limited in their validation work due to the lack of
naturalistic data capturing such interactions.
In addition to the above cycling research that is
oriented towards capturing the effect of bicycles in a
mixed traffic environment, a few other studies
investigated the fundamental concepts behind bicycle
longitudinal motion based on the assumption that
there are no major differences between the dynamics
of single-file bicycle traffic and vehicular traffic.
These include models specifically developed for
bicycle motion modeling such as the Necessary
Deceleration Model (NDM) (Andresen et al., 2014)
developed in 2012. Another approach used by
researchers to model the longitudinal motion of
bicycles investigated the possibility of capturing
cyclists’ behavior through revamping certain aspects
of existing car-following models. That is the case, for
example, in the Intelligent Driver Model (IDM)
(Treiber et al., 2000) which, after a simple re-
parameterization, was shown to be a good descriptor
of bicycle-following behavior (Kurtc & Treiber,
2020). In a similar fashion, driven by the complete
overlook of the effects that the cyclist and the road
environment have on bicycle motion behavior, the
research team proposed a longitudinal motion model
for bicycles (Fadhloun, 2021) that is derived from the
Fadhloun-Rakha (FR) car-following model
(Fadhloun & Rakha, 2020). A common factor
between the NDM model as well as the proposed
IDM and Fadhloun-Rakha bicycle-specific
formulations is that they were all validated against
cycling data collected in a similar experimental
setting in which participants were instructed to follow
one another on a ring-road without the possibility of
overtaking (Andresen et al., 2014; Kurtc & Treiber,
2020). While the used data in these efforts is in
accordance with their assumptions and the approach
used is scientifically sound, it is quite clear that those
models are not capable of capturing the inherent
naturalistic non-lane-based traffic behavior
characteristics of bicycles. To address that issue, the
research team complemented, in a second stage, the
Fadhloun-Rakha longitudinal bicycle-following
model with a lateral control module (Alazemi, 2022),
thus inducing a certain degree of freedom in bicycle
lateral motion by allowing overtaking maneuvers to
occur. However, that effort remained theoretical in
nature due to the unavailability of two-dimensional
naturalistic cycling data that could serve to validate
and verify the model formulation.
While the above studies differed based on their
purpose and applications, they all share one key
element. That is to say, the complete lack or
superficiality of validation work due to the non-
existence of naturalistic cycling data that is well fitted
for their objectives. In this study, the research team
tries to fill, at least partially, the apparent gap in
naturalistic data that exist between vehicular traffic
and bicycle traffic.
Specifically, this paper describes a research effort
that aims to extract naturalistic cycling data from
video feeds for use in different mobility applications.
To achieve this objective, the research team first
applied computer vision, machine learning, and data
reduction techniques to a video dataset in order to
identify and extract bicycle trips in the pixelated
domain of the videos. The selected video dataset is
the result of a previous Virginia Tech Transportation
Institute study in collaboration with SPIN in which
continuous video data at a non-signalized intersection
at the Virginia Tech campus was collected. Next,
using the results of a high-precision surveying
campaign of the observed area, the collected
trajectories were projected in the Northing-Easting
coordinate system allowing for the determination of
the actual locations, speeds, and accelerations of the
bicycles. Besides its main contribution that resulted
in the collection of 619 bicycle trajectories, it is
noteworthy to mention that the trips were classified
into different scenarios depending on the type of
interactions the bicyclists had with cars. Subsequently,
a better understanding of bicyclists’ behavior around
motorists is achieved. The results could be used to
analyze the interactions between cyclists and drivers,
both for safety and capacity studies.
Concerning its layout, the paper starts with a brief
overview of the used naturalistic video dataset. That
is followed with a detailed description of the different
methodologies and techniques involved in the
extraction of the naturalistic cycling trajectories from
the video feeds. Finally, the results and findings of the
study are presented.
Due to the continuous proliferation and
advancements in machine learning and computer
vision techniques, it is becoming feasible to acquire
reliable naturalistic traffic data in a cheap and
efficient manner from video datasets. That is
especially true for the case of bicycles as they are not
as instrumented as cars, which would not allow the
capture of their full surroundings in the context of a
naturalistic data collection study. In the case of this
study, the complete video dataset is the result of a
previous Virginia Tech Transportation Institute study
in collaboration with SPIN in which continuous video