image dataset is used in this experiment. One of the
two mechanisms in the proposed method, the
encoder-decoder structure and the Shift mechanism,
was removed in this experiment. The experimental
results are shown in Table 3 and the graphs of each
PSNR value are shown in Figure 8.
We also trained each method till 50,000 epochs.
Table 3 and Figure 8 show that the results excluding
each factor are higher than the conventional method
but less accurate than the proposed method.
The PSNR values for the encoder-decoder
structure alone and the Shift mechanism alone are
nearly same. These results indicate that both the
encoder-decoder structure and the shift mechanism
are important for ShiftIR. These experiments confirm
the effectiveness of the encoder-decoder structure and
the shift mechanism.
The encoder-decoder structure improved accuracy
because it was able to take advantage of the features
of large images. When the height and width of a
square image is halved, the number of pixels in the
image is reduced to one-fourth. This means that the
image information is also reduced to one-fourth, and
conversely, the image information is increased by a
factor of four when the image size is doubled.
Therefore, an encoder-decoder structure that can
handle four times as many input images as
conventional methods is considered an important
element for ShiftIR.
The reason for the improved accuracy with the
Shift mechanism can be attributed to the improved
performance of local feature extraction. Local
relationships are more important than the
relationships between distant locations in an image,
because features around objects are important for
super-resolution. Especially, local relationships are
especially important due to the characteristics of
CNTs, so the Shift mechanism with its high local
feature extraction capability is quite effective.
ShiftViT's Shift mechanism has fewer parameters
than Swin Transformer's Attention mechanism and
can build deeper models within a limited amount of
computation, making it superior for spatial feature
extraction. Therefore, the Shift mechanism is
considered as an important element for ShiftIR
because it can extract more features than conventional
methods. Based on these factors, we believe that
ShiftIR can achieve higher resolution than
conventional methods due to the synergistic effect of
the encoder-decoder structure and the Shift
In this paper, we proposed ShiftIR, which introduces
an encoder-decoder structure and the Shift
mechanism to the conventional SwinIR for super-
resolution of carbon nanotube images. In addition, we
proposed a re-training based learning method to
perform super-resolution with high accuracy even
with a small amount of low quality images.
Experimental results show that ShiftIR can perform
super-resolution with a maximum accuracy of 59dB
on both general super-resolution datasets and CNT
image datasets, which is higher than the accuracy of
conventional methods. Through the ablation study,
we see that both the encoder-decoder structure and the
shift mechanism are effective for super-resolution. In
addition to CNTs, there are the other fields in
materials engineering such as catalyst images that
require super-resolution, and we would like to
develop models for those fields.
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