error checks or logic introduced by the code genera-
tor. In our example, the code cyclomatic complexity
is high because of ‘for-loop’ in the code for vector in-
puts of multi-port switch and vector input ‘config’ of
the bus creator ‘bc slaveout Bus’. Static model cyclo-
matic complexity did not consider the signal dimen-
sions and hence the value was less.
As a part of further verification of the slave controller,
processor-in-the-loop and hardware-in-the-loop tests
will be executed to also ensure the real-time function-
ality of the software. The next step is to develop and
verify the master controller in same aspects using the
build tool. As a part of this project, a motor con-
troller will also be developed and verified using the
build tool. The motor controller will give input to the
battery master controller with required voltage. Con-
tinuous Integration platform for all sub projects is also
being setup.
As mentioned before, the build tool is also be-
ing improved in parallel. Recent and future improve-
ments include fixing bugs, resolving issues faced by
developers, setup of Continuous Integration server for
development of the tool and also for its applications,
parallel modular code generation, etc.
In this research, a process-oriented build tool is ap-
plied to develop and verify a battery slave controller
for multilevel battery system. Following advantages
of the build tool are realized: traceability and aggre-
gation of verification results, incremental verification
tasks, predefined configuration settings of the verifi-
cation tools like Simulink test, Polyspace, SL cover-
age, etc., and interlinking of tools. To validate these
advantages, model and code coverage is discussed
explicitly in this paper. Significance of model and
code coverage with respect to DO-178C objectives
is clearly explained with brief description of the two
type of coverage: 1) Requirements-based coverage
analysis and 2) Structural coverage. Following the
description, these model and code coverage results of
slave controller application is discussed. Cyclomatic
complexity of model and code is discussed. A new
design job is also added into the lifecycle package of
the process-oriented build tool called as ‘Model Met-
rics’. This job provides the cyclomatic complexity
metric of the design models along with other com-
plexity metrics like library count, Simulink library,
parameter and block count, etc.
The future of this research consists of improve-
ment of the build tool itself and widening the applica-
tion areas of it. The build tool will be used to develop
a master battery controller and a motor controller in
this project.
This research is funded by ELAPSED as part of
dtec.bw - Digitization and Technology Research Cen-
ter of the Bundeswehr which we gratefully acknowl-
edge. (DTEC, 2021).
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MODELSWARD 2023 - 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering