possible to notice that the throughput gets proportion-
ally smaller with increased users. It starts at about 11
times bigger than the number of users, counting down
to a little below one time.
Still, in Table 1, it is not shown that the error per-
centage is 0% in the first three entries. While in the
fourth, it reaches 12.39%. This fact shows that be-
tween 100 and 500 simultaneous users, there is a mo-
ment (probably close to the 250) when the server can-
not keep up with the requests. It is also perceptible
that the throughput has reached a threshold.
On the upside, that auditing system was developed
in a factory with few employees. Besides that, the PCs
would not all be used simultaneously through most of
the expedient. From these circumstances, it is possi-
ble to conclude that this microservice will be able to
show its best performance most of the time.
This paper presented a pharmaceutical audit trail
blockchain-based microservice intending to store all
pharmaceutical system operations with integrity, se-
curity, and traceability besides facilitating the au-
dit process. Using this proposed microservice, any
pharmaceutical system can automatically register and
share its operations within a blockchain. This in-
formation sharing can facilitate the audit process
by the competent bodies and prevent possible fraud
by ensuring the immutability of data stored on the
Moreover, we presented a case study involving
two systems related to medicine production (SigNu-
plam and OPDigital) and two supervision systems
(ANVISA and the Ministry of Health). This scenario
was used to evaluate the proposed solution through
load testing. In this test, an increasing number of si-
multaneous users was simulated, making requests in
the system that should be registered in the blockchain
through the proposed solution.
From the results, it is perceptible that the audit
trail microservice can handle at least 100 to 200 si-
multaneous users without any data loss and with good
throughput. Therefore, it can be used in small or
medium-sized companies with around that amount of
simultaneous users.
In future works, the search for specific informa-
tion within the blockchain must be analyzed, consid-
ering the performance (time required), since the infor-
mation is stored in a chained and chronological way
and tends to increase over time. Another factor to
consider is the readability of the audit trail during the
audit process.
This work is supported by the Nuplam
and Smart
Metropolis Lab
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Pharmaceutical Audit Trail Blockchain-Based Microservice