Figure 4: Spatial distribution of the UMPD model. Blue: D
(defector), Yellow: C (cooperators).
In this paper, we proposed the UMPD model for the
purpose of maintaining the cooperator. In the
proposed model, decision-making time for strategy
update is probabilistically introduced into the SPD
model. Consequently, the UMPD model is easier to
maintain the cooperator than the conventional model.
In the SPD model, the defector density tends to
increase as the parameter 𝑏 increases. On the other
hands, in the UMPD model, the defector density is
unlikely to be increased as the parameter 𝑏 increases.
Therefore, it is considered that the model is less
affected by the parameter than conventional model.
We were also able to get similar results even after the
system size replacement.
According to the previous research by V.Caprero
(2017), the longer human subjects have thinking time,
the easier human subjects behave selfishly. Similarly,
human subjects behave cooperatively if they have
short thinking time. Similar effects were introduced
on our model. Therefore, we introduced realistic
assumptions in the model. As a result, players having
the cooperative strategy tend to be maintained if they
have relatively short thinking time. This is considered
that the cooperator density stabilized by introducing
the probability of strategy update that (1 / interval)
and (1 - (1 / interval)) into the conventional model.
Since some players do not update their strategies
when interval = 1, we added a rule to change the value
of interval after a strategy update was made. However,
since the result was the same as before the change, it
is considered to be less affected by the value of
interval = 1. Detailed results will appear in another
paper (Takahara and Sakiyama, 2023).
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