
Figure 8: Evaluation reward as a function of the training time-step on AntBulletEnv-v0, HalfCheetahBulletEnv-v0,
HopperBulletEnv-v0, and Walker2DBulletEnv-v0 environment. The data is collected from mixed-policy training results. The
red curve is with PER attached Q2F-Opt agent. The blue curve is with the Q2F-Opt agent. The green curve is with PER
attached Q2R-Opt agent. The purple curve is with the Q2R-Opt agent. The orange curve is with PER attached QT-Opt agent.
The yellow curve is with vanilla QT-Opt agent. All curves in the plot are trained with the same random seed 254306. The
half-transparent area shows the range between the max and min value at this time-step in three runs. Notice total training time
steps in Ant is 839,680, which is slightly lower than in other environments.
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Integration of Efficient Deep Q-Network Techniques Into QT-Opt Reinforcement Learning Structure