vations in the case study. Nevertheless, we have made
our approach available as open-source, which facili-
tates the replication of the study.
We presented a novel methodology for identifying
the full set of entity CRUD operations needed for
each endpoint in microservices-based systems. Such
CRUD operations are fundamental to ensuring any
proper endpoint access control. While the system
may initially have had correct access rights on all end-
points, its distributed evolution can easily cause them
to be outdated, requiring periodic verification of all
applied access rights to prevent vulnerability. Our
three-step solution generates a mapping of endpoint
methods to their needed CRUD operations. It then
identifies the call paths present within a system and
synthesizes the preceding outputs to generate a map-
ping of all endpoint calls to the full set of implied
entity CRUD operations that are needed to call this
endpoint. We have approached the problem in a gen-
eralizable manner using ReSSA methodology simpli-
fying the extension to accommodate new platforms
by analyzing a unified intermediate program repre-
sentation. We tested the proposed approach against
the TrainTicket testbed, a Java microservice system
built on the Spring-Boot framework, and verified
the results against a manually-reconstructed ground
truth. This yielded promising accuracy for identify-
ing CRUD operations for each endpoint.
In future work, we will statically analyze busi-
ness rules from the system source code and combine
these two solutions to generate an authorization ser-
vice enforcing authorization throughout the system
uniformly. Such a service would allow the cross-
cutting concern of authorization to be factored out
and handled in an automated fashion by stopping any
CRUD operation mismatches between an endpoint
and what it executes before becoming a security vul-
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the National Science Foundation under Grant No.
1854049 and a grant from Red Hat Research,
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Towards Security-Aware Microservices: On Extracting Endpoint Data Access Operations to Determine Access Rights