-End Multi-Task Learning Model for Image-based Table Recognition
Figure 1: The overview of the proposed model.
structure. Then, they combined SEM with an
attention-based text recognizer to build the table
recognizer and achieved third place in the
ICDAR2021 competition.
Recently, due to the rapid development of deep
learning and the increase in the tabular data, some
works (Deng et al., 2019; Zhong et al., 2020) try to
focus on end-to-end approaches. However, their
performance is still mediocre compared to the non-
end-to-end methods. Y. Deng et al. (Deng et al.,
2019) formulated table recognition as the image to
latex problem and employed IM2TEX (Deng et al.,
2016) model for table recognition. X. Zhong et al
(Zhong et al., 2020) proposed an encoder-dual-
decoder (EDD) model for recognizing both table
structure and content of each cell. They also
publicized a table recognition dataset PubTabNet to
the community.
In 2021, IBM Research in conjunction with IEEE
ICDAR held ICDAR2021 competition on scientific
literature parsing (Jimeno Yepes et al., 2021)
(ICDAR2021 competition in short). The competition
consists of two tasks: Task A - Document layout
recognition which identifies the position and category
of document layout elements, including title, text,
figure, table, and list; and Task B - Table recognition
which converts table images into HTML code. For
Task B, there are 30 submissions from 30 teams for
the Final Evaluation Phase and most of the top 10
systems are non-end-to-end approaches and employ
ensemble techniques to improve their performance.
The proposed model consists of one shared encoder,
one shared decoder, and three separate decoders for
three sub-tasks of the table recognition problem as
shown in Fig. 1. The shared encoder encodes the input
table image as a sequence of features. The sequence
of features is passed to the shared decoder and then
the structure decoder to predict a sequence of HTML
tags that represent the structure of the table. When the
structure decoder produces the HTML tag
representing a new cell (‘<td>’ or ‘<td …’), the
output of the shared decoder corresponding to that
cell and the output of the shared encoder are passed
into the cell-bbox decoder and the cell-content
decoder to predict the bounding box coordinates and
the text content of that cell. Finally, the text contents
of cells are inserted into the HTML structure tags
corresponding to their cells to produce the final
HTML code of the input table image. Fig. 2 shows the
detail of the five components in our model. We
describe the detail of each component in the
following sections.
3.1 Shared Encoder
In this work, we use a CNN backbone network as the
feature extractor followed by a positional encoding
layer to build the shared encoder. The feature
extractor extracts visual features from an input table
image of the size {h, w, c} (c is the color channel),
resulting in a feature grid F of the size {h’, w’, k} (k
is the number of the feature maps). Then the feature
grid F is unfolded into a sequence of features (column
by column from left to right in each feature map)
before being fed into the positional encoding layer to
get the encoded sequence of features. The encoded
sequence of features will be fed into the shared
decoder and three separate decoders.
3.2 Shared Decoder
The architecture of all decoders in our model
is inspired by the original Transformer decoder
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Network architecture of the proposed model.
(Vaswani et al., 2017) which is composed of a stack
of N identical Transformer decoder layers where N
can be a hyperparameter. Each identical Transformer
decoder layer (identical layer in short) has three sub-
layers: a multi-head self-attention mechanism; a
masked multi-head self-attention mechanism; and a
position-wise fully connected feed-forward network,
and helps the decoders focus on appropriate places in
the input table image.
At the top of the shared encoder, the shared
decoder is composed of a stack of N=2 identical
layers. As shown in Fig.2, the output of the shared
encoder is fed into the multi-head self-attention
mechanism of each identical layer as the value and
key vectors. During training, the right-shifted
sequence of target HTML tags (structural tokens) of
the table structure (after passing through the
embedded layer and the positional encoding layer) is
passed into the bottom of the shared decoder as the
query vector. In the inference stage, the right-shifted
sequence of target HTML tags is replaced by the
right-shifted sequence of HTML tags outputted by the
structure decoder. Finally, the outputs of the shared
decoder will be fed into the three separate decoders to
predict three sub-tasks of the table recognition
3.3 Structure Decoder
At the top of the shared decoder, the structure decoder
uses the outputs of the shared decoder and the outputs
of the shared encoder to predict a sequence of HTML
tags of the table structure. Inspired by the works in
(Zhong et al., 2020), the HTML tags of the table
structure are tokenized at the HTML tag level except
for the tag of a cell. In our model, the form of
‘<td></td>’ is treated as one token class. Note that
this can largely reduce the length of the sequence. We
also break down the tag of the spanning cells into
‘<td’, ‘rowspan=’ or ‘colspan=’, with the number of
spanning cells, and ‘>’. Thus, the structural token of
‘<td></td>’ or ‘<td’ represents a new table cell. As
shown in Fig. 2, the structure decoder is composed of
one identical layer followed by a linear layer and a
softmax layer. The identical layer takes the outputs of
the shared decoder as the query vector input and the
outputs of the shared encoder as the key and value
vector inputs. The output of the identical layer is fed
into the linear layer, and then the softmax layer to
generate the sequence of structural tokens.
3.4 Cell-BBox Decoder
When the structure decoder generates a structural
token representing a new cell (‘<td></td>’ or ‘<td’),
the cell-bbox decoder is triggered and uses the output
of the shared decoder corresponding to this cell to
predict the bounding box coordinates of this cell.
As shown in Fig. 2, we use one identical layer
followed by a linear layer and a sigmoid layer to build
the cell-bbox decoder. The identical layer takes the
output of the shared decoder and the output of the
shared encoder as the input and learns to focus on
appropriate places in the input image. The output of
the identical layer is fed into the linear layer and then
the sigmoid layer to predict the four coordinates of
the cell bounding box.
3.5 Cell-Content Decoder
Similar to the cell-bbox decoder, the cell-content
decoder selects the outputs of the shared decoder
referring to the structural tokens representing a new
cell (‘<td></td>’ or ‘<td’) and uses them to recognize
the text contents of cells. The cell-content decoder in
the proposed model can be considered a text
recognizer and the text output are tokenized at the
character level. In this work, we use one identical
layer followed by a linear layer and a softmax layer
to build the cell-content decoder as shown in Fig. 2.
The output of the shared encoder are fed into the
An End-to-End Multi-Task Learning Model for Image-based Table Recognition
identical layer as the input value and key vectors.
During training, the right-shifted target of the cell
content (the right-shifted output of the cell-content
decoder in the testing phase) is passed through the
embedded and the positional encoding layers and then
added to the output of the shared decoder before being
fed into the identical layer as the query vector.
Finally, the output of the identical layer is fed into the
linear layer and then the softmax layer to generate the
cell content.
3.6 Network Training
In our model, the shared components are repeatedly
trained from the gradients received from three sub-
tasks while each of three separate decoders is trained
from the gradients obtained from its task. The whole
system can be trained end-to-end on pairs of table
images and their annotations of the table structure, the
text content, and its bounding box per non-empty
table cell by stochastic gradient descent algorithms.
The overall loss of our model is defined as the
are the table structure
recognition loss and the cell-content prediction loss,
respectively that are implemented in Cross-Entropy
is the cell-bbox regression loss which is
optimized by L1 loss. 𝜆
, 𝜆
, and
are weight
To evaluate the performance of the proposed model,
we conducted experiments on two datasets:
FinTabNet (Zheng et al., 2021) and PubTabNet
(Zhong et al., 2020). The information of the datasets
is given in Sec 4.1. The implementation details are
described in Sect. 4.2; the experimental results are
presented in Sect. 4.3; and the visualization results are
shown in Sect. 4.4.
4.1 Datasets
In this paper, we conduct the experiments on the
following two large-scale datasets that contain the
annotations of both the structure of the table and the
text content with the position of each non-empty table
PubTabNet (Zhong et al., 2020) is a large-scale
table image dataset that contains over 568k samples
with their corresponding annotations of the table
structure presented in HTML format, the text content,
and its bounding box per non-empty table cell. This
dataset is created by collecting scientific articles from
PubMed Central Open Access Subset (PMCOA). The
dataset is used in the ICDAR2021 competition
(Jimeno Yepes et al., 2021) and divided into 500,777
training samples and 9,115 validation samples in the
development phase, and 9,064 final evaluation
samples in the Final Evaluation Phase.
FinTabNet is another large-scale table image
dataset published by X. Zheng et al. (Zheng et al.,
2021). The dataset is composed of complex tables
from the annual reports of the S&P 500 companies
with detailed annotations of the table structure and
table cell information like the PubTabNet dataset.
This dataset consists of 112k table images which are
divided into training, testing, and validation sets with
a ratio of 81% : 9.5% : 9.5%.
4.2 Implementation Details
We use the ResNet-31 network (He et al., 2016) to
build the CNN backbone in our model. To enable the
CNN backbone network to model the global context
from the input image, we add the Multi-Aspect
Global Context Attention (GCAttention) proposed by
Ning Lu et. al. (Lu et al., 2021) after each residual
block of the ResNet-31 network. All images are
resized to 480*480 pixels and the feature map
outputted from the CNN backbone has a dimension
of 60*60.
At the decoders, all identical layers have the same
architecture with the input feature size of 512, the
feed-forward network size of 2048, and 8 attention
heads. The maximum length of a sequence of
structural tokens in the structure decoder is 500 and
the maximum length of a sequence of cell tokens in
the cell-content decoder is 150. We empirically set all
weight hyperparameters as 𝜆
Our model is implemented with Pytorch and the
MMCV library (MMCV Contributors, 2018). The
model is trained on two NVIDIA A100 80G with a
batch size of 4 in each GPU. The initializing learning
rate is 0.001 for the first 12 epochs. Afterward, we
reduce the learning to 0.0001 and train for 8 more
epochs or convergence.
4.3 Experimental Results
To evaluate the performance of the proposed model,
we employ the Tree-Edit-Distance-Based Similarity
(TEDS) metric as defined in (Zhong et al., 2020). We
also denote TEDS-struc. as the TEDS score between
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
two tables when considering only the table structure
4.3.1 Table Structure Recognition
First, we conducted experiments to verify the
effectiveness of the proposed model for recognizing
the table structure. Table 1 compares the table
structure recognition performance (TEDS-struc.
scores) of the proposed model and the previous table
structure recognition methods on PubTabNet and
FinTabNet datasets.
As shown in Table 1, our model achieves superior
performance on all benchmark datasets compared to
the state-of-the-art models. Specifically, with TEDS-
struc. of 98.79% on the FinTabNet dataset, our model
improves TableFormer (Nassar et al., 2022) by 2%
and other methods by more than 7.7%, and even GTE
(FT) (Zheng et al., 2021) is pretrained in the
PubTabNet dataset. On the PubTabNet dataset, our
model achieved TEDS-struc. of 97.88% which again
improves TableFormer and LGPMA (Qiao et al.,
2021) by about 1.1% and other methods by more
than 4.87%. Note that LGPMA requires additional
Table 1: Table structure recognition results on PubTabNet
validation set (PTN) and FinTabNet (FTN).
Dataset Model
TEDS-struc. (%)
Sim. Com. All
EDD (Zhong et
al., 2020)
88.40 92.08 90.60
GTE (Zheng et
al., 2021)
- - 87.14
et al., 2021)
- - 91.02
(Nassar et al.,
97.50 96.00 96.80
Our Model 99.07 98.46 98.79
EDD (Zhong et
al., 2020)
91.10 88.70 89.90
GTE (Zheng et
al., 2021)
- - 93.01
et al., 2021)
- - 96.70
(Nassar et al.,
98.50 95.00 96.75
Our Model 99.05 96.66 97.88
Sim. (Simple): Tables without multi-column or multi-row cells.
Com. (Complex): Tables with multi-column or multi-row cells.
(FT) Model was trained on PubTabNet and then finetuned.
annotation information for training. The proposed
model also achieves state-of-the-art accuracies on
complex tables (tables with multi-column or multi-
row cells) of both datasets.
Cell Detection: Like any object detection model,
the cell-bbox decoder produces the bounding boxes
of the cells which can be evaluated by the PASCAL
VOC mAP metric. Table 2 shows the mAP of the
proposed model in comparison with the previous
works in (Nassar et al., 2022) on the PubTabNet
dataset. Our model achieves the state-of-the-art
results and significantly improves TableFormer and
EDD + BBox by more than 6.8%. Even without post-
processing, the proposed model slightly outperforms
TableFormer + PP which uses the information of the
cell bounding boxes from the PDF document in post-
Table 2: Cell detection results on PubTabNet validation set.
PP: Post-processing.
Model mAP (%)
EDD + BBox 79.20
TableFormer 82.10
EDD + BBox + PP 82.70
TableFormer + PP 86.80
Our Model 88.93
4.3.2 Results of Table Recognition
In this experiment, we evaluate the performance of
the proposed model in the table recognition problem
which recognizes both the structure of the table and
the content within each cell. Table 3 shows table
recognition results of the proposed model in
comparison with the previous table recognition
methods on the PubTabNet dataset. Our model
outperforms all the previous methods without
ensemble techniques. Specifically, our model
achieved TEDS of 96.67% which improves
VCGoup’s solution (Ye et al., 2021) by 0.41%,
LGPMA + OCR (Qiao et al., 2021) by 2%, and others
by more than 3%. Note that VCGoup’s solution, and
SEM (Zhang et al., 2022) are the 2nd ranking, and 3rd
ranking solutions in ICDAR2021 competition.
LGPMA (Qiao et al., 2021) is the table structure
recognizer component in the 1st ranking solution in
ICDAR2021 competition. All other methods except
EDD (Zhong et al., 2020) are non-end-to-end
approach and the methods in (Qiao et al., 2021; Ye et
al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2022) requires additional
annotation information for training.
An End-to-End Multi-Task Learning Model for Image-based Table Recognition
Table 3: Table recognition results on PubTabNet validation
TEDS (%)
Sim. Com. All
EDD (Zhong et al., 2020) 91.20 85.40 88.30
TabStruct-Net (Raja et al.,
- - 90.10
GTE (Zheng et al., 2021) - - 93.00
TableFormer (Nassar et al.,
95.40 90.10 93.60
(Zhang et al.,
94.80 92.50 93.70
et al., 2021)
- - 94.60
(Ye et al.,
- - 96.26
Our Model 97.92 95.36 96.67
VCGoup + ME
(Ye et
al., 2021)
- - 96.84
(1)(2)(3) are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ranking solutions in ICDAR2021 competition.
ME: Model Ensemble.
Without ensemble technique as well as additional
annotation information, however, our model achieves
the competitive results when compared to VCGoup’s
solution + ME in (Ye et al., 2021) which requires
annotations of text-line bounding boxes of cell
contents in table images and employs three model
ensembles in the table structure recognition and three
model ensembles in the text line recognition.
We also evaluate our model on the final
evaluation set of the PubTabNet dataset which is used
for the Final Evaluation Phase in ICDAR2021
competition. Table 4 compares TEDS scores by our
model and the top 10 solutions in ICDAR2021
competition (Jimeno Yepes et al., 2021). Although
we used neither any additional training data nor
ensemble techniques, our model outperforms the 4th
ranking solution named YG and achieves competitive
results when compared to the top three solutions in
the final evaluation set of Task-B in the ICDAR 2021
competition. Furthermore, the proposed model
achieves a similar TEDS score on complex tables
with the 2nd ranking solution named VCGroup. Note
that the 1st ranking solution is a non-end-to-end
approach which employs LGPMA (Qiao et al., 2021)
to recognize the structure of the table and then uses
attention-based text recognizer to provide the OCR
information of the table cells. They also adopt multi-
scale ensemble strategy to further improve the
performance. The other 9 solutions also are non-end-
to-end approaches and most of them use additional
data for training as well as ensemble methods.
Table 4: Table recognition results on PubTabNet final
evaluation set.
Team Name
TEDS (%)
Simp. Comp. All
Davar-Lab-OCR 97.88 94.78 96.36
VCGroup 97.90 94.68 96.32
XM 97.60 94.89 96.27
Our Model 97.60 94.68 96.17
YG 97.38 94.79 96.11
DBJ 97.39 93.87 95.66
TAL 97.30 93.93 95.65
PaodingAI 97.35 93.79 95.61
anyone 96.95 93.43 95.23
LTIAYN 97.18 92.40 94.84
4.4 Visualization Results
In this section, we show some visualization results of
the proposed model on the PubTabNet dataset. As
shown in Fig. 3, the left image is the original image
with detected bounding boxes of table cells, and the
right image is the predicted HTML code of the table
view on the web browser. As it is shown, our model
is able to predict complex table structure as well as
bounding boxes and contents for all table cells, even
for the empty cells or cells that cross span multiple
In this paper, we formulate the problem of table
recognition as a multi-task learning problem and
propose a novel end-to-end multi-task learning model
which consists of one shared encoder, one shared
decoder, and three separate decoders for three sub-
tasks of table recognition: table structure recognition,
cell detection, and cell-content recognition. The
shared components are repeatedly trained from the
gradients received from three sub-tasks while each of
three separate decoders is trained from the gradients
of its task. Extensive experiments on two large-scale
datasets demonstrate our model achieved state-of-
the-art accuracies in both table structure recognition
and table recognition. Although we used neither any
additional training data nor ensemble techniques, our
model outperforms the 4th ranking solution and
achieves competitive results when compared to the
top three solutions in ICDAR 2021 competition.
In the future, we will conduct experiments of the
proposed model on the table image datasets of other
languages. We also plan to incorporate language
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Visualization results on PubTabNet.
models into the structure decoder as well as the cell-
content decoder to improve the performance of the
proposed model.
This work was supported by the Cross-ministerial
Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP)
Second Phase and “Big-data and AI-enabled
Cyberspace Technologies” by New Energy and
Industrial Technology Development Organization
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