Re-Learning ShiftIR for Super-Resolution of
Carbon Nanotube Images
Yoshiki Kakamu
, Takahiro Maruyama
and Kazuhiro Hotta
Meijo University, 1-501 Shiogamaguchi, Tempaku-ku, Nagoya 468-8502, Japan
Keywords: Super-Resolution, Carbon Nanotube, Shift, SwinIR, Re-Learning.
Abstract: In this study, we perform super-resolution of carbon nanotube images using Deep Learning. In order to
achieve super-resolution with higher accuracy than conventional SwinIR, we introduce an encoder-decoder
structure to input an image of larger size and a Shift mechanism for local feature extraction. In addition, we
propose super-resolution method by re-training to perform super-resolution with high accuracy even with a
small number of images. Experiments were conducted on DIV2K, General100, Set5, and carbon nanotube
image dataset for evaluation. Experimental results confirmed that the proposed method provides higher
accuracy than the conventional SwinIR, and showed that the proposed method can super-resolve carbon
nanotube images. The main contribution is the proposal of a network model with better performance for
super-resolution of carbon nanotube images even if there is no crisp supervised images. The proposed method
is suitable for such images. Effectiveness of our method was demonstrated by experimental results on a
general super-resolution dataset and a carbon nanotube image dataset.
Deep learning technology for image processing is
currently applied not only to the IT field but also to
various fields such as civil engineering, and materials
engineering. In materials engineering, this study
focuses on carbon nanotube (CNT). CNT is
nanometer-sized tubular materials composed of
carbon, which can be used in a wide variety of
applications, such as fuel cells and medical materials.
The problem of blurred images often occurs in
transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation,
which is the main method for CNT characterization.
A solution for this problem is to use deep learning to
obtain super-resolution images.
In this study, we use a super-resolution method
called SwinIR as a baseline. This model is based on
the Swin Transformer, which has achieved the highest
accuracy in many super-resolution tasks. However,
the pre-trained SwinIR was trained on datasets such
as plants, animals, and buildings, and not on material
images. Therefore, the pre-trained models may fail to
super-resolution of material images. Although it is
desirable to train on a large number of clear CNT
a 0000-0001-6698-3634
images, it is difficult to collect such data. Therefore,
we propose a re-training method in which fine tuning
is performed using the images that have already been
successfully super-resolved by ShiftIR as teacher
images. This method can incorporate CNT-specific
features while utilizing generic knowledge from pre-
trained models.
In order to achieve super-resolution with higher
accuracy than SwinIR, we incorporated an encoder-
decoder structure that enables us to input an image of
larger size. We also incorporated the Shift mechanism
of ShiftViT, which performs better than Swin
To evaluate the proposed method, we used the
DIV2K, General100 and Set5 datasets, which are
commonly used in super-resolution experiments. We
also use the CNT image dataset which is the subject
of this study. In our experiments, we first evaluated
the proposed method on the DIV2K, General100,
Set5 datasets to evaluate its super-resolution
performance. The results show that the proposed
method can achieve higher PSNR accuracy than
conventional SwinIR on those general datasets. Next,
we conducted experiments on CNT image datasets to
Kakamu, Y., Maruyama, T. and Hotta, K.
Re-Learning ShiftIR for Super-Resolution of Carbon Nanotube Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0011708200003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: Overview of SwinIR.
evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method on
CNT images and the usefulness of the re-learning
based super-resolution. As a result, we confirmed that
the proposed method can achieve higher PSNR
accuracy than the conventional SwinIR on CNT
image datasets. In addition, an ablation study was
conducted without the encoder-decoder structure and
the Shift mechanism in the proposed method to
demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed method,
and we show the effectiveness of both devices in our
The structure of this paper is as follows. Section 2
describes related works. Section 3 describes the
proposed method. Section 4 presents experimental
results. Section 5 concludes and discusses future
We discuss related works of this study. We discuss
SwinIR in Section 2.1 and Shift ViT in Section 2.2.
2.1 SwinIR
SwinIR is a super-resolution method based on Swin
Transformer. Figure 1 shows the overview of SwinIR,
which consists of three parts: a shallow feature
extraction part, a deep feature extraction part, and a
high-quality image reconstruction part. The shallow
feature extraction part extracts shallow features from
an input image using convolution layers. The deep
feature extraction part consists of Residual Swin
Transformer Blocks (RSTB). Each block utilizes
multiple Swin Transformer Layers (STLs). In
addition, a convolutional layer is added at the end of
the block to enhance functionality, and residual
connections are used. The high-quality image
reconstruction section reconstructs the sum of
features from the shallow and deep feature extraction
sections into a quadruple-sized image using
convolution layers and the Nearest Neighbor method.
These mechanisms make SwinIR high-quality super-
Figure 2: Shift Mechanism.
resolution method by taking advantage of the Swin
Transformer. Conventional SwinIR consumes a lot of
memory and cannot treat input images of large sizes.
Therefore, only small size images can be input, and
only a small amount of information on the input
image can be utilized. To solve this problem, this
paper introduces an encoder-decoder structure that
enables the input of large images without increasing
memory usage.
2.2 ShiftViT
ShiftViT is a variant of Vision Transformer that uses
the Shift mechanism instead of Attention in the Swin
Transformer, an operation that swaps some channels
between adjacent features. It has the advantage that no
arithmetic operations or parameters are required.
Figure 2 shows the Shift mechanism in the ShiftViT.
The Shift mechanism first divides a portion of the
input channel into four equal parts. Next, one of
divided part is shifted by one pixel to the left, right,
top, and bottom.
This operation is a substitute for Attention in Swin
Transformer. As a result, ShiftViT achieved better
performance than Swin Transformer on the tasks such
as image classification, object detection, and
segmentation. By replacing the Swin Transformer
Layer (STL) in SwinIR with the ShiftViT Layer
(SVL), this study enables super-resolution with high
accuracy and low memory consumption.
In this section, we describe the proposed method,
Section 3.1 describes super-resolution method by re-
learning, and Section 3.2 describes the structure of the
proposed ShiftIR.
3.1 Re-Learning Based
In this study, we propose a re-training based super-
resolution method. This method is based on
fine-tuning using images that have been successfully
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Structural diagram of ShiftIR.
Figure 4: Re-learning based Super-resolution process.
Figure 5: Images in datasets.
Table 1: Results on general super-resolution datasets.
super-resolved images by a pre-trained model as a
teacher image. The process of the super-resolution
method based on relearning is shown in Figure 4.
CNT images available for this study are blurred
images. To successfully conduct experiments under
the harsh conditions, we adopted ShiftIR which has
been pre-trained in DIV2K to the blurred CNT
images. We can obtain better CNT images than the
original ones. Thus, the output images are used as
pseudo teacher images. However, since the CNT
images are very different from the dataset used for
pre-training the ShiftIR, some images would fail to be
super-resolved. Therefore, fine tuning of ShiftIR is
required. This allows us to super-resolve CNT
images.The CNT images used in this study are
difficult to collect clear images, and it is difficult to
create a sufficient dataset for training. In addition, the
datasets used for super-resolution are generally
images of plants, animals, and buildings, which are
not similar to CNT images. Therefore, the usage of
only pre-trained models may fail to super-resolve
material images. Therefore, by using learned images
that have been successfully super-resolved by ShiftIR
as teacher images, we can create pseudo-clear teacher
images, resulting in high-quality super-resolution.
The method can also incorporate CNT-specific
features while utilizing generic knowledge from pre-
trained models.
3.2 ShiftIR
Figure 3 shows the overview of the proposed ShiftIR.
In conventional methods, feature extraction is
performed by a single-layer convolution in the
shallow feature extraction section. However, only one
layer has poor feature extraction capability and cannot
make good use of information in the input image.
Therefore, encoder-decoder structure is introduced
into the shallow feature extraction part and the high-
quality image reconstruction part. The input image
size is therefore four times larger than that of the
conventional method. The proposed method adds a
layer of residual connections and convolution of
information from the shallow feature extraction
section between each layer, while the conventional
method only has two layers of convolution and the
nearest neighbor as high-quality image reconstruction
sections. The proposed method, however, adds a
residual connection and a convolution between each
layer. This allows us to take advantage of features
in large images without increasing memory
Since the conventional Swin Transformer used
self-attention in a window. However, attention
between far points in a window may not be useful for
super-resolution. We consider that local relationship
is more important for super-resolution. For example,
if we try to super-resolve the petals in the left image
in Figure 5, what is important is the shape of the
surrounding petals and the border with the center of
the flower. On the other hand, the relationship with
the background and leaves is not so important. Thus,
Re-Learning ShiftIR for Super-Resolution of Carbon Nanotube Images
Figure 6: Super-resolution results by ShiftIR.
local relationships are more important for super-
resolution. Local relationships are also important in
the CNT image shown in Figure 5 because of the
importance of separating CNTs from the background
and the nature of the CNTs being formed in a series.
Thus, we use Shift layer which excels in more
localized processing to achieve more accurate super-
resolution processing. Figure 3 shows the proposed
ShiftIR that we use local Shift of feature maps.
By using an encoder-decoder structure, ShiftIR
enhances the shallow feature extraction part of the
image by inputting a large size image and effectively
utilizing its information. In addition, by using the
Shift mechanism, local features are extracted and the
deep feature extraction part is enhanced.
Table 2: Result of CNT image dataset.
In this section, we present the experimental results.
Section 4.1 describes the carbon nanotube images.
Section 4.2 presents the experimental results on
general super-resolution dataset. Section 4.3 shows
the experimental results for the CNT image dataset.
Section 4.4 shows ablation study.
4.1 Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Image
Carbon nanotube (CNT) is nanometer-sized tubular
materials composed of carbon, which are used in a
wide variety of applications, including fuel cells and
medical materials. However, transmission electron
microscopy, which is the primary method for
evaluating CNTs, often results in blurred images. The
solution to this problem is to use ShiftIR to obtain
super high resolution images of CNTs. In addition,
the CNT images used in this study are not suitable for
using as teacher images because they are unclear.
Therefore, the proposed super-resolution method
based on retraining was used to create pseudo teacher
images and use them for training.
4.2 Results on General
Super-Resolution Datasets
The experimental results on the general super-
resolution dataset (DIV2K, General100, Set5) are
shown in Figure 4. In these experiments, we trained
each method till 50,000 epochs. Figure 6 shows that
the overall quality of the images by ShiftIR is
Loss and PSNR values for SwinIR and ShiftIR for
the general super-resolution dataset are shown in
Table 1. Table 1 shows that the proposed ShiftIR
method and the conventional SwinIR method have 40
dB or higher values. Since 30 dB or higher is
generally considered to be high image quality, all of
them can be said to have high image quality. In
addition, the PSNR values of the proposed method are
approximately 3.5 dB higher on the DIV2K dataset,
4.3 dB higher on the General100 dataset, and 14.5dB
higher on the Set5 dataset compared to the
conventional method.
From these results, we see that the proposed
method is able to achieve super-resolution with better
accuracy. This is due to the fact that the encoder-
decoder structure of ShiftIR extracts the overall
features of larger input image and utilizes them for
image reconstruction, thereby enhancing the shallow
feature extraction and image reconstruction parts. The
deep feature extraction part was also enhanced by
changing from the Swin Transformer to the Shift
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 7: Super-resolution of CNT images by ShiftIR.
Table 3: Ablation Studies.
Figure 8: PSNR for each method on CNT dataset.
4.3 Results on CNT Image Dataset
The usefulness of the proposed method was
confirmed in the experiments on the datasets for
general super-resolution in section 4.2. Therefore, we
adopt the proposed method to CNT images, which are
the main subject of this study. We also adopt the re-
learning based super-resolution method to the CNT
image dataset in order to confirm the usefulness. The
experimental results on the CNT image dataset are
shown in Figure 7, and the Loss and PSNR values of
SwinIR and ShiftIR are shown in Table 2. We trained
each method till 50,000 epochs. Figure 6 shows that
the image with ShiftIR has higher quality, and the
background noise disappears. In addition, as shown in
Table 2 and Section 4.2, both ShiftIR and SwinIR are
higher than 40 dB. The PSNR value of the proposed
method is about 16.7 dB higher than that of the
conventional SwinIR.
From these results, we see that the proposed
method is able to achieve super-resolution with higher
quality. This indicates that the proposed method is
more useful than conventional methods on CNT
image datasets. In addition, the higher improvement
on CNT image dataset than general super-resolution
datasets though no clear teacher images exist. This
indicates that the re-training based super-resolution
method is useful.
4.4 Ablation Study
Ablation study of the proposed ShiftIR is performed
to verify which mechanism is effective. The CNT
Re-Learning ShiftIR for Super-Resolution of Carbon Nanotube Images
image dataset is used in this experiment. One of the
two mechanisms in the proposed method, the
encoder-decoder structure and the Shift mechanism,
was removed in this experiment. The experimental
results are shown in Table 3 and the graphs of each
PSNR value are shown in Figure 8.
We also trained each method till 50,000 epochs.
Table 3 and Figure 8 show that the results excluding
each factor are higher than the conventional method
but less accurate than the proposed method.
The PSNR values for the encoder-decoder
structure alone and the Shift mechanism alone are
nearly same. These results indicate that both the
encoder-decoder structure and the shift mechanism
are important for ShiftIR. These experiments confirm
the effectiveness of the encoder-decoder structure and
the shift mechanism.
The encoder-decoder structure improved accuracy
because it was able to take advantage of the features
of large images. When the height and width of a
square image is halved, the number of pixels in the
image is reduced to one-fourth. This means that the
image information is also reduced to one-fourth, and
conversely, the image information is increased by a
factor of four when the image size is doubled.
Therefore, an encoder-decoder structure that can
handle four times as many input images as
conventional methods is considered an important
element for ShiftIR.
The reason for the improved accuracy with the
Shift mechanism can be attributed to the improved
performance of local feature extraction. Local
relationships are more important than the
relationships between distant locations in an image,
because features around objects are important for
super-resolution. Especially, local relationships are
especially important due to the characteristics of
CNTs, so the Shift mechanism with its high local
feature extraction capability is quite effective.
ShiftViT's Shift mechanism has fewer parameters
than Swin Transformer's Attention mechanism and
can build deeper models within a limited amount of
computation, making it superior for spatial feature
extraction. Therefore, the Shift mechanism is
considered as an important element for ShiftIR
because it can extract more features than conventional
methods. Based on these factors, we believe that
ShiftIR can achieve higher resolution than
conventional methods due to the synergistic effect of
the encoder-decoder structure and the Shift
In this paper, we proposed ShiftIR, which introduces
an encoder-decoder structure and the Shift
mechanism to the conventional SwinIR for super-
resolution of carbon nanotube images. In addition, we
proposed a re-training based learning method to
perform super-resolution with high accuracy even
with a small amount of low quality images.
Experimental results show that ShiftIR can perform
super-resolution with a maximum accuracy of 59dB
on both general super-resolution datasets and CNT
image datasets, which is higher than the accuracy of
conventional methods. Through the ablation study,
we see that both the encoder-decoder structure and the
shift mechanism are effective for super-resolution. In
addition to CNTs, there are the other fields in
materials engineering such as catalyst images that
require super-resolution, and we would like to
develop models for those fields.
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Re-Learning ShiftIR for Super-Resolution of Carbon Nanotube Images