Archi sends model information in an XML format
(The Open Group, 2021b) to a recommendation sys-
tem outside Archi. Once the response is received, the
recommendations are displayed to the Enterprise Ar-
chitects. Another research uses ML for EA model
prediction which reduces the manual effort during the
modeling process (Shilov et al., 2021). With the help
of Graph Neural Networks, models have been built
for node classification and edge prediction. This helps
modeling by extracting patterns and best practices.
As main contribution of this work, we designed an
architecture for a recommender plugin for Archi that
could easily integrate with an external RS. The cur-
rent implementation of the plugin is lightweight in
terms of the amount of data exchange. Hence, there
were no latency issues. For evaluation, we imple-
mented a connection to an external RS and collected
feedback from the user and research community re-
garding the usability of the plugin. Further evalua-
tion can be done, with other RS that have a different
implementation and have other requirements for data
exchange. The plugin framework is also extensible to
add new features. However, we only implemented a
simple RS using the current framework to showcase
its use. The current implementation is tailored for a
component-based RS. With a more sophisticated rec-
ommender framework in terms of GUI, the plugin can
be more generic to accommodate different forms of
recommendation. For instance, context-based recom-
mendations (Agt-Rickauer et al., 2018) and enterprise
model prediction (Shilov et al., 2021). This is left as
an avenue for future research.
The source code of the plugin can be accessed via our
github repository
. Additionally, we prepared a short
video to present the tool
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ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems