Time edges are not part of the standards as well.
At BPMN, however, a maximal time interval can be
realized with an intermediate timer event. An addi-
tional path has to be modelled that is executed in case
of a missed deadline. It consists of the timer event,
followed by an activity that performs the escalation,
e.g. sends a message. It is executed when the event
occurs (i.e. the deadline is missed). With this worka-
round, (only) maximal time intervals can be realized
in a PMS that is based on BPMN. The result, how-
ever, are complex process graphs that may be too con-
fusing for “normal” BP designers.
For the visualization of time dependencies,
BPMN only offers the “clock symbol” of timer
events. Therefore, time edges and the time distances
are not directly visible. Instead, the already men-
tioned complex process graphs result. Since there ex-
ist no building blocks for the other dependencies pre-
sented in Section 2, BPMN does not propose a nota-
tion (i.e. visualization).
4.2 Scientific Literature
The control flow patterns (Russell and Hofstede
2006) describe many building blocks for BP design
and, therefore, enable many different execution or-
ders. These patterns, however, only respect the order
of whole activities, e.g. Act. A must be finished be-
fore Act. B can be started. That means, control flow
edges of Types 2 to 4 are not respected. Optional
edges are not mentioned at all. This work describes
mutual exclusions. However, the corresponding con-
trol flow patterns Critical Section and Interleaved
Routing are presented without a discussion of more
advanced requirements (as introduced in Section 2.3).
(Heinlein 2001) enables to define arbitrary de-
pendencies between the start and the end events of ac-
tivities (even the Types 2 to 4). Mutual exclusions can
be realized as well. The goal of this approach, how-
ever, is not to define dependencies between activities
of the same process instance. Instead, it considers de-
pendencies between activities of different process in-
stances or even process templates (i.e. process types).
Since it is not possible to model such dependencies
within a single process graph, regular expressions and
special interaction graphs are proposed.
Case Handling (Aalst et al. 2005, Hewelt and
Weske 2016) does not use control flow edges to de-
fine the execution order of activities. Instead, an ac-
tivity becomes executable when all required input
data are available. This enables the realization of
edges with Type 3 (StartBeforeStart): For this pur-
pose, the preceding Act. X must write a data object,
required by the succeeding Act. Y, directly when
Act. X starts. This workaround is only meaningful for
scenarios, where such a data-flow exists from Act. X
to Act. Y. Furthermore, at case handling, data-de-
pendencies concern only the start of an activity, i.e.
the Types 2 and 4 (..BeforeEnd) cannot be realized.
CrossFlow (Grefen et al. 2000, Klingemann
2000) proposes optional edges as optional execution
order. Similar as described in Section 2.2, the con-
cerned activities shall be executed in the modelled or-
der. Their parallel execution, however, is allowed in
exceptional cases, as well.
At constraint-based approaches (see (Reichert
and Weber 2012) for an overview), no control flow
graph is modelled at all. Instead, constraints were de-
fined, which restrict the set of possible execution or-
ders. These constraints refer to whole activities, and
not to their start and end events separately. Therefore,
dependencies of the Types 2 to 4 cannot be realized.
Optional constraints allow to realize optional execu-
tion orders. A constraint of the type respondedExist-
ence(A, B) (Reichert and Weber 2012) allows defin-
ing a mutual exclusion for these activities.
The necessity of an explicit building block for
mutual exclusions is explained in (Laue and Kirchner
2017) at examples from practice, without discussing
detailed requirements.
(Lanz et al. 2010) presents time patterns that ena-
ble the definition of minimal and maximal time inter-
vals between activities. They can arbitrarily refer to
the start and the end points of the preceding and suc-
ceeding activities. Therefore, all four edge types of
Section 2.1 are covered. But these time constraints
are not discussed in the context of the other concepts
presented in Section 2.
The graphical visualization of mutual exclusions
in (Russell and Hofstede 2006) is similar to Fig. 4a.
This work, however, does not focus on visualizations.
Instead it explains the meaning of control flow pat-
terns. Constraint-based approaches do not use a pro-
cess graph for BP definition. Therefore, they do not
present suggestions for appropriate visualization. The
interaction graphs of (Heinlein 2001) are not pro-
posed as modelling technique for BP designers, but
are a formal (mathematical) representation of the reg-
ular expressions.
To summarize: We propose edges of the Types 2
to 4 for the modelling of dependencies between activ-
ities of the same BP for the first time. The concepts
presented in Section 2.2 to 2.4 were already men-
tioned in literature, but partially in a different context
(e.g. not for graph-based BP modelling) and not in
combination with the other presented aspects that
concern start and end events of activities. Therefore,
for instance, optional time edges and areas of mutual