Multi-Label Learning for Aspect Category Detection of Arabic Hotel
Reviews Using AraBERT
Asma Ameur
1,2 a
, Sana Hamdi
2 b
and Sadok Ben Yahia
3 c
Polytechnic School of Tunisia, Tunisia
Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Tunisia
Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Aspect Detection, Contextual Embedding, AraBERT, Imbalanced Data, Arabic Hotel Reviews.
Studying people’s satisfaction with social media is vital to understanding the users’ needs. Nowadays, tex-
tual hotel reviews are used to evaluate the hotel’s e-reputation. In this context, we are interested in Aspect
Category Detection (ACD) as a subtask of aspect-based sentiment analysis. This task needs to be investigated
through multi-label classification, which is more challenging, in natural language processing, than single-label
classification. Our study leverages the potential of transfer learning with the pre-trained AraBERT model for
contextual text representation. We are based on the Arabic SemEval-2016 data set for hotel reviews. We pro-
pose a specific preprocessing for this Arabic reviews dataset to improve the performance. In addition, as this
data suffers from an imbalanced distribution, we use a dynamically weighted loss function approach to deal
with imbalanced classes. The carried-out results outperform the pioneering state-of-the-art of the Arabic ACD
with an F
score of 67.3%.
Social media has become an essential part of our daily
life as a tool for communication in various situations
(Hamdi et al., 2022). In particular, it encourages emo-
tional self-expression towards the hotels by providing
the user’s reviews on opinion websites such as Tri-
padvisor,, etc. This textual data through
the analysis system helps measure the users’ satisfac-
tion towards the visited hotels. These analyses can be
classified into three levels: document, sentence, and
aspect. The fine-grained level is called Aspect Based
Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) (Pontiki et al., 2016a),
which aims to provide precise information regarding
each aspect.
Most of the published research on ABSA is in En-
glish. However, there is a lack of studies in Arabic,
whereas Arabic is the official language of 22 countries
and presents many speakers. Few works have been
published because of the complexity of Arabic mor-
phology and a lack of data resources (Guellil et al.,
2021), making the ABSA tasks more challenging.
That’s why we are interested in this study on the ACD
of the Arabic hotel reviews as a subtask of the ABSA.
Indeed, this task aims to detect the topics (subjects)
discussed by the reviewer to fix the aspect category
in the comments about the hotels. In this context, we
aim to apply a Multi-label Classification (MLC) to ex-
tract the different categories of Arabic hotel reviews.
Solving MLC problems can be managed using differ-
ent techniques, such as Problem Transformation and
algorithms adaptation methods. The PT aims to trans-
form a multi-label problem into one or more single-
label problems (as in the case of Binary Relevance
and Classifier Chains). At the same time, the algo-
rithms adaptation seeks to modify an algorithm di-
rectly for the multi-label predictions. Recently, mul-
tiple models using Deep Learning (DL) based on the
pre-trained models have been applied based on the at-
tention mechanism (Vaswani et al., 2017). However,
these techniques are under-investigated for the ACD
task and are still in their early stages, especially in
Arabic. This paper introduces an approach for the
Arabic ACD task of the hotel reviews based on the
AraBERT fine-tuning. This pre-trained model pro-
vides dynamic contextual word embedding for Ara-
bic. The proposed approach is evaluated using the
Arabic SemEval-2016 dataset for the hotel reviews.
Ameur, A., Hamdi, S. and Ben Yahia, S.
Multi-Label Learning for Aspect Category Detection of Arabic Hotel Reviews Using AraBERT.
DOI: 10.5220/0011694800003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 2, pages 241-250
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Leveraging the Arabic SemEval-2016 dataset for this
MLC task, we note that the data suffer from a skewed
distribution. We propose an approach of Dynamically
Weighted Loss Function (DWLF) to deal with this im-
balanced multi-learning dataset.
The contributions of this study are summarized as
follows: (i) proposing specific data preprocessing for
Arabic for this ACD task of the hotel reviews; (ii) in-
vestigating the contextual semantic embedding with
the AraBERT fine-tuning on the SemEval-2016 for
hotels; and (iii) proposing the DWLF to deal with the
issue of the imbalanced labels to improve the model
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Related works of ACD, using the Arabic
SemEval-2016 dataset for hotel reviews, are summa-
rized in Section 2. Next, our proposed AraBERT-
based approach is thoroughly presented in Section 3.
Next, Section 4 discusses the harvested results. Fi-
nally, Section 5 concludes the paper and sketches is-
sues for future work.
The ABSA tasks and precisely the ACD subtask could
be investigated based on shallow ML and DL-based
methods. The ML-based techniques are effective, but
they rely on handcrafted features such as lexicons to
well train the classifier. Recently, different methods
based on neural networks and word embedding lay-
ers were developed to provide better results. It is
paramount to mention that the development of such
studies is not that much developed for the Arabic lan-
guage (Al-Dabet et al., 2021).
This section presents the related works for the
Arabic ACD using the SemEval-2016 dataset. The
baseline model is based on the Support Vector Ma-
chine (SVM) classifier and provides an F
of 40.33%.
This ACD task has paid more attention by emerging
the pioneering work of INSIGHT-1 method (Ruder
et al., 2016). This study proposed an MLC model
based on the CNN and GloVe representation to ex-
tract the most informative features. The latter work
achieves an F
improvement of 11.78%. The UFAL
model is then proposed in (Tamchyna and Veselovsk
2016) by investigating the MLC with a binary classi-
fication for many languages, including Arabic. This
model is based on the Long Short-Term Memory net-
work (LSTM), which helps to detect the long text’s
distance relationship. The UFAL result outperforms
the baseline model by 12.26%. Recently, an MLC
model is proposed in (Al-Dabet et al., 2021) based on
the Binary Relevance (BR) classification and achieves
an F
of 58.05%. This is based on CNN and the
Independent Long-Short Term Memory (IndyLSTM)
(Gonnet and Deselaers, 2020). This model can extract
local and sequential features to learn long text depen-
dencies to explore the final sentence representation.
Table 1 sketches these surveyed works based on
the following criteria:
Preprocessing: indicates whether or not data pre-
processing was conducted.
Features: presents the used word embedding.
Models: enumerates the employed models.
Imbalanced data: checks whether or not authors
have dealt with imbalanced data.
score: presents the achieved F
As underscored in Table 1, the preprocessing, fea-
tures representation, and the imbalanced data issue
were not well examined during the recent studies
of the Arabic ACD. Still, these features are crucial
steps in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Start-
ing with the preprocessing criterion, none of the au-
thors in (Al-Dabet et al., 2021), and (Tamchyna and
a, 2016) have proposed specific preprocess-
ing techniques for the Arabic SemEval-2016 dataset,
despite its compelling necessity. Nevertheless, au-
thors in (Pontiki et al., 2016a) pay attention to only
stop words removed and (Ruder et al., 2016) uses
tokenization. As the morphology of the Arabic lan-
guage is deeply rooted, specific preprocessing for the
Arabic language is proposed in this study. Moreover,
we note that all these previous research for ACD with
SemEval-2016 did not investigate dynamic contextual
embedding. However, it is critical to detect the con-
text as the static feature representation can provide a
loss of information.
Regarding the imbalance data problem, all of the
mentioned related works in Table 1 do not try to solve
this issue when investigating the Arabic SemEval-
2016 dataset for hotel reviews. However, this issue
poses a severe challenge to predictive modeling be-
cause learning algorithms will be biased toward the
majority class than other samples in the data. In-
deed, most ML algorithms are based on the inherent
assumption of balanced data (the data is equally dis-
tributed among all its classes). The DL models have
recently achieved excellent learning success but still
cannot escape the negative impact of imbalanced data
(Huang et al., 2016). However, when training a model
with an imbalanced dataset, the learning becomes bi-
ased toward most classes. In this way, the model per-
forms in the majority classes and fails to learn mean-
ingfully in the minority classes due to a lack of exam-
ples for these categories.
Several techniques have been explored to miti-
gate the imbalance of class impact. We mention
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Comparison of the studies using the SemEval-2016 dataset for Arabic hotel reviews.
References Preprocessing Features Models Imbalanced
(Pontiki et al., 2016a) Stop-words N-grams SVM No 40.33
(Ruder et al., 2016) Tokenization GloVe CNN No 52.11
(Tamchyna and
a, 2016)
Not declared Word2Vec LSTM No 52.59
(Al-Dabet et al., 2021) Not declared AraVec IndyLSTM No 58.05
the data level re-sampling (over-sampling and under-
sampling), and the algorithm level with the cost-
sensitive for re-weighting learning (Cui et al., 2019).
For the re-sampling methods, the number of examples
is directly adjusted by over-sampling the minor class,
under-sampling the major class, or both. On the one
hand, under-sampling the majority class can remove
certain samples associated with the majority classes.
This could lead to the model missing out on learning
certain essential concepts from these removed sam-
ples. On the other hand, oversampling the minor-
ity classes entails the repetition of samples associated
with the minority classes. This could quickly slow
the training and lead to overfitting in a model. Con-
sequently, the under-sampling can be preferred over
the over-sampling, as underscored in (Drummond
et al., 2003). Yet neither method directly solves the
problem of unequal classes, and both can be risky be-
cause they can cause new problems. Among the most
used techniques for data resampling, we cite the Syn-
thetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE)
(Chawla et al., 2002) and its variants, the Multi-
Label Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique
(MLSMOTE) (Charte et al., 2015). They are based on
an interpolation strategy that uses the nearest neigh-
bors of samples to oversample minority instances by
averaging between them. Indeed, the MLSMOTE
is helpful for multi-label sampling, but this method
presents severe flaws and does not work well with tex-
tual data.
The cost-sensitive approach is an alternative to
avoiding these issues by directly proposing a penalty
for minority misclassification (Huang et al., 2016).
As justified in (Kaur et al., 2019), these learning tech-
niques aim to find the costs associated with the mis-
classified examples. This option represents a classi-
cal method in statistics that assigns higher misclas-
sification costs to the minority class than to the ma-
jority. Sampling methods are easy to implement and
more popular than cost-sensitive learning, but the lat-
ter is considered a more computationally effective
technique (Kaur et al., 2019).
To downplay the disadvantages of re-sampling,
we are interested in this study on the techniques of
the cost-sensitive solution for the imbalanced class of
the Arabic SemEval-2016 for hotel reviews. Conse-
quently, our enhanced proposal is based on weigh-
ing the samples. This assigned weights to sam-
ples to match a given data distribution of the Arabic
SemEval-2016 dataset. In this context, we deal in this
study with the different challenges discussed in this
section using the Arabic SemEval-2016 dataset for
hotel reviews. More details of this proposed approach
are described in the next section.
The proposed approach leverages the critical tech-
nical innovation of pre-trained language modeling
based on AraBERT fine-tuning. In this context, our
proposed architecture for this ACD task is mainly
broken down into three components: 1- Data pro-
cessing for data preprocessing and tokenization. 2-
AraBERT fine-tuning for feature extraction, and 3-
Classification model for aspect category prediction
combined with the proposal of a DWLF-based re-
weighting strategy to deal with the imbalanced class.
Figure 1 presents the overall framework of this pro-
posed approach. It’s important to note that this study
is evaluated using the Arabic SemEval-2016 dataset
for hotels.
3.1 Arabic SemEval-2016 Dataset
This data involves the ABSAs multilingual tasks in
8 languages and seven domains. The SemEval 2016,
an international workshop in NLP, introduced multi-
lingual datasets, a total of 39 datasets from seven do-
mains and eight languages for the ABSA task (Pon-
tiki et al., 2016a). It included datasets of restau-
rants, hotels, laptops, mobile phones, museums, dig-
ital cameras, and telecommunication domains in En-
glish, Arabic, Spanish, French, Chinese, Dutch, Turk-
ish, and Russian.
This study uses the SemEval-2016 dataset for Ara-
bic hotel reviews
. The latter contains a set of Arabic
Multi-Label Learning for Aspect Category Detection of Arabic Hotel Reviews Using AraBERT
Figure 1: The architecture of the proposed approach of the Arabic ACD for the hotel reviews.
hotel reviews, where each review presents several sen-
tences. For each sentence, we have three tuples: as-
pect category, aspect target, and aspect polarity. Fig-
ure 3 shows an example of hotel reviews in Arabic
from the SemEval-2016 dataset. Each category is de-
fined as a pair of entities (E) and attributes (A) pro-
viding a unified unit (E#A) (Al-Dabet et al., 2021;
Pontiki et al., 2016a). The E and A terms are already
defined, depending on the domain. For example,
in the hospitality industry, the entities can be ‘HO-
tribute labels can be ‘CLEANLINESS, ’GENERAL,
’QUALITY, etc. As presented in Figure 2, the total
number of predefined aspect categories in this dataset
is 34.
Each sentence can be assigned to more than one
Figure 2: The possible E#A pairs for the Arabic SemEval-
2016 dataset for hotels (Pontiki et al., 2016b).
category, as expressed in Figure 3. In this context,
this sentence provides information about the two cate-
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: An example of the Arabic SemEval-2016 dataset for hotel reviews.
Table 2: The distribution of the Arabic SemEval-2016.
Reviews Sentences Tuples
Training data 1, 839 4, 802 10, 509
Testing data 452 1, 227 2, 604
The dataset distribution is described in Table 2.
To facilitate this MLC, some data transformations
are applied with an encoding of the label categories
for each review. If the category is verified in the re-
view, we assign 1 else, 0, as presented in Figure 4.
3.2 Data Processing
To prepare the textual data, preprocessing is essential
for the NLP task. However, it depends on one appli-
cation to another one. This is critical, especially for
the Arabic language, as it is a morphologically rich
language with several characteristics (Oudah et al.,
2019). Indeed, the preprocessing of Arabic is a chal-
lenging task compared to other languages. In this con-
text, we note that the order of applying the prepro-
cessing for Arabic text impacts the final result of the
Among the considered Arabic text preprocessing,
we do the data cleaning, dealing with repeated letters,
emojis, stop words, etc. In our study, several prepro-
cessing steps are proposed and investigated, as pre-
sented in Figure 5.
- Data Cleaning: This includes text normalization,
removing the URLs, numbers, mentions, HTML, di-
acritics, and extra white space. Also, letter normal-
ization was applied to unify the different letters in the
Arabic language, such as [@
- Repeated Letters: To better normalize the text, we
deal with repeated characters, which can be impor-
tant to express an intense meaning such as [ÉJ
(beautiful). To confirm the mentioned sentiment, we
replace the repeated letter with the term [@Yg
] (very)
to become [@Yg
] (very beautiful).
- Emoticons Transformation: For social media in
general, and the hotel opinion website in particu-
lar, the emojis preprocessing represents a challenging
problem. Replacing the emojis with their Arabic de-
scriptions can improve the model by providing more
detailed meaning. So, we transform the emoticons
into their Arabic meaning words based on a dictionary
that we develop manually. Based on the emoticon list
in Wikipedia
, we try to cluster the used emoticons
that resemble the expressed meaning. Some examples
can be summarized in Figure 6.
- Stemming: With the morphologically rich Arabic
language, we use the stemming technique to reduce a
word to its word root. In our study, we apply Farasa,
among the recommended techniques that outperform
the state-of-the-art (Abdelali et al., 2016).
- Stop Words Dealing: To minimize the non-
subjective vocabulary in our corpus, we investigated
the stop words. Indeed, the default Arabic stop words
list has been removed except for the terms expressing
negation or intensity meaning as the case of the fol-
lowing terms [ÕË ,
Ë ,
áË ,B]. These terms play a
crucial role in the text’s information. So, we remove
stop words that do not express any opinion that can
convert the context.
As in the example from the user data set, we mention
this review [
Bð Z@ñ
@ Yg
K B]; where the
word’s signification will be changed if we remove the
term [B].
All these mentioned techniques are applied to the
reviews to improve the performance of the classifier
- Tokenization: Followed to the data preprocessing,
the textual data is then tokenized to be adapted with
2 of emoticons
Multi-Label Learning for Aspect Category Detection of Arabic Hotel Reviews Using AraBERT
Figure 4: The Arabic SemEval-2016 dataset after the format transformation.
Figure 5: The proposed preprocessing for the AraBERT-based approach of the Arabic ACD task.
Figure 6: Examples of the emoticons translation from En-
glish to Arabic.
the pre-trained-based model. Indeed, it is essential to
convert the input data into an appropriate format to be
sent to the pre-trained AraBERT model to obtain the
corresponding embedding. This step concerns replac-
ing the considered data with a unique identification
that retains all the essential information.
Dealing with the AraBERT model, each token in
the input sentence is mapped to its corresponding
unique IDs using the pre-trained vocabulary. In this
context, it is essential to mention that when applying
a pre-trained model to some other data, some tokens
in the new dataset can not appear in the fixed vocab-
ulary of the pre-trained model. This problem, known
as the Out-Of-Vocabulary (OOV), is resolved with the
advantage of the BERT pre-trained model. Indeed,
BERT uses the WordPiece algorithm, which aims to
break a word into several subwords, where the model
can commonly represent subwords. However, this to-
kenization is based on converting these tokens to the
BERT’s format and adding the specials token [CLS]
and [SEP], respectively, at the beginning of each text
and between sentences.
This proceeded data is then used for the features
representation based on the contextual word represen-
tation with AraBERT fine-tuning.
3.3 Contextual Words Embedding
Several techniques can be used for word representa-
tion in NLP, such as TF-IDF, n-grams, and word em-
bedding. Nowadays, embedding techniques present
a vital role in model performance. They are used to
capture the semantic relations between words. These
techniques can be regrouped into static word embed-
ding (Word2Vec, FastText, etc.), and contextual em-
bedding such as BERT in (Devlin et al., ), and Embed-
dings from Language Models (ELMo) in (Matthew
et al., 2018).
Recently, pre-trained language models have
shown an essential role in NLP, such as ELMo, GPT
(Radford et al., 2018), and BERT. BERT is one of
the most popular pre-trained language models armed
with Transformers (Vaswani et al., 2017). It is de-
fined as DL techniques for NLP that use unsuper-
vised language representation and bidirectional mod-
els. It considers a word’s context from both the left
and right side simultaneously (Devlin et al., ). From a
sequence, BERT extracts more context features than
training left and right separately, as in the case of
ELMo. BERT is valid for ABSA, but its Arabic mod-
els’ research is still slower than English. For this ob-
jective, we investigate the power of BERT, mainly us-
ing AraBERT (Antoun et al., 2020) for the Arabic lan-
3.4 AraBERT Fine-Tuning
In this study, we use the AraBERT, as an Arabic pre-
trained language model based on Google’s BERT ar-
chitecture. AraBERT is a multi-layer bidirectional
transformer encoder that uses the same BERT-Base
configuration and is retrained in Arabic. The experi-
mental evaluation of this study was investigated with
the AraBERT-v02. This version of the pre-trained
model was trained on 200M sentences with a size of
77GB and 8.6B words. It has 12 encoder blocks, 768
hidden dimensions, 12 attention heads, 136M param-
eters, and 512 maximum sequences.
In our study, the AraBERT is fine-tuned on the
downstream task of ACD using Arabic hotel reviews.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Following the data preprocessing, the tokenization
process is then applied. For the latter step, we fix
max token length
equal to 128, based on the
maximum token count. After tokenizing the hotel
reviews into tokens, the feature representation is ap-
plied to each token via multiple transformed layers us-
ing AraBERT. These vectors are provided to fine-tune
the AraBERT’s parameters based on the used labeled
The AraBERT output is connected to an additional
feed-forward linear layer involving the sigmoid clas-
sifier to predict the aspect category. These contextu-
alized representations are fed to a task-specific layer
to identify the aspect categories of hotel reviews. As
we deal with an MLC for the ACD, the Binary Cross
Entropy (BCE) is used as a loss function. This BCE
aims to minimize the error for each category label in
model training. The output is the probability distribu-
tion over all the categories. A threshold is then fixed
for this objective to predict the most relevant classes
as a final result.
3.5 DWLF for Imbalanced Classes
In the real-world classification tasks, the imbalanced
class represents an inherent issue, where the minor-
ity class is the class of interest (Fernando and Tsokos,
2021). This data type is characterized by a long tail
with a few dominant classes, while most other classes
are represented by relatively few examples (Cui et al.,
2019). In this context, the authors in (Jafari et al.,
2019) proposed a weighted loss function by gener-
ating a weight based on the predicted value and er-
ror obtained for each instance of the image segmenta-
tion. In addition, an existing DWLF, focal loss (FL),
is designed for predicting probabilistic outputs in (Lin
et al., 2017). Based on both of these research, the
DWLF was investigated in (Rengasamy et al., 2020)
to overcome the issue of imbalanced data in prog-
nostic and health management. Moreover, the au-
thors in (Alturayeif and Luqman, 2021) investigated
the DWLF for an imbalanced dataset of tweets.
In our study, we mention that the SemEval-2016
dataset for hotel reviews shows an imbalanced distri-
bution of the different classes, as presented in Figure
7. Consequently, we propose the weighting approach
of the Inverse Number of Samples (INS) to deal with
the issue of skewed data. We examine the perfor-
mance of this approach on the ACD task using the
Arabic SemEval-2016 for hotel reviews. This DWLF
technique is considered cost-sensitive learning that
uses weighting by inverse class frequency (Cui et al.,
2019). It aims to directly influence the loss function
by assigning relatively higher costs to examples from
minor classes. Indeed, weights are computed for the
different samples based on the class these samples be-
long to (majority or minority classes). We essentially
want to assign a higher weight to the loss encountered
by the samples associated with minor classes. Conse-
quently, the applied weighting on the BCE can be for-
mally expressed as presented in Equation 1, where x
is the input, y
is the ground truth label, N is the num-
ber of batch size, and w
is the sample weight that we
wish to compute for every sample.
L(x, y) = (l
, . . . , l
= w
+ (1 y
)log(1 x
Regarding the INS method, the weights of the
samples are presented as the inverse of the class fre-
quency for the class they belong to. This enables us
to weigh the contribution of a particular sample to-
ward the overall loss. Based on the number of classes’
samples, this method aims to have different weights
for each class in the loss function. The implemen-
tation computes these weights and normalizes them
over different classes. The class weight w
is calcu-
lated as explained in Equation 2. Then, each sample
weight w
is deduced as the average of the weights of
the classes that the sample is in. The calculation of the
sample weight is underscored in Equation 3; C repre-
sents the global number of classes the sample belongs
Number o f samples in class c
This part highlights the results and discussions of the
developed explorations in this study using the Arabic
SemEval-2016 for hotel reviews. For the evaluation,
we used the F
score metric, which is more robust to
class imbalance than accuracy.
The parameters of the AraBERT pre-trained
model are fine-tuned to transfer its knowledge into
this ACD of the hotel reviews. In this context, the
parameter of
max token length
is essential as they
help us to specify the maximum length of the clas-
sified reviews for the AraBERT model. Indeed, the
sentences are padded for those shorter than this max-
imum length parameter, while it will be truncated
from the right side when the sentence is longer. As a
max token length
helps to have faster train-
ing and lower resource, we choose it with a value of
Multi-Label Learning for Aspect Category Detection of Arabic Hotel Reviews Using AraBERT
Figure 7: Imbalanced distribution of the Arabic SemEval-2016 dataset for hotel reviews.
Figure 8: Text distribution in SemEval-2016 dataset.
128, as the smallest power of 2 captures 100% of our
reviews. The chosen value of this parameter is justi-
fied in Figure 8.
To stress the hyper-parameters used for our model
training, we consider AdamW as the optimizer with a
batch size of 16, 10 epochs and a learning rate of 1e-
3. In this study, to quickly converge to an optimum,
we considered a learning rate scheduler with linear
warm-up steps, as specified in Figure 9.
To identify the aspect categories of the hotel re-
views, the generated contextualized word embedding
was then fed into a simple one-hidden linear layer,
as a task-specific layer on top of the AraBERT pre-
trained model. In this context, our training approach
provides accurate results for the model of the multi-
label learning of the hotel categories. As shown in
Figure 10, we compared different models, consid-
ering the impact of the preprocessing and the pro-
posed loss function weighting to deal with imbal-
anced classes. We achieved promising results for all
the investigations. This confirms the usefulness of us-
ing the contextual word representation by fine-tuning
the pre-trained AraBERT for this MLC task. Further-
more, it helps to detect the context and association
between terms to predict the aspect category. In ad-
dition, the fine-tuned AraBERT model for this task
exceeds the state-of-the-art with an F
of 64.3%.
Figure 9: Linear learning rate scheduler.
In this study, we also evaluate the impact of the
detailed preprocessing combined with the AraBERT
fine-tuning. When applying the proposed prepro-
cessing as dealing with the stop words, emoticons
transformation, stemming, etc. (AraBERT+Prep.),
the model performance overcomes that just based on
AraBERT with an F
of 65.2%, as shown in Figure
10. Although this improvement is slight on this DL-
based model, this can justify the importance of the
data preprocessing investigation to handle the most
challenges for Arabic morphology complexity.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 10: Comparison of AraBERT-based models.
Figure 11: An example of the output prediction.
Regarding the issue of imbalanced labels of the
SemEval-2016 dataset, the proposed INS technique
for the DWLF was applied to the sample weighting.
We mention that the finding of our proposed cost-
sensitive solution improves the model performance.
Consequently, penalizing the loss function directly
based on the proposed weighting approach positively
impacts the model. Finally, our proposed approach
based on AraBERT combined with the prepossessing
and the weighting of the samples achieves an F
67.3%, as confirmed in Figure 10 (AraBERT+Prep.+
Figure 11 shows an example of the pro-
vided output for our proposed approach. Com-
pared to the truth aspect categories of this ex-
ample, this test shows global acceptable pre-
dicted categories (’FACILITIES#GENERAL and
’ROOMS#DESIGN FEATURES’). To confirm the
added value of our study, we compared our proposed
approach to the related works using the same dataset
for the Arabic ACD, as shown in Table 3. The final
result of our proposed AraBERT-based approach out-
performs the previous related works for Arabic ACD
with more than 9% in terms of F
This paper proposed an enhanced MLC approach for
the ACD using the Arabic SemEval-2016 for hotel re-
views. The methodology used was based on the trans-
Table 3: Comparative results of our proposed approach ver-
sus the related works for the ACD task.
Models F
Baseline (Pontiki et al., 2016a) 40.33
INSIGHT-1 (Ruder et al., 2016) 52.11
UFAL (Tamchyna and Veselovsk
a, 2016) 52.59
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Our AraBERT-based approach 67.30
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art in the Arabic ACD task using the hotel reviews
dataset. In the future, we want to try out other ways
to deal with the imbalanced data and use other Arabic
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