Automated Detection of Decision-Making Style, Based on Users’
Online Mouse Pointer Activity
Marcus Cheetham
, Catia Cepeda
, Hugo Gamboa
, Christoph Hoelscher
and Seyed Abolfazl Valizadeh
Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
LIBPhys (Laboratory for Instrumentation, Biomedical Engineering and Radiation Physics), Faculdade de Ciências e
Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Caparica, Portugal
Chair of Cognitive Science, ETH Zurich, Clausiusstrasse 59, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Contributed equally to the paper
Keywords: Decision-Making Style, Personality, Computational Recognition, Computer Mouse, Pointer, Machine
Abstract: Decision-making (DM) and online activity go hand in hand in many domains of everyday life (e.g., consumer
behaviour, financial and investment choices, career development, health and psychological well-being). DM
style refers to consistent behavioural patterns in the way different individuals approach DM situations. In this
study, we explored the feasibility of inferring DM style from the trace of mouse cursor (or pointer) activity
that users generated while performing an online task (the task required no explicit DM). We focussed on
maximizing and satisficing DM style. Based on a set of spatial, temporal and spatial-temporal features that
were extracted from mouse activity data and on measures of DM style assessed with a conventional self-report
questionnaire, we modelled DM style in a supervised machine learning approach. The results show that the
models of DM style have between good and high predictive accuracy. Guided by these results, we propose
that this mouse-based method might play a useful role in computational recognition of DM style and merits
further development. Future work will test the ability of pointer-based models to meaningfully link
psychological measures of DM style to objective measures and outcomes of real-world DM situations.
Decision-making (DM) style refers to consistent
patterns of behaviour in the way individuals approach
DM situations (Scott & Bruce, 2016). For example,
maximizers tend to approach DM situations by
expending a lot of effort in searching and processing
the choice alternatives in order to determine the best
choice (i.e., maximizing style). In contrast, satisficers
tend to search and process the choice alternatives in
order to determine the choice that is good enough
(i.e., satisficing style) (Schwartz, 2000).
Maximizing and satisficing style are considered
by some researchers as habit-based tendencies to react
in a certain way to specific DM situations (e.g., a
particular DM style when choosing an item from a
range of consumer goods on the internet but not in the
local grocery store) (Scott & Bruce, 2016). Instead,
recent data shows that maximizing and satisficing
tendencies may be general to DM situations across
different DM domains (i.e., consumer goods, health
and life decisions, finance) (Moyano-Diaz &
Mendoza-Llanos, 2021). Irrespective of whether DM
style is a situation-specific habit or a general
disposition (or trait) of personality (Thunholm, 2004),
and given that DM and online activity are inextricably
linked in many DM domains (Kokkoris, 2018), we
asked if maximizing and satisficing style can be
inferred from the unique trace of online activity
generated while users interact with digital technology.
Cheetham, M., Cepeda, C., Gamboa, H., Hoelscher, C. and Valizadeh, S.
Automated Detection of Decision-Making Style, Based on Users’ Online Mouse Pointer Activity.
DOI: 10.5220/0011716700003414
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023) - Volume 4: BIOSIGNALS, pages 281-286
ISBN: 978-989-758-631-6; ISSN: 2184-4305
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Much of the work of developing the maximizing
and satisficing concepts and their various components
(e.g., experienced decision difficulty) has focussed on
their assessment (Cheek & Schwartz, 2016). The
main method of assessing DM style is the traditional
paper-and-pencil self-report questionnaire (Boyle,
2009). A drawback of this method is that it is
impracticable for assessing online users and
unscalable to the many different online DM situations
and domains. Depending on the area of application,
online DM style might be better served using an
automated procedure with the potential for near real-
time processing.
Research in computational personality
recognition (CPR) and biometrics shows that the
digital trace of a user’s hand-held computer mouse
can be used to automatically assess user personality
and identity (Ahmed, Awad, & Traore, 2007;
Meidenbauer, Niu, Choe, Stier, & Berman, 2022;
Zhao, Miao, & Cai, 2022).
Recent work shows also
that DM style can be inferred from various data
sources, such as bodily and facial behaviour
(Connors, Rende, & Colton, 2013; Guo, Liu, Wang,
Zhu, & Zhan, 2022). However, it is not clear whether
and how well the activity of a mouse cursor, or
pointer, could be used for predictive modelling of
maximizing and satisficing style.
Numerous features can be extracted from the
movements and clicks of the pointer activity (Cepeda,
Dias, Rindlisbacher, Gamboa, & Cheetham, 2021;
Cepeda et al., 2018; Gamboa & Fred, 2003).
include temporal features (e.g., acceleration), spatial
features (e.g., curvature of trajectory) and composite
features based on complex spatial-temporal mouse
movements (e.g., hovering patterns) (Cepeda et al.,
We explored the feasibility of using pointer
activity data to predict users’ maximizing and
satisficing style. To this end, we acquired mouse
activity data while users performed an online task and
automatically extracted a broad set of temporal,
spatial and composite features (Cepeda et al., 2021).
The DM style of users was measured by self-report
questionnaire (Turner, Rim, Betz, & Nygren, 2016).
We then modelled the feature and style data in a
supervised machine learning approach.
The resulting predictive models of DM style
demonstrated between good and high accuracy.
Guided by these initial models, we suggest that
further development of this pointer-based method
might contribute to computational recognition of DM
style. We consider the potential application of this
method and future work to develop it further.
2.1 Participants
N=79 (mean age=23.8, SD=4.07; 58 female) healthy
individuals, native speakers of Standard German,
with normal or corrected-to-normal vision and no
reported neurological or psychiatric illness
participated. Each participant gave written informed
consent and received 20 Swiss Francs (or course
credits if a student) for participation. The local Ethics
Committee waived the study (KEK Nr.: 2022-00713).
2.2 Dataset
Pointer features were extracted from data acquired
while participants engaged in the online task of
completing a digital German-language version of the
34-item Maximising Inventory (MI) (Turner et al.,
2016). The MI has three scales: decision difficulty,
alternative search, and satisficing, the first two of
which capture two different components of
maximizing behaviour. Participants rated each item,
using a 5-point Likert-type scale (1= “strongly
disagree” to 5= “strongly agree”). Cronbach's alpha
for each scale was 0.71, 0.87, 0.73, respectively
(comparable to the original English version).
2.3 Procedure
All participants were tested individually in a small,
quiet and dimly lit experimental room. The
experiment lasted approximately 60 min. First,
informed consent and demographic data was
collected. Then a 1 min. resting baseline was
performed at the beginning of the experiment to
facilitate laboratory adaptation. The questionnaire
was administered using LimeSurvey, an open-source
survey web app (LimeSurvey). After completion of
the survey, participants were informed that all data,
including mouse data, would be analysed and that
they could withdraw their data from the study if they
wished without stating a reason for doing so.
2.4 Data Acquisition
A web browser extension acquired the mouse activity
(Cepeda et al., 2019). The data included the (x,y)
coordinates of mouse position in pixels, the
questionnaire item and mouse events (click or no
click) associated with each mouse position,
timestamp (ms.), and click duration (ms. between
button press and release). Data were stored in the
MongoDB database (MongoDB) before exporting for
BIOSIGNALS 2023 - 16th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
pre-processing. Features were extracted from the
mouse data and checking data consistency (within
and across participant data), data merging and
checking for missing data followed an automated
procedure (Cepeda et al., 2021).
2.5 Data Analyses
We used non-linear Random Forest (RF) regression
(Ho, 1998), with 108 temporal, spatial and composite
features as independent variables and the scores of
each scales as dependent variables.
Model input data was normalized (Gopal Krisna
Patro & Sahu, 2015). We set the number of decision
trees to 1000 and ran the bagging procedure 100
times. A 50% train-test split procedure was applied
(i.e., a conservative approach to avoid overfitting)
(Kuhn & Kjell, 2018). RF performance is relatively
robust against parameter specifications (Probst,
Bischl, & Boulesteix, 2019). The train-test procedure
selects features that optimize model accuracy and
resist non-informative predictors (Kuhn & Kjell,
2018). The bagging procedure is used for training
decision trees (Efron, 1994). The individual bootstrap
trees were aggregated to compute a final prediction of
performance for each model (Hastie, 2009; Ho, 1998;
James, 2013). Using the bagging procedure, RF
achieves higher, more stable predictive accuracy with
limited risk of overfitting (Valizadeh, Hanggi,
Merillat, & Jancke, 2017; Valizadeh, Riener, &
Jancke, 2019).
We used Mean Absolute Percentage Error
(MAPE) (i.e., difference between the actual value and
predicted value divided by actual value) for model
evaluation. As a percentage value, MAPE simplifies
comparison of performance across models. To
present results, we converted MAPE by computing
100-MAPE so that higher values indicate better
performance (Kleinbaum, Kupper, Muller, & Nizam,
First, we computed prediction models for each
scale using all features in each model. Second, we
computed 12 models, one for each combination of
scale and feature type (temporal, spatial, composite,
as well as all features together). Third, we performed
Welch’s ANOVA (Delacre, Leys, Mora, & Lakens,
2019; Welch, 1938), with scale (3 levels; decision
difficulty, alternative search, satisficing) and feature
type (4 levels; temporal, spatial, composite, all
features) as independent factors, and MAPE as
dependent variable. We tested for differences in
model accuracy between the scales and between the
types of features. The alpha threshold was set to .001
We used Scikit toolbox in Python for RF testing
and training (Pedregosa et al.) and R Version 4.0.2 for
analyses (Welch’s ANOVA) and creating figures (R-
Core-Team, 2022).
The mean scores of the scales were M=2.96
(SD=0.53) for decision difficulty, M=3.56 (SD=0.70)
for alternative search, M=3.45 (SD=0.45) for
The prediction models for the scales, with all
features in each model, show accuracies of 81% for
alternative search, 85% for decision difficulty and
88% for satisficing (see Fig. 1 and Table 1).
Table 1: Summary of the prediction models for each
combination of feature type and scale.
Feature type Scale
All features 0.81 0.85 0.88
osite 0.82 0.84 0.88
Spatial 0.82 0.85 0.89
oral 0.82 0.84 0.88
Note: % indicates MAPE after transforming this by 100-MAPE so
that a higher value corresponds to smaller prediction error.
Figure 1: Violin plots showing the median, variability and
probability density of prediction models for the decision
difficulty, alternative search and satisficing scales. All the
features were used as input in each model.
The F-Welch tests showed a significant difference
in model accuracy between these scales, F
1164.82, p < .001., and that model performance
accuracy was not significantly different between
Automated Detection of Decision-Making Style, Based on Users’ Online Mouse Pointer Activity
feature types, F
(3, 663.18)
=1.17, p=0.32 (see Fig. 2
and 3).
Overall, the results suggest between good and
high performance of all prediction models (i.e., a low
degree of error between the predicted and actual
values (see Table 1).
Figure 2: Violin plots showing the distributional
characteristics of the prediction models for each type of
feature and all features together (x-axis) against model
accuracy (y-axis).
Figure 3: Grouped violin plots showing the distributional
characteristics of the prediction models for each
combination of scale and feature (x-axis) against prediction
accuracy (y-axis).
In this paper, we propose the use of a pointer-based
method for automatically inferring the DM style of
users from the digital trace of their online activity. As
a proof of concept, we focussed on the psychological
constructs of maximising and satisficing, as we
considered these relevant for DM in various domains
(e.g., consumer behaviour, financial and investment
choices); other DM styles that could be investigated
(Cosenza & Ciccarelli, 2019; Harren, 1979; Janis &
Mann, 1977; Leykin, 2010; Saled, 2017; Weerasekara
& Bhanugopan, 2022). We examined three particular
scales of maximising and satisficing, but other scales
could be considered (Cheek & Schwartz, 2016).
All the models showed good predictive accuracy,
with the decision difficulty and satisficing scales
nearing high performance (Lewis, 1982). There was a
significant difference in model accuracy between the
scales but not between the three types of features used
for modelling. Overall, these initial findings speak in
favour of developing and testing this method further.
As an initial proof-of-concept study, we did not
examine whether there is any decay in model
performance when porting these models to other
unrelated online tasks. For this, we note that the
online task did not require any explicit form of DM
(though it did require reporting of behaviour related
to DM situations). A further analysis indicated good
stability of all models, suggesting that our sample size
is adequate for this proof-of-concept study.
This mouse-based (or pointer-based) method has
advantages over traditional self-report methods.
Remote pointer-based data collection is low cost,
easy to implement, nonintrusive (i.e., does not
interrupt the natural flow of user activity) and easily
scaled up. It can deliver results in near real-time and
could be re-applied to touch screen data.
Future work will seek to understand the impact on
model performance of factors that influence users’
pointer activity, such as technical factors (e.g.,
different mouse devices), environmental factors (e.g.,
ambient noise), task-related factors (e.g., nature and
goal of the online task) and individual human factors
(e.g., age). This could pave the way to developing
more robust models, though careful consideration
must be given to the choice of DM style (or related
constructs) (Misuraca, 2018) and the psychometric
properties of the self-report measures of DM style.
This pointer-based method could also contribute to
developing a better understanding of whether DM
style is a habitual tendency that is specific only to
certain situations or a more general pattern of
behaviour across time and situations (i.e., a
personality trait). Whether a habit or trait, the ability
of models based on a pointer device (e.g., computer
mouse, trackpad or digital pen) to meaningfully link
psychological measures of DM style to objective
measures of real-world DM needs to be evaluated.
BIOSIGNALS 2023 - 16th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
This work was funded by the Universidade Nova de
Lisboa, Caparica, Portugal, and the University
Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
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BIOSIGNALS 2023 - 16th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing