Table 5: T-test applied to the results between methods BO and MCNN-GA.
Accuracy Loss Size
t-value p-value t-value p-value t-value p-value t-value p-value t-value p-value t-value p-value
-3.125 0.006 3.048 0.007 4.455 0.0003 0.0 1.0 -3.966 0.001 5.596 0.00003
Table 6: MCNN-GA and ThiNet30 comparison results
(mean value).
Method Accuracy Loss Size Inference Time
MCNN-GA 99.35 0.099 35026.0 5.4
ThiNet30 99.10 0.113 6700576 6.5
Table 7: T-test applied to the results between methods
MCNN-GA and ThiNet30.
Accuracy Loss Size
t-value p-value t-value p-value t-value p-value t-value p-value
1.983 0.062 -1.199 0.245 -9968.12 0 -5.312 0.00004
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produced in (Luo et al., 2019a) (ThiNet30), but with
significantly fewer parameters (resulting in models
with less memory usage). It means that MCNN-GA
have a great potential to generate highly efficient and
suitable models for real-time applications (which can
be transferable to domains beyond games), which
helps in hardware accessibility for complex tasks.
As future works, the authors intend: to investi-
gate the performance of the approaches studied here
for different types of games (simpler 2D games like
Super Mario Bros and more realistic 3D games like
Skyrim); to publish the framework investigated here
for the community’s use; and, finally, to use such ap-
proaches to build real-time mechanisms that can help
people with cognitive difficulties.
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VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications