Recommendation of Educational Resources in a Blended Learning
Diego Alessandro Pereira dos Santos
1,2 a
, Isabela Gasparini
José Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira
Instituto de Informática, PPGCC, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Sul-rio-grandense (IFSul), Sapiranga, RS, Brazil
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina: Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Keywords: Ontologies, Blended Learning, Recommender Systems, Context-Aware Systems.
Abstract: Blended learning environments are those that combine face-to-face instruction with computer-mediated
instruction and have gained space in the means of discussion about new educational methodologies. Several
benefits are observed in the use of this methodology, among them: an increase in academic performance and
students' social skills, an increase in teaching and learning flexibility, an increase in student satisfaction, à
decrease in dropout rates, and an increase in school retention. Recommender systems are useful in these
environments, providing the suggestion of content and activities personalized to users; here, we present a
model for recommending learning activities in a blended learning environment. To evaluate the model, SWRL
rules were used through the Pellet inference engine. The approach was evaluated through a case study that
represents the situation of a student in a blended learning environment, with several options of activities, in
which the choices may vary according to their general and academic profiles, in addition to their context. The
recommendation rules are executed, resulting in the activity suggestion for the student. Thus, it was verified
that the developed model fulfills the proposed objective of enriching the recommendation of learning
resources in a blended learning environment through the modeling of the learner's profile and of the
educational resources with context awareness through ontology.
The educational environment has undergone several
digital changes in recent years, mainly due to cultural
evolution and increased access to technological
advances by the general population. Most students
use mobile devices in the classroom, even when these
devices do not comply with established norms. Often
this movement is an attitude of an initiative to search
for information, which shows an opportunity for
development in computing and education. In this
context, hybrid teaching has regained strength in the
spaces of discussion about new educational
methodologies. Blended learning has been studied
and disseminated for several years (Oliver, 2005)
(Graham, 2006). As early as 2003, the American
Society for Training and Development (ASTD)
already identified blended learning as one of the ten
most significant trends in the knowledge industry
(Rooney, 2003). In current work, researchers have
been investigating both the implementation and the
effects of blended learning in different educational
environments (Rafiola et al., 2020) (Vo et al., 2020)
(Anthony et al., 2020) (Bruggeman et al., 2021).
More recently, Agarwal (2021) dealt with some
trends in educational practices in the coming years,
pointing out blended learning as one of the most
promising practices in the near future. It shows that
recent events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic,
accelerated the process of change in several
educational practices that were already being thought
of, highlighting the role of hybridity in this
movement. Among the practical advantages of
blended learning, some stand out, according to the
Santos, D., Gasparini, I. and Moreira de Oliveira, J.
Recommendation of Educational Resources in a Blended Learning Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0011689500003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 15-24
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
study carried out by Ali (2019): increased academic
performance and social skills of students, increased
flexibility in teaching and learning, as well as
increased student satisfaction. There is also a
decrease in dropout rates and an increase in school
According to Graham (2006), there are three
frequently mentioned definitions concerning blended
learning: à combination of teaching modalities, a
variety of teaching methods, and à combination of
face-to-face instruction with computer-mediated
instruction. It then shows that the first two definitions
are so comprehensive that they would encompass all
education systems. Graham then defines blended
learning systems as combining face-to-face and
computer-mediated instruction. A broader definition
where the expression blended learning is strongly
linked to blended education, in the sense that there is
no single way of learning and in which learning is a
continuous process, occurring in different ways, in
different spaces. This approach expands opportunities
for unified work between these areas.
Recommender systems are systems that generate
suggestions of interesting items for users to use, with
the greatest benefit of reducing the overload of
information on the user, making the interaction of the
user with the system a more attractive activity. and
personalized, considering that the suggestions guide
users towards the existing options (Ricci et al., 2015).
Consequently, other benefits can be pointed out in the
use of recommendation systems, such as decision-
making support, customer loyalty, and increased
revenue, among others (Jannach and Adomavicius,
2016). The items to be recommended can be the most
varied, such as movies, music, books, videos, etc. The
development of recommendation systems has been
the object of companies in order to please and retain
their customers, such as Netflix when recommending
a series, YouTube when recommending a new video,
or even recommending friendships through
Facebook. The work of Ko (2022) points out that
about 21% of the papers published in the last ten years
on recommender systems are intended for use in
social networking systems. Education appears as a
growing purpose, with about 12% of publications.
Thus, the objective of this work is to present a
development of a semantic model for context-aware
recommending educational resources applied to
blended learning environments..
This work is organized as follows: in addition to
this introduction, section 2 presents some related
works; section 3 presents the approach developed;
section 4 presents the ontology developed; in section
5 a case study is presented through a scenario of use
to evaluate the proposal developed; finally, section 6
presents the conclusions and future work.
In the work by Hoic-Bozic et al. (2015), the
implementation of a blended learning environment
was presented using the ELARS system (E-Learning
Activities Recommender System) to recommend
educational resources. The ELARS system
recommends four types of e-activities: optional
activities, potential collaborators (other students),
web 2.0 tools, and mentoring. Wonoseto and
Rosmansyah (2017) developed a knowledge-based
recommendation system applied to a school in
Indonesia. Learning style knowledge and
collaborative learning theory were considered,
performing the modeling in two stages: identification
of learning styles and recommendation based on
learning style and collaboration.
To identify learning styles, based on Flaming's
theory, the authors applied a VAK (visual, auditory,
or kinaesthetic) questionnaire (Visual, Auditory, and
Kinaesthetic) in order to model students based on
VAK learning styles. Then, in the second step, the
learning objects were grouped into characteristics to
be recommended to students according to their
learning styles. Each student also received an
indication of a collaborator with the same learning
style, but with a difference in school performance.
A blended learning model supported by
recommendation systems was proposed by Saied and
Nasr (2018), who performed a recommendation based
on the correspondence between the student and the
recommended resource. The authors performed two
modelings: group modeling and content modeling.
For the group modeling, a two-level collaborative
filtering approach was applied in order to group the
students according to the similarities and differences
between their preferences, while in the content
modeling, indexing, and text mining techniques were
used, using Nutch, an open-source search engine
. As
a recommendation strategy, content-based filtering
was adopted, by mining student models, mining
association rules, tracking and indexing learning
resources, and extracting user preferences.
In the work of Bouihi and Bahaj (2019),
architecture was proposed for recommending
learning objects for distance learning. Based on the
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
classic 3-layer architecture (presentation, business,
and persistence), it was proposed to insert a semantic
layer between the business and persistence layers.
The proposed layer is composed of two semantic
subsystems: an ontology-based system and an SWRL
rule-based system. The ontology-based subsystem is
used to model the content and context of the learning
object, in order to make it reusable and shareable. The
rule-based subsystem, in turn, is used for
recommendations, made based on the relevance of the
learning object. These rules have been organized into
four categories: Learning History Rules, Learning
Performance Rules, Social Network Learning Rules,
and Learning Path Rules. The authors defined values
5, 10, and 20 as relevance weights for recommending
learning objects (low, medium, and high). These
values are updated with each run of the SWRL rules.
Mendes et al (2017) presented SADE (Student
Performance Monitoring System), a system that
makes recommendations for learning objects based
on student performance profiles. The modeling of the
student's profile is carried out in two stages: first, their
personal data are collected in a registration form;
then, during use, the system collects information from
the student's performance in the evaluations carried
out by the teacher, classifying it in 5 levels (A, B, C,
D, and E). For recommendation, the content-based
technique was used, making use of information from
the student's database as a function of their
development in the assessments.
Tarus et al (2018) proposed a hybrid
recommendation approach based on context
awareness and sequential pattern mining to
recommend learning resources to students in ODL
environments. The authors used context awareness to
insert contextual information about the student, such
as knowledge level and learning objectives. With the
use of contextual information, Collaborative Filtering
was used in the recommendation strategy, through
Pearson's correlation coefficient and the kNN (k
Nearest Neighbour) algorithm. To filter the
recommendations according to the access patterns,
sequential mining of patterns was used, through the
GSP (Generalised Sequential Patterns) algorithm in
order to mine the web logs.
In Jeevamol and Renumol (2021), an ontology-
based e-learning content recommendation system
was proposed to solve the cold start problem. The
proposal is composed of 3 main components:
interfaces, ontologies, and unit of measure of
similarity of student and learning object. In the
ontology component, 3 ontologies were built: student,
to model personal information and learning style
according to FSLSM (Felder - Silverman Learning
Style Model); student log, to model the student
learning path and; material, to model the learning
objects, from the LOM standard. In the similarity
measurement unit, ontology is used to generate
recommendations under cold start conditions,
combined with collaborative and content-based
filtering techniques.
In Harrathi et al. (2017), a proposal for a learning
activity recommendation system was presented in the
context of MOOC (Massive Open Online Course),
with the objective of helping the student to follow the
learning process and reduce evasion. A knowledge-
based recommendation was used as a technique to
carry out the recommendation of distance activities,
based on ontology. The system uses ontology to
model and represents domain knowledge, student,
and learning activities.
The architecture is composed of 3 layers: user
interface, system operation, and database. The User
Interface layer is responsible for sending the data to
feed the student model module and presenting the
recommendations coming from the system operation
layer. The system operation layer contains 4 modules:
student model module, domain model module,
recommendation generation module, and
recommendation display module. The database layer
of the system abstracts 3 databases used by the
system: the student model database, the rules
database, and the learning activities database. The
domain model was based on an ontology related to
the IMS-LD specification to specify the structure of a
MOOC course. The student profile is composed of 4
subclasses: knowledge level; student characteristics;
learning style, and; preferences. The ontology of
learning activities has 6 subclasses: difficulty, type,
start time, duration, and priority.
Labib et al (2017), focused on distance learning,
presented an ontology to model the student profile
based on the creation of interconnections between the
different dimensions of the learning style model,
learning style, and the relevant characteristics of the
student. The authors selected the most used learning
style theories in recent years and surveyed how some
student characteristics relate to each learning style
that has some compatibility. The theories used were:
Gregorc's Mind Styles model, Honey and Munford's
model, Riding Styles, Myer Briggs Styles, Felder
Silverman Styles, and Kolb Styles. The dimensions
explored in the ontology were: decision,
understanding, access mode, lifestyle, organization,
and process.
The authors used the On-to-knowledge
methodology, presented in Sure et al (2009), which
has 5 phases. In phase 1 - Feasibility Study,
Recommendation of Educational Resources in a Blended Learning Environment
information was collected on scientific databases
related to learning styles models. In phase 2 -
Departure, the process of extracting the
characteristics of the student was carried out. In phase
3 - Refinement, 3 sub-phases were performed:
definition of a base taxonomy to formulate the
application-oriented ontology; elicitation, where
many knowledge entities are defined and;
formalization, where entities are organized into
hierarchies. In phases 4 and 5 - Evaluation and
Maintenance, after using the reasoner, several
example queries were applied to test the consistency
and verify the usefulness of the ontology.
Obeid et al (2018) presented a proposal for an
ontology-based recommendation system for
undergraduate students. The approach uses improved
ontology with machine learning techniques to guide
students in higher education, in order to assess
vocational strengths and weaknesses, student
interests and capabilities, in order to identify students'
interests, requirements, preferences, and ability to
recommend the appropriate course and university.
The authors conducted the survey among French and
Lebanese students through university portals.
The proposed system has four main parts: 1 -
explicit and implicit data collection, through the data
filled in their profile (explicit) and the proposal of a
survey to the students to collect information about
their interests (explicit); 2 - ontology, which supports
the system by modeling domain knowledge, through
the creation of three ontologies, educational
institution, job, and student; 3 - machine learning,
which processes information, creating and grouping
student profile models and sending the results to the
hybrid recommendation engine; 4 - recommendation,
through compatibility between students and interests,
performs recommendations and saves student
recommendation information for later use.
Ouf et al (2017) carried out a detailed study on
works that use ontology in teaching environments,
verifying that most studies are focused on
personalizing learning objects, ignoring other factors.
The authors then propose a framework for distance
learning environments, using ontology and SWRL.
The proposal's architecture is composed of four
layers: 1 - Interface, which presents the results of the
recommendations; 2 - Semantic Reasoning Engine,
responsible for personalization through the use of
reasoners, using SWRL; 3 - Semantic Layer, which
contains the semantic representations of the
components of the learning process and; 4 - Semantic
Metadata, notes the concepts and their relationships.
The approach contains four ontologies, which
form the semantic layer: student model, learning
objects, learning activities, and teaching methods.
The student model has several categories: personal,
knowledge, behavioral, preferences, learning
objectives, and safety. The ontology of learning
objects consists of different modules. A module
includes a set of domains, and each domain is made
up of one or more subjects, which include knowledge
of different subjects associated with the student. The
ontology of learning activities defines activities such
as brainstorming, case study, and group work, among
others. The ontology of teaching methods defines
methods such as reflection, project-based learning,
and workshops, among others.
Agarwal et al (2022) proposed a hybrid
recommender system that utilizes cluster-based
collaborative filtering and rule-based
recommendation using SWRL for recommendations
applied to MOOC platforms in order to recommend
internal course elements along with the learning path
in addition to learning tips. apprenticeship.
To carry out the grouping of students, the use of
the learning style Felder Silverman's Learning Style
Model (FSLSM) was incorporated through the
detection of traced usage parameters. The authors use
contextual knowledge to deal with the cold-start
problem and SWRL to perform rule-based
recommendations with ontologies. Two ontologies
were used: learner and course. The learner ontology
is used to represent the static (such as SHA-256 key,
platform used, browser, etc.) and dynamic (courses
currently enrolled, learning style, grades, return
visits, the fraction of completion, etc.) attributes of
the learner. The course ontology also contains static
and dynamic attributes. Static attributes include the
course name, course duration, and course fee, along
with the set of all course elements regarding video
lectures, reading material, etc. Dynamic attributes
include current enrollment, current completion, etc.
Then, after grouping according to the FSLSM
learning style, the model makes recommendations
through SWRL rules.
Ezaldeen et al (2022) proposed a framework
called Enhanced e-Learning Hybrid Recommender
System (ELHRS) for E-learning recommendation
that integrates adaptive profiling and sentiment
The authors developed a semantic model to
deduce the learner's profile automatically and used
the DBPedia ( and WordNet
( ontologies as a
semantic-based approach for term expansion so that
the learner's profile is updated according to their
behavior and different navigation actions. . As part of
the recommendation system, custom constructions of
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and the
hybridization of Natural Language Processing (NLP)
methods were developed by thirteen CNN-based
models of sentiment analysis to predict the ratings of
textual reviews on a resource specific learning.
It is noted that there are many research efforts in
the sense of recommending learning resources that
perform the modeling of the learner profile, such as
the work of Mendes et al (2017). Some works use
semantic web and ontology, such as the works by
Wonoseto and Rosmansyah (2017), Jeevamol and
Renumol (2021), Harrathi et al. (2017), Obeid et. al
(2018), Ouf et al (2017) and Ezaldeen et al (2022).
The works by Hoic-Bozic et al. (2015) and Saied and
Nasr (2018) address hybridism, while the works of
Tarus et al. (2018) and Agarwal et al (2022) use
context awareness, but without addressing hybridism.
Thus, the present work is able to collaborate with
what has already been done by exploring the
sensitivity to the student context applied to the hybrid
education environment, by modeling physical and
digital learning resources, with their respective usage
requirements and the student context in the location
and technology dimensions, which make it possible
to enrich the recommendation process.
The problem of information overload, already known
in educational environments, is potentiated in blended
learning environments, because, in addition to the
numerous options that the student has to deal with to
choose an educational resource that helps him/her in
the teaching process, there are specific limitations due
to the context in which the student lives and is at the
moment. For example, the student may have a
residence with high-speed connection support and a
high-processing computer, or a residence with no
connection, and only have a smartphone with a
mobile data connection. This work proposes an
ontological model for recommending learning
resources applied to blended learning.
In everyday life, an example that can be used is a
student who is at home and wants to use a learning
resource to help him/her perform a task for the next
week. It has numerous search options, and the search
for resources does not take into account your
conditions of use. This generates what is called
cognitive overload and reduces the efficiency of your
To deal with this problem, a model was developed
that includes aspects of the user profile (general and
academic), in addition to considering three
dimensions of context: technology, location, and data
from learning resources. Thus, it is expected to help
the student in the process of choosing the available
resources, reducing the time of searching for them,
and helping the learning process. The model will be
further detailed in the next subsections, with the
presentation of the modeling of each of the contextual
aspects. There are several ways to model a domain;
that is, there is not only one alternative considered
correct. The methodology used in the construction of
the ontological model proposed in this work was the
“Ontology development 101”, proposed by Noy and
McGuinnes. The methodology proposed by the
authors presents a simple and interactive way, as step-
by-step, for the construction of an ontology, which
justifies its choice in this work. The process is divided
into seven steps to be followed during model
Protégé (Stanford, 2022) stands out as the most used
ontology editor by the international community. In
this work, Protégé version 5.5.0 was used to build the
ontology. Figure 1 presents the overview of the model
developed, with the information aspects used to
achieve the recommendations of learning resources to
the student. The student is the center of the model,
which has two profiles: general and academic. It
relates to the aspects of location, technology, and
subject of interest, in order to have the recommended
learning recommendation. Technology refers to the
technological aspects that concern the student, such
as the type of connection, the screen size of the
equipment, the presence or absence of GPS, and
processing capacity. Location describes the student's
physical location perspective.
The location has spatial points that describe it
(latitude and longitude) and can be automatically
captured by the student's device or manually entered
depending on the context. In the model, specific
subclasses were described for the purpose of the
recommendation, which are: home, campus, and
academic environment.
The learning resource is the class that defines the
objects that will be recommended to the student based
on their profile, and their relationship with aspects of
technology and location. Two subclasses were
modeled: physical learning resources and digital
learning resources. This definition is important
because, in a blended learning environment, this
factor is decisive for the recommendation or not of a
Recommendation of Educational Resources in a Blended Learning Environment
certain resource at a given moment of the student's
Figure 1: General Model Classes Developed.
The general model defines the central concepts of
the ontology, with which all the other classes are
related, which is shown in Figure 1. Some object
properties were omitted to allow better visualization
of the classes.
The Learner class relates to the Profile class
through the hasProfile object property.
AcademicProfile and GeneralProfile are subclasses
of the Profile class, which model, respectively, the
Academic Profile and the General Profile of the
student. It is worth noting that the student relates to a
certain subject, Topic class, through the h-sInterestIn
object property in his GeneralProfile. The
LearningResource class relates to the Topic class
through the coversTopic object property and
has two subclasses DigitalLearningResource
and PhysicalLearningResource. The
PhysicalLearningResource class is related to the
Place class through the hasPlace object property, as
it has a storage location, for example, a Book that is
stored in a library. A Topic can have a prerequisite
that is another Topic, modeled through the
hasPreRequisite object property.
A more detailed relationship between the learner
profile, technology, location, and learning resources
is shown in Figure 2. The overall learner profile
relates to technology through a hasTechnology object
property. On the other hand, the learner's class relates
to technology through the usesTechnology property,
which defines the technology the student uses when
the recommendation is made. This was modeled in
this way since a student who is at home, even using a
smartphone with a small screen, can receive a
recommendation for a resource that requires greater
computing power if he has a computer in his home
that meets the minimum requirements of the resource.
It is also possible to notice the relationship that the
learner has with a location through the hasLocation
object property, which is essential for the
recommendation of physical resources. The
PhysicalLearningResource class is related to the
Location class through the hasStorageLocation
object property, as it has a storage location, for
example, a Book stored in a library. The Location
class also has an object property for defining one
location to be close to another, isNearOf, which can
also be used to make a recommendation.
Figure 2: Relationship between models of the learner,
location, technology, and learning resources.
A case study is presented in order to evaluate the
approach developed in this work. A case study is
characterized as an empirical investigation that
investigates a contemporary phenomenon in depth in
its real-world context, especially when the boundaries
between the phenomenon and the context may not be
so clearly evident. In this sense, the case study is
developed from the possibilities of use of the
proposal, where recommendations made from the
student's profile and the context in which he is, within
a blended learning environment are reported. First,
the possibility of using the developed model is
presented. Then, a presentation is made on the
inference mechanisms used in the proposal. Finally, a
usage scenario is presented with the application of
SWRL rules, in the situation of use by the student
from his/her house.
In a blended education environment, there is a
demand for recommending educational activities to a
student based on their characteristics, knowledge, and
context. As for their characteristics, the student can
have a general profile and an academic profile. In the
academic profile, the educational characteristics of
the student are considered, such as previous
knowledge of a certain subject and the student's
learning objectives. In the general profile, the
characteristics that the student has, regardless of their
school situation, are taken into account, such as
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
housing, subjects of interest, and work. The system
also stores the student's knowledge through the
subjects with which he has already interacted and the
classes he has attended.
To perform the filtering that makes the
recommendation of learning resources effective,
SWRL rules are used. SWRL was proposed in
Horrocks et al. (2004) as an OWL syntax extension
language by combining the OWL DL and OWL Lite
sublanguages with RuleML. Thus, SWRL extends
OWL's semantic representation capacity through
first-order logic rules, being recommended by the
W3C for this purpose. The rules are constituted by
antecedent => consequent, where, from the
satisfaction of the antecedent's criteria, the
consequent is generated. To execute the SWRL rules,
an inference engine, or reasoner, is used. There are
several reasoners available for use and compatible
with the Protésoftware, used in this work, among
which the following stand out: FaCT ++, HermiT,
ELK, Pellet, and Racer. In the construction of the
ontology developed in this work, we chose to use the
Pellet, because, in addition to being Open Source, it
offers a set of functionalities such as rule support,
total incremental classification, and greater
expressiveness of descriptive logic combining two
native profiles.
The scenario considers Johan, a student
of the Computer Engineering course, which is
taught in the hybrid learning mode. The course
program adopted the enriched virtual model;
that is, the course mostly takes place online,
with some regular face-to-face meetings. In
the Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
discipline, after the presentation of the
content, the teacher requests that a
practical activity to implement the k-means
algorithm be carried out, which will have its
conclusion and debate in the next face-to-
face meeting. After the teacher enters the
class in the system with the subject and the
task to be performed, "k-means" is added as a
subject of interest to Johan.
In the next access to the system, it
appears that Johan is accessing through a
mobile device and that he is at his residence.
Johan does not have a computer with high
processing capacity, and his connection is
not high-speed. From there, the system infers
the recommendation rules in order to return
some suggestions of learning resources in
order to help Johan in carrying out the task
In Figure 3, it is possible to see how the learning
resources related to the student profile and the
characteristics of the technology in use. Within the
model, several aspects can be taken into account to
make the recommendation. In this case study, it is
considered that if the student is at home, only digital
learning resources will be presented.
Figure 3: Model Instantiated with a student at home.
Since digital resources have minimum
requirements defined for their good use, satisfaction
with the technology available to the student will also
be considered, in order to recommend only those that
can be used effectively. For this, having the device
information available to the student, the system
checks what its processing standard is and what is the
minimum processing requirement for each digital
learning resource. Then, it does the comparison
through the built-in function swrl:lessThanOrEqual(),
to check if the processing requirement is less than or
equal to the device's processing standard. The same
process is repeated to check the screen size and
connection patterns. Finally, the relationship between
the learning resource and the student's profile is
demonstrated through the correspondence between
the subject of interest to the student and the scope of
the resource to be recommended. The SWRL rule
developed to effect the above recommendation is
described below:
Learner(?l) ^
House(?h) ^
Profile(?p) ^
Topic(?topic) ^
DigitalLearningResource(?resource) ^
hasProfile(?l, ?p) ^
hasLocation(?l, ?h) ^
usesTechnology(?l, ?technology) ^
?connection) ^
ource, ?connectionRequirement) ^
uirement, ?connection) ^
?processing) ^
Recommendation of Educational Resources in a Blended Learning Environment
ource, ?processingRequirement) ^
uirement, ?processing) ^
?screenSize) ^
ource, ?screenSizeRequirement) ^
uirement, ?screenSize) ^
hasInterestIn(?p, ?topic) ^
coversTopic(?resource, ?topic) ->
hasRecommendedLR(?l, ?resource)
Figure 4: Result of the Rules Inferred by Pellet in the case
Figure 4 shows an image of the Protégé screen
where the result of the recommendation is displayed.
The object properties in yellow are those obtained by
reasoning about the presented rule, used by the Pellet
inference engine, from the model instance.
It is noted that from the characteristics presented
(location, technology used, and learner interest), the
model was able to infer that the learner Johan will
have the digital article Means Clustering and the slide
presentation KMeans Presentation recommended in
order to assist in the execution of your task of
implementing the k-means algorithm, within the
discipline of Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.
An evaluation of the model developed through the
use of a case study was carried out, with the
presentation and use scenario, where situations were
simulated in which a student in the hybrid learning
modality is using a system developed from this model
to receive recommendations of learning resources in
different contexts. In the scenario, a student is at
home and receives recommendations from the
technology available for study. In this case, the
student's interest is considered, based on the modeled
The advantage of using the knowledge-based
recommendation technique is noted, since, from the
semantic descriptions, it is possible to obtain better
results in a situation of new users, as they can receive
recommendations based on their location and the
technology in use, which helps to solve the cold start
problem. Another advantage is that by using
application semantics at a higher conceptual level,
domain knowledge becomes understandable by
computational and human agents.
In this paper, an evaluation of the model developed
through the use of a case study was carried out, with
the presentation of a scenario of use, where a situation
were simulated in which a student in the blended
learning modality is using a system developed from
this model to receive recommendations of learning
resources in different contexts. In that scenario, a
student is at home and receives recommendations
considering the technology available for study. In
that case, the student's interest is considered, based on
his modeled profile. The advantage of using the
knowledge-based recommendation technique is
noted, since, from the semantic descriptions, it is
possible to obtain better results in a situation of new
users, as they can receive recommendations based on
their location and the technology in use, which helps
to solve the cold start problem. Another advantage is
that by using application semantics at a higher
conceptual level, domain knowledge becomes
understandable by computational and human agents,
as suggested by Berners-Lee et al (2001).
This work presents the development of an
ontology for recommending learning resources in
context-sensitive blended learning environments. The
main context dimension taken into account was
location since, in blended learning, the student's
residence becomes an extension of the school
environment. Thus, physical and digital learning
resources were modeled, to be recommended
differently in a situation of use in an academic
environment or in a residence. Another context
dimension considered was the technology that the
student has, and that is currently in use so that
learning resources can be filtered according to the
technological capabilities available to the student.
In future works, we intend to generate a module
and integrate it into a Virtual Learning Environment.
Subsequently, it is intended to carry out the validation
through tests with students in a real environment of
blended learning. Another future work will be to
model different user and context characteristics, such
as cultural issues., increasing the personalization of
the recommendation. Finally, we intend to insert
other context dimensions, such as activity and time.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
This research is supported by CNPq/MCTI/FNDCT
18/2021 grant n. 405973/2021-7 and CAPES -
Financing Code 001. The research by José Palazzo M.
de Oliveira is partially supported by CNPq grants
306695/2022-7 PQ-SR. The research by Isabela
Gasparini is partially supported by CNPq grant
308395/2020-4 and FAPESC Edital nº027/2020 TO
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