their firewall rules safely with the capability to detect
anomalies in the rule set. In our work, knowledge
graph is formulated as predicate calculus rules to
provide solid mathematical representation for the
existing anomalies, which in turn bridges the gap in
developing automation tools and effective solutions.
As a methodology, a general pattern for each anomaly
has been formally defined, and then the cases satisfied
each general pattern have been presented and
analysed to ensure that our method covers all possible
scenarios of well-know firewall rules’ anomalies.
As a future work, we will implement a handy
solution for our approach, including a solver for
automatic knowledge extraction from the predicate
calculus rules, which will be connected to KgBase, a
knowledge graph builder free tool. On the other hand,
the work in (Nguyen & Sakama, 2019) will be used
to prove the generalization of our approach.
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