How Fine Tuning Affects Contextual Embeddings: A Negative Result
Ha-Thanh Nguyen
1 a
, Vu Tran
, Minh-Phuong Nguyen
, Le-Minh Nguyen
and Ken Satoh
National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan
Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ishikawa, Japan
Contextual Embedding, Fine-Tuning, Impact Explanation.
Recently, deep learning models trained on large amounts of data have achieved impressive results in the field
of legal document processing. However, being seen as black boxes, these models lack explainability. This
paper aims to shed light on the inner behavior of legal learning models by analyzing the effect of fine-tuning
on legal contextual embeddings. This paper provides pieces of evidence to explain the relationship between
the moving of contextual embeddings and the effectiveness of a model when fine-tuned on legal tasks. It can
help further explain the effect of finetuning on language models. To this end, we use multilingual transformer
models, fine-tune them on the lawfulness classification task, and record the changes in the embeddings. The
experimental results reveal interesting phenomena. The method in this paper can be used to confirm whether a
deep learning model truly gains the knowledge in a legal problem to make the predictions or simply memorize
the training examples, or worse, predict randomly.
Deep learning models have achieved impressive re-
sults in several legal document processing tasks
(Kano et al., 2017; Rabelo et al., 2019; Nguyen
et al., 2020; Chalkidis et al., 2020; Shao et al., 2020;
Nguyen et al., 2021b). However, the explainability
of the results remains an important issue for deploy-
ing in legal practice. For example, the law often con-
tains technical terms that have a specific meaning. If
a model cannot identify the meaning of these terms,
it is likely to fail in further processing the documents.
In previous work (Nguyen et al., 2021a), Nguyen et
al. propose explanation metrics and visualizations
that can be used to explain the state-of-the-art legal
pretrained models. These explanations can be used to
understand their performance, improve them, or build
new models. These explanations are based on the
model’s output at a static status, i.e. when the model
has already been trained. Although it is an effective
approach to unbox the model, it cannot explain what
is happening to the model while it is being trained or
Embeddings are essential for any deep learning
model. Word embeddings are vectors that represent
the meanings of the words, this is the very first ap-
proach that allows presenting the semantic meaning
of a word in a computer system (Mikolov et al., 2013)
instead of only its lexical meaning, i.e. the sequence
of symbols that represents that word. However, the
words in a sentence do not always have the same
meaning. The same word can have different mean-
ings in different contexts. This problem is handled
by contextual embeddings. Contextual embeddings
are vectors that represent the meaning of the words in
their context (Vaswani et al., 2017). Contextual em-
beddings are trained along with the model, so they
can be considered as a part of the model. Transform-
ers are a type of contextual embedding model. Trans-
former models are pre-trained on large amounts of
data and then fine-tuned on the specific data. Trans-
former models have achieved impressive results in
many NLP tasks including legal document process-
ing (Devlin et al., 2018; Raffel et al., 2020; Brown
et al., 2020; Lewis et al., 2019).
In this paper, we present a way to understand how
legal fine-tuning affects contextual embeddings. To
this end, we use multilingual transformer models and
fine-tune them on the task of lawfulness classification.
In this task, given a text, which can be a legal state-
Nguyen, H., Tran, V., Nguyen, M., Nguyen, L. and Satoh, K.
How Fine Tuning Affects Contextual Embeddings: A Negative Result Explanation.
DOI: 10.5220/0011714200003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 586-591
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ment, the model predicts whether the text is lawful or
unlawful. We record the changes in the metrics on
accuracy and embeddings. The experimental results
show that there is a relationship between accuracy and
the quality of the embeddings. Observations in this
paper can be used to explain and improve pretrained
language models for legal document processing. We
also hope that this paper will encourage researchers to
use more explainable and transparent methods for de-
veloping legal machine-learning models. This paper
is a side result of our effort to create a powerful lan-
guage model on the NMSP approach (Nguyen et al.,
2021b). The model fails our expectations but it re-
veals interesting phenomena.
The legal domain is always considered a difficult do-
main for natural language processing tasks (Rabelo
et al., 2020; Nguyen and Nguyen, 2021; Vuong et al.,
2022). The legal text is different from the general
text in some aspects such as the presence of technical
terms, the specific language, and the specific struc-
ture. Recently, using transformer models has yielded
promising results in the field of law. The standard
way to evaluate the model performance is to use some
evaluation metrics such as accuracy, F1 score, and
ROC curve. However, these metrics cannot show the
relationship between the model’s performance and the
model’s understanding of the legal problem. For ex-
ample, a model can predict the result of a case cor-
rectly, but this does not mean that the model has un-
derstood the legal problem. This is a big problem
when building a model to assist lawyers. Lawyers
need to know how the model works. If the model
relies on a few unimportant details from the data to
make the predictions, then, these predictions will be
Nguyen et al. (Nguyen et al., 2021a) propose
two evaluation metrics to test the quality of legal em-
beddings. These evaluation metrics are based on the
number and the positions of legal terms in the em-
beddings. These evaluation metrics can be used to
understand the model’s understanding of legal terms.
They argue that if a model can locate the relative posi-
tions of legal terms in its embedding, they have more
chance to model the high-abstract concepts in the le-
gal domain, generalize better, and achieve high per-
formance. However, the authors do not propose a way
to evaluate the effect of fine-tuning legal documents
on the model.
LVC stands for Legal Vocabulary Coverage,
which is the percentage of legal terms in the embed-
ding. Simply put, if the embedding contains 25K le-
gal terms out of 100K terms, then, the LVC is 25%.
This metric is reasonable because legal terms are the
most important part of legal documents and the most
correct way to describe legal concepts. With subword
representation, the model can try to understand an un-
known term by its subparts. However, this represen-
tation is a workaround approximation and can lead to
some problems. For example, a non-legal term can
be split into some legal subparts, but it does not mean
that this non-legal term represents the legal concept.
LECA stands for Legal Embedding Centroid-
based Assessment, which can be used to understand
the relative positions of legal terms in the embedding.
LECA is based on the fact that the positions of the
legal terms in the embedding space should be closer
together. This metric first finds the average embed-
ding vector of all legal terms as a centroid. Then, the
Euclidean distance between the legal terms and the le-
gal centroid is calculated. The average distance of all
legal terms is considered the value of this assessment.
If this value is small, the legal terms are close to the
legal centroid and the legal concepts are likely to be
represented properly in the embedding space.
LVC remains the same during finetuning, whereas
the LECA changes because of backpropagation. We
observe that the legal terms in the embedding space
become closer and closer to each other in most of our
experiments, which leads us to conduct experiments
to see how this metric changes before and after fine-
tuning. This information can reveal how better the
model understands legal terms by being finetuning on
a legal dataset.
In our experiment, we initially wanted to create XLM-
Paralaw as a state-of-the-art model that outperforms
existing contextual embeddings-based models. How-
ever, our expectations were subverted, and we con-
ducted experiments to get additional clues to explain
the model’s failure.
3.1 XLM-Paralaw
In the NMSP approach (Nguyen et al., 2021b), in or-
der to improve the performance of language models,
we train the model on a multilingual corpus. This ap-
proach is inspired by the idea that the translation pro-
cess can be considered a form of knowledge transfer.
Besides, in translation, we need to base on the context
to find the most suitable translation. This is similar to
the way a language model is trained. In the NMSP
How Fine Tuning Affects Contextual Embeddings: A Negative Result Explanation
approach, the model is trained to determine whether a
sentence is a translation of the following sentence of
a given sentence.
The previous model trained on this approach
achieved state-of-the-art results on COLIEE 2021
The backbone of this model is BERT multilingual.
This result brings us an assumption that using a
larger model that pretrained on multilingual data can
lead to better results. Hence, we choose XLM-
RoBERTa (Conneau et al., 2019) as the main archi-
tecture of the model.
The data used to further pretrain XLM-RoBERTa
to get XLM-Paralaw is the data set described in
(Nguyen et al., 2021b). This data set has been col-
lected from the legal translation corpora of Japanese
. From the original pairs of Japanese-English
sentences, the training samples are generated as fol-
lows. First, we take a sentence, to make a positive
sample, and we pair it with the following sentence
(the original or the translation). To make a negative
sample, we pick random sentences in the corpus. Now
we have pairs of sentences with labels (’positive’ or
’negative’). The final training set is a collection of
718,000 pairs with labels.
XLM-Paralaw is then further pretrained on this
data set. We randomly sample 10% of the origi-
nal corpus for validation. The pretraining process is
stopped when we do not see improvement after one
epoch. After pretraining, we finetune and test XLM-
Paralaw on COLIEE 2021 with the lawfulness classi-
fication task. The results show that the model’s per-
formance is far from what we expected. To better
understand this phenomenon, we conduct an exten-
sive experiment to see how well the model represents
legal concepts in its vocabulary and compare it with
other models. The results are summarized and ana-
lyzed in Section 3.3.
3.2 Experimental Settings
We choose multilingual transformer models as the
study objects. They share the same architecture of
contextual embedding. Our strategy is to measure the
LECA value before and after fine-tuning the lawful-
ness classification task to see how finetuning changes
the model’s performance as well as the contextual em-
In terms of experimental resources, we have the
legal bi-lingual dataset in English-Japanese and pre-
trained language models constructed from the paral-
lel corpus. We choose the following models for our
1 rabelo/COLIEE2021/
BERT Multilingual Base Uncased (Devlin et al.,
2018): The uncased version of BERT multilingual
model trained on 104 languages.
BERT Multilingual Base Cased (Devlin et al.,
2018): The cased version of BERT multilingual
model trained on 104 languages.
Paralaw Nets - NFSP (Nguyen et al., 2021b): A
model trained on the Paralaw dataset with the
NFSM approach.
Paralaw Nets - NMSP (Nguyen et al., 2021b):
A model trained on the Paralaw dataset with the
NMSP approach.
XLM-RoBERTa Base (Conneau et al., 2019): A
model trained on 100 languages.
: A model further pretrained from
XLM-RoBERTa Base on the Paralaw dataset with
the NMSP approach, described in Section 3.1.
In terms of the finetuning task, we choose the
lawfulness classification proposed by Nguyen et. al.
(Nguyen et al., 2019). Given a legal statement, the
task is to classify it into one of two classes: law-
ful or unlawful. This task is perfect for our pur-
pose of checking whether the model gives the correct
prediction based on the same features as human ex-
perts. We fine-tune the above models on the English
version, Japanese version, and English-Japanese bi-
lingual version of the task. For each language, we
limit the number of legal terms L to 1000 and the
number of legal sample sentences D to 5000. The
purpose of this experiment is not about finding the
best model for this task, but to explain the behav-
ior of the transformer model finetuned in legal tasks.
The data is provided by COLIEE competition, after
data processing and argumentation, we have in total of
3,950 samples in English, 3,478 samples in Japanese,
and 7,428 samples in bi-lingual version. The data is
split into a train set and a test set at a ratio of 9:1.
We use the following parameter: learning rate = 3e-5,
batch size = 16, sequence length = 512, dropout rate =
0.1, weight decay = 0.01, adam epsilon = 1e-8. What
we pay attention to is the difference of accuracy and
LECA before and after finetuning.
3.3 Experimental Results
The experimental results of all embeddings and all
datasets are reported in Tables 1, 2, and 3. There are
two metrics for evaluation: accuracy (higher is better)
and LECA (lower is better). In most cases, the accu-
racy of all embeddings increases after finetuning, and
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Results on Japanese dataset in accuracy (higher is better) and LECA (lower is better).
Before Finetuning After Finetuning
Accuracy LECA Accuracy LECA
BERT Multilingual Base Uncased 0.4899 0.6402 0.5187 0.6354
BERT Multilingual Base Cased 0.4784 0.4951 0.5591 0.4434
ParaLaw Nets - NFSP 0.5101 0.2987 0.5793 0.2812
ParaLaw Nets - NMSP 0.4986 0.1256 0.5908 0.1121
XLM-RoBERTa 0.4784 0.2277 0.5908 0.2132
XLM-Paralaw 0.5187 0.0000 0.5014 0.0000
Table 2: Results on English dataset in accuracy (higher is better) and LECA (lower is better).
Before Finetuning After Finetuning
Accuracy LECA Accuracy LECA
BERT Multilingual Base Uncased 0.4886 0.5486 0.5646 0.5287
BERT Multilingual Base Cased 0.4937 0.4148 0.5468 0.4044
ParaLaw Nets - NFSP 0.4835 0.2233 0.5848 0.2252
ParaLaw Nets - NMSP 0.4734 0.0975 0.5443 0.0821
XLM-RoBERTa 0.4835 0.1971 0.5646 0.1755
XLM-Paralaw 0.5190 0.0000 0.5063 0.0000
Table 3: Results on bi-lingual dataset in accuracy (higher is better) and LECA (lower is better).
Before Finetuning After Finetuning
Accuracy LECA Accuracy LECA
BERT Multilingual Base Uncased 0.5013 0.6014 0.5903 0.5532
BERT Multilingual Base Cased 0.5054 0.4592 0.5943 0.3922
ParaLaw Nets - NFSP 0.5148 0.2612 0.5984 0.2251
ParaLaw Nets - NMSP 0.4906 0.1068 0.5930 0.0723
XLM-RoBERTa 0.5135 0.2109 0.6024 0.1887
XLM-Paralaw 0.5013 0.0000 0.5202 0.0000
Figure 1: Visualization of XLM-Paralaw embedding using t-SNE. Red points represent legal terms, blue points represent
non-legal terms.
How Fine Tuning Affects Contextual Embeddings: A Negative Result Explanation
the LECA value also decreases. We were surprised to
see XLM-Paralaw achieve impressive LECA scores
of 0.0000 (from 10
to 10
) on all datasets. How-
ever, we don’t see the same results in accuracy.
From the experimental results, we can see that
XLM-RoBERTa and ParaLaw Nets have significant
improvements on all datasets. These results may
come from the multilingual ability of XLM-RoBERTa
and ParaLaw Nets. XLM-RoBERTa was trained in
100 different languages, while ParaLaw Nets were
trained on English-Japanese bilingual data. BERT
Multilingual’s improvements are less significant and
the XLM-Paralaw has no notable improvement on the
dataset. Both the decrease of LECA and the increase
in accuracy on this model is insignificant
Looking at the increasing speed of the accuracy
and the decreasing speed of LECA, we can see that
the improvement in accuracy does not always mean
a better representation of legal terms in the model’s
embedding. In the case of NFSP on the English
dataset, the LECA value is increased but the accu-
racy also improves. From this observation, we can
have a certain assumption that, in this case, the im-
provement in accuracy is associated with the model’s
performance on non-legal terms or by chance. As a
result, solely using accuracy to evaluate the model’s
performance is not always an effective way. XLM-
Paralaw’s performance after one epoch is still close to
randomness. We can see that the LECA score of this
model is extremely small, which means that it locates
vectors representing legal terms in a narrow space.
Our hypothesis is that over-optimization on the legal
terms caused the model difficulty in differentiating le-
gal terms and understanding the relationship between
them and non-legal terms.
For a better understanding of the XLM-Paralaw
embedding, we reduce the dimension using t- dis-
tributed stochastic neighbor embedding algorithm and
visualize it using a 3D scatter plot. The visualization
is displayed in Figure 1. We observed that the XLM-
Paralaw’s embedding locates the vectors representing
legal terms in a very narrow space (we can only see
one red point in the figure). This visualization is con-
sistent evidence with our hypothesis.
As an attempt to explain the poor performance of
XLM-Paralaw, we conduct experiments to compare
this model and other candidates. The experimental
results bring us several observations.
First, the XLM-Paralaw model’s performance is
inferior and inconsistent with our initial expectations.
We present some pieces of evidence that this was
caused by the over-optimization of the contextual em-
beddings with the pretraining strategy. This obser-
vation suggests that it is essential to find a balance
point in pretraining to achieve the best model’s per-
Second, contextual embedding is different from
word embedding. During the training process, the
relative positions of the vectors move. As a result,
the relative positions of the vectors representing the
terms may be very different in the final embedding.
In the case of XLM-Paralaw, when the legal terms are
compressed in a very narrow space, the relationships
between them are damaged, which leads to the poor
performance of this model.
Third, we want to emphasize that to explain the
behaviors of a model or confirm a hypothesis, mul-
tiple metrics should be considered. To evaluate the
performance of a model, we should look at not only
the accuracy but also the LECA score. Besides, vi-
sualization of the embedding (for example, t-SNE) is
also a useful tool for understanding the model.
In this paper, we propose a way to evaluate pretrained
embedding effectiveness on a legal task. We prove
that using solely accuracy to evaluate model perfor-
mance is not always help us to understand the nature
of the model. We propose to use LECA (Legal Em-
bedding Centroid-base Assessment) before and after
finetuning to measure the effectiveness of the legal
terms learned by the model. The experimental re-
sults show that in most cases, improving the ability
to represent legal terms will improve the performance
in the legal task, but not always. In the case of XLM-
Paralaw, over-optimization on legal terms caused the
opposite effect. This paper will be the starting point
of a more in-depth investigation of legal term repre-
sentation in the language model.
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How Fine Tuning Affects Contextual Embeddings: A Negative Result Explanation