Imaging System Front-End at 202GHz Using LO/RF Isolation of
Harmonic Mixer for Illumination
Abdorreza Torabi
School of Engineering Science, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Millimeter-Wave Imaging, Harmonic Mixer, LO/RF Isolation, Horn Antenna, Cassegrain Mirror, Field of
View, Concealed Object.
Abstract: A millimeter-wave imaging system front-end at 202 GHz is developed and presented. To have more compact
and economical transceiver and also due to the finite isolation between the LO and RF ports, a commercial
harmonic mixer acts both as receiver and transmitter. To improve the performance as well as imaging quality
an optomechanical system with ray optics designed configuration of mirrors is presented. Results of the 202
GHz imager for stand-off detection at 2.5m are illustrated.
Active radio frequency imaging is utilized in two
main applications; radar cross section (RCS) and
concealed target objects detection. In RCS the wave
reflectivity of desired target is considered, while in
imaging applications of detection, the target objects
are obscured by one or more barriers which are not
transparent (Collins, et al. 1995). Active millimeter
wave (mm-wave) imaging typically points to
frequency range of 30GHz-300GHz (may also
includes lower microwave frequencies (Collins, et al.
1995, Huguenin, et al. 1993, Sheen, et al. 2001,
Sheen, et al. 2010)) is a topic of research interest due
to facts that X-ray or other ionizing radiation imaging
vehicles turns to be inconvenient, unsafe or
ineffective in some practical situations.
Active mm-wave imaging systems are capable of
penetrating common clothing and form an image of
concealed targets like weapons (Appleby and
Anderton, 2007) as well as a person's body.
Moreover, relatively short wavelength of these
systems, high resolution images can be achieved.
Several commercial mm-wave imaging systems have
been presented (TS4 and TS5 by Thruvision, Gen2 by
Brijot). Recent effort lies in developing cost effective
compact and robust systems to be used in the field of
such as airports (García-Rial, et al. 2019).
Cold sky radiation is the main source of contrast
for passive imagers at outdoor scenarios, make them
useful to detect and image the thermal emission of the
scene. Furthermore, the amount of attenuation for
passive millimeter wave radiation in poor weather
conditions like fog, snow, rain, dust is less than for
visual or infrared radiation in orders of magnitude
(Spinoulas, et al. 2012). However, at indoor
environment, absence of cold sky radiation make
imager to have higher sensitivity. This requirement
renders passive imagers made for indoor scenarios to
have lower imaging speed and higher overall cost.
One possible solution is to make use of active
illumination of the scene in order to create
radiometric contrast between objects of interest
(Sheen, et al. 2010). Bryllert et al. have developed a
transceiver module for a 3-D imaging radar at 220
GHz that consists of a frequency doubler which also
acts as a subharminic mixer (SHM) based on GaAs
semiconductor membrane technology (Bryllert, et al.
2013). Tang used infrared laser illumination along
with a passive mm-wave imager in order to enlarge
the radiometric contrast between different objects and
background (Tang, 2016). Petkie et al. developed an
imaging system at 640 GHz and concluded that active
mm-wave imaging systems can have large dynamic
ranges even with moderate illumination power
compared to passive imaging (Petkie, et al. 2008).