extending the availability times of some primitive re-
sources at the expense of others so that the consump-
tion of the composite resource as a whole completes
successfully. How to perform this extension without
initiating conflicts is another concern that we address
in this paper, as well.
To address both concerns, we resort to Allen’s
time algebra (Allen, 1983). The objective is to iden-
tify potential time-interval relations between the re-
spective availability times of primitive resources par-
ticipating in the same composite resource. Allen’s
algebra offers an exhaustive coverage of possible re-
lations between time intervals along with the possi-
bility of reasoning over these relations. Examples
of relations include equals, overlaps, starts, and dur-
ing. Our objective is to achieve a time-constrained,
event-driven coordination of composite resources that
would be sensitive to both availability times of and
consumption properties of primitive resources. Our
contributions are, but not limited to, (i) identifica-
tion of potential time-interval relations between prim-
itive resources’ availability times using Allen’s time
algebra, (ii) analysis of the impact of consump-
tion properties on primitive resources’ availability
times, (iii) on-the-fly definition of consumption flows
of composite resources based on their primitive re-
sources’ availability times and consumption proper-
ties, and (iv) demonstration of consumption flows
through a case study and system. The rest of this
paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is a sum-
mary of some related works. Section 3 defines the
concepts of resource and their consumption properties
and also refers to a running example used for illustra-
tion purposes. Section 4 provides a temporal analysis
of these consumption properties prior to detailing the
approach for coordinating the consumption of primi-
tive resources in Section 5. This approach’s technical
details and concluding remarks are reported in Sec-
tions 6 and 7, respectively.
In the research community, resource management in
business processes is commonly studied. In this sec-
tion, we discuss this management in terms of re-
source allocation and composition. In (Stefanini et al.,
2020), Stefanini et al. propose a process mining-
based approach to support resource planning of health
services. They combine techniques like time-driven
activity-based costing and process mining to identify
and analytically evaluate tasks, service times, and re-
source consumptions for specific medical conditions.
For the needs of process mining, the approach uses an
event log to estimate the expected resource consump-
tions of each medical intervention.
In (Maamar et al., 2022), Maamar et al. define
an approach for coordinating the consumption of re-
sources by business processes’ tasks. The approach
takes into account both resources’ properties like un-
limited and limited-but-extensible and tasks’ transac-
tional properties like pivot and compensatable. On
top of these properties, the approach adopts Allen’s
time algebra and uses historical details about past ex-
ecutions stored in an event log to coordinate resource
consumption. In (Arias et al., 2015), Arias et al. pro-
pose a process mining-based recommendation frame-
work to allocate resources to sub-processes instead
of individual tasks. The framework uses a set of
criteria related to resource’s capabilities, resource’s
workload, necessary expertise to perform tasks, and
event log that encompasses details about previous ex-
ecutions. Mixing these criteria allowed recommend-
ing the top-ranked resources to a sub-process based on
the best position algorithm (Akbarinia et al., 2011).
In (Park and Song, 2019), Park and Song
build upon the results of predictive process monitor-
ing to improve business processes especially resource
allocation. To optimize this allocation, the authors use
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to predict the pro-
cessing time of each task and next task of an ongoing
process instance. These details (i.e., processing time
and next task) are exploited to allocate resources to
tasks thanks to a minimum cost and maximum flow
algorithm. In (Sindhgatta et al., 2016), the authors
propose a context-based approach for making deci-
sions about resource allocation to tasks. The approach
relies on historical data, process context, and perfor-
mance of past instances all stored in an event log to
predict the performance of under-execution process
instances. Resources allocated to these instances are
taken care by k-Nearest Neighbor technique.
In (Zhao et al., 2016), Zhao et al. analyze re-
source allocation to a business process’s tasks as a
multi-criteria decision making problem. The rec-
ommendation of resources to a BP’s tasks considers
both resource characteristics and task preference pat-
terns established based on past executions. To un-
cover these patterns, the authors adopt an entropy-
based clustering ensemble method. In addition, they
provide dynamic resource allocation for concurrently
running process instances. In a recent work (Zhao
et al., 2020), Zhao et al. address the problem of hu-
man resources allocation using team faultlines. First,
resources’ characteristics are described from demo-
graphic and past execution perspectives. Then, this
faultline is identified and measured using various
characteristics and multiple subgroups. Finally, a
Time-Constrained, Event-Driven Coordination of Composite Resources’ Consumption Flows