In this study, we explore a strategy to detect hate-
speech. We based our approach on considering mes-
sages from several online social-media platforms at
once, betting that their different internal moderation
policies would provide a larger set of haters’ meth-
ods. In additions to sharing our annotated set with
the community, we also develop an application build-
ing up our strategy of combining/comparing multiple
pairs of word embeddings and classifiers. Overall,
we successfully build a hate speech detection model,
pairing USE and SVC, to obtain an average accu-
racy of 95.65% and achieved a maximum accuracy of
96.89%. Moreover, our application allows to define
an aggregating strategy by e.g. choosing which pairs
should be taken more into account. Therefore, we
hope that this two-side strategy of involving several
platforms and combining multiple pairs of embed-
dings and classifiers, will inspire the community to
improve our results and refine our performance score.
Sensitive Content Warning. Due to the nature of
this study, there are places in this article where hate-
ful language and terms are used. While we did try and
keep the use of these terms and phrases to a minimum,
and while we obviously do not approve these mes-
sage, it was vital to provide the reader with a proper
understanding of the context and methodologies used
in the process of completing this project.
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence