We propose a novel approach to forecast time-to-
accident (TTA) by leveraging Spatio-temporal fea-
tures extracted from traffic accident videos. Our ap-
proach uses inexpensive and easy-to-install dashboard
cameras as opposed to expensive depth imaging de-
vices or sensors that require experts for installation.
This can allow for easy integration with any vehicle
and can be used as a collision avoidance tool. Our
approach only uses the first N-frames where N is at
most 10 (1 second), this allows the driver enough time
to take action to mitigate the risks given the predic-
tion horizon is between 3-6 seconds. Additionally, we
present an efficient 3D CNN architecture with signif-
icantly fewer parameters compared to state-of-the-art
3D CNN architectures (e.g., C3D) without compro-
mising performance. This can enable our approach
to be implemented in real-time scenarios where min-
imum inference latency, low computational cost, and
high accuracy are necessary. Comparing the results
of our multi-frame experiments against the single-
frame experiments there is clear evidence that Spatio-
temporal features perform better as opposed to using
only spatial features. Apart from estimating TTA, our
model can also recognize accident and non-accident
scenes with 100% accuracy. This can be beneficial for
avoiding false alarms in real-time applications. We
also notice that there is no clear monotonic relation-
ship between temporal depth and prediction error, our
findings align with other studies in the literature as
mentioned in the previous section. Apart from the
temporal depth our experiments suggest that spatial
resolution impacts the predicted outcome. As a part
of future work, we will work on the interpretability
of our model to analyze the features that impact the
prediction error. We also plan to integrate our model
with an accident localization framework to detect var-
ious road users that pose a collision threat. Further-
more, we will implement our approach in real-world
scenarios and assess the feasibility of our solution in
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Learning Spatio-Temporal Features via 3D CNNs to Forecast Time-to-Accident