A Perspective from Large vs Small Companies Adoption of Agile
Manuela Petrescu
and Simona Motogna
Department of Computer Science, Babes Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Agile, Small Companies, Start-Ups, Survey, Adapt, Challenges, Large, Adoption, Adaptation.
To offer a perspective from large versus small companies’ adoption of Agile Methodologies we performed a
study in which we discussed and analyzed the answers of 31 interviewees from 14 companies. We carefully se-
lected the data set to be representative for all the actors in the market from the company’s size, business model,
role balance, and gender balance. We found out that most of the companies adopted the Agile methodologies
in a more or less extensive manner. By far, the most used ceremony was daily meetings, other ceremonies
were sometimes merged or removed from the methodology implementation. We also investigate how compa-
nies adopted the Agile mindset by analyzing how the Agile Manifesto was implemented in these companies,
even if it was not in the scope of our study. From a scientific point of view, this study contributes from a
methodological perspective to a better understanding of Agile adoption in different types of companies and of
the challenges related to Agile practices and processes. For practitioners, the results presented in this paper
offer evaluation means and solutions for Agile adoption.
As the applications become more complex, new
methodologies emerged to fasten delivery. Agile ap-
peared as a response to different requirements that
could not be fulfilled through plan-driven methodolo-
gies. Agile methodology started to be widely used be-
cause it offers more flexibility and responsiveness to
change; it offers support to continuous changes and
delivery, even if it has its own downsides (Brown,
2013). SCRUM, XP (Extreme Programming), and
FDD (Feature Driven Development) methodologies
imposed themselves and are analyzed and compared
in different papers (Akhtar et al., 2022; Saleh et al.,
In our opinion, small companies are the engines
for innovation, they are forced to bring new ideas,
and new approaches to survive and to get a market
share. They are more dynamic and flexible, being
able to change processes on the run much faster com-
pared to large-scale companies. The key to future de-
velopment approaches is to analyze how software de-
velopment start-ups are implementing Agile method-
ologies. Knowing how small companies adopt Agile
Methodologies compared to medium and large com-
panies provide useful information for other compa-
nies doing business in the same sector. Thus, the mo-
tivation of this paper is strongly related to the busi-
ness environment and the paper could provide useful
information to other companies working in the same
business domain.
The transition of IT projects to agile practice is
not always easy (Burga et al., 2022); large com-
panies faced issues in adopting Agile in the devel-
opment process (Klunder et al., 2019) and startups
use a hybrid method - Agile and Waterfall (Mishra
et al., 2021). Some research was conducted related
to various topics for Agile adoption in start-ups: the
use of Agile practices (Souza et al., 2019), internal
communication (Gonz
alez-Cruz et al., 2020), process
metrics usage (Choras et al., 2020). This study ad-
dresses a new perspective: how the small companies
adapted the team structure, the roles, the processes in
the SCRUM teams, and the challenges they faced in
adopting and adapting Agile methodologies. Despite
the maturity of Agile practices and the considerable
number of research contributions, there are organiza-
tional aspects that need a deeper understanding: (i)
adaptation of Agile practices and (ii) challenges faced
by the organization during the implementation of the
Agile framework. This study aims at comparatively
Petrescu, M. and Motogna, S.
A Perspective from Large vs Small Companies Adoption of Agile Methodologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0011716800003464
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2023), pages 265-272
ISBN: 978-989-758-647-7; ISSN: 2184-4895
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
responding to these open issues, by exploring differ-
ences between large and small companies. We use
empirical methods, starting with interviews of people
with management roles to find out the company’s ap-
proach, then we used open coding to process the ob-
tained data and to produce a qualitative analysis. The
paper is structured as follows: Preliminaries and Re-
lated Work sections analyze the current studies, and
the Data collection and analysis section describes how
we obtained and analyzed the data. Results are de-
tailed in the Findings through empirical investigation
section, and we conclude in the Conclusions and fu-
ture work section.
Agile addresses some of the waterfall methodology
issues as it adapts to requirements changes, offer-
ing a flexible development approach focused on cus-
tomer satisfaction and team involvement. The val-
ues and principles of the Agile methodologies were
defined in Agile Manifesto (Kent Beck, 2001), in
which the authors stated four core values to assure an
open-to-change process. They stated the importance
of Individuals and interactions over processes and
tools, of working software over comprehensive docu-
mentation, Customer collaboration over contract ne-
gotiation, and Responding to change over following
a plan. Several development methodologies follow
these principles, the most used being: Scrum, Kan-
ban, XP, and FDD. We decided to use the definition
for small companies provided by the Commission of
the European Communities (the European Communi-
ties, ), which states that a small enterprise has between
10 to 49 persons employed and an annual turnover of
not more than C10 million.
A considerable number of papers were written over
the last 20 years addressing Agile methodologies,
adoption to different domains, and case studies. In
this study, we focused on contributions related to Ag-
ile adoption in IT companies. Agile was not adopted
only in IT companies but it spread in other domains
as well, modified according to their needs and scaled
(Gerster et al., 2020). In IT it started in compa-
nies that develop specific niche software products (au-
tomotive (Katumba and Knauss, 2014) or network-
ing (Smits and Rilliet, 2011)). The authors (Smits
and Rilliet, 2011) spent six months in a center for
Agile practice adoption at Cisco Voice Technology
and they concluded that the teams should get Ag-
ile skills before ”attempting to change the Software
Development Life Cycle”. In Nokia’s case (Laanti
et al., 2011) the authors concluded that ”Agile is
here to stay” after gathering and analyzing more than
1000 answers from people working there in an Ag-
ile methodology; people mentioned a higher satis-
faction, increased quality and transparency, as ear-
lier detection of defects; 60% stated that prefer work-
ing based on agile methods. The same conclusion is
drawn from (Klunder et al., 2019) a literature re-
view study based on 85 papers on agile transforma-
tion in large companies. The authors also proposed
an agile transformation model based on the reviewed
literature and provided an example for the automo-
tive domain. The Agile adoption success in large
companies depends on a set of factors such as com-
pany culture, support from management, change lead-
ers, prior Agile experience (Kalenda et al., 2018),
and communication style and methods (Martini and
Bosch, 2013). Adopting a new methodology raises
some challenges, mostly related to people’s resistance
to change, quality assurance concerns, and integration
with existing processes (Kalenda et al., 2018). Other
authors were interested in Agile adoption in start-ups
and small companies, what Agile methodologies are
mostly used (Souza et al., 2019), and how agile in-
ternal communication works (Gonz
alez-Cruz et al.,
According to our knowledge, most of the research
focused on Agile adoption in large companies, so we
consider that a comparison between Agile methodol-
ogy adoption in large versus small companies is an
interesting topic and the results can be used by other
actors from the same business environment.
Large companies that have a portfolio of clients find
it easier to survive and to assure a cash flow. Small
companies need to innovate, to be more flexible to
client’s needs, and to adapt faster to new method-
ologies. Companies can adapt to the challenges by
changing the structure of the teams, the processes, the
people’s roles, and their attributions. In this study, we
propose to see how small companies adapted Agile
Methodologies and to perform a comparison of how
Agile methodologies are used in small companies, re-
spectively large companies adoption. In conclusion,
we answer the following questions:
A. How is the team structure adapted in small
companies? / How does the team structure differs in
small vs large companies?
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
B. How are the processes and the people’s roles
adapted in small vs large companies?
C. How are the challenges perceived in small
companies vs large companies?
We opted for an empirical investigation and we used
qualitative methods. We performed the interview
studies according to the requirements and standard
process as described in (Ralph, Paul (ed.), 2021). In
our study we had conversations with one participant
at a time, we recorded the interviews, then we applied
quantitative data analysis to the participant’s answers.
Meeting these criteria classifies our study as a qualita-
tive survey according to ACM Standards (Ralph, Paul
(ed.), 2021). The major concern was that the data set
had to be representative for the selected topic. Due
to this aspect, we tried to have a highly diverse par-
ticipant set in terms of position, company, and gen-
der. We interviewed 31 people from 14 companies,
14 women and 17 men. Their position was also di-
verse: team leaders 10, product owners 3, delivery
managers 6, SM 12, chief software architect 2, and
testers 5. It was interesting to see that many of the per-
sons that were in leading positions roles (team leads,
release managers, POs) or in other roles (business an-
alyst, developer roles, testing roles) combined their
role with the scrum master and/or PO role. We de-
signed the questions and grouped them in several cat-
egories, starting with personal info, project info, and
then Agile related topics as mentioned in Table 1. As
Table 1: Interview Questions.
1. Name of the participant & Current Role
2. Experience in current role & overall working experience
3. Company Name & Type [multinational, local, national]
4. Application domain, Project theme
5. Size of the project & Size of the team
6. Development period (in terms of months, years)
7. What roles are in the Agile team?
8. Do you use Agile methodology? Which parts of the
methodology are you using and how you adapted it?
9. Please describe which are the major challenges related to
Agile methodology implementation in your team.
we wanted to investigate the software development
process in large companies compared to small com-
panies, we had to assure that the participant set is rel-
evant, and the participants that work in small versus
large companies are equally represented. There were
more than 34 hours spent in interviews and more than
52 hours spent reviewing the data and creating tran-
scripts. The data gathering process was done accord-
ing to the requirements and the standard process as
described in (Ralph, Paul (ed.), 2021). Data were col-
lected mainly as open answers to get a more profound
understanding of the processes, roles, overall func-
tioning, and to allow respondents to fully describe rel-
evant details of interest. We coded each answer with
RSx where x was the number of interview and S came
from the interviewee company size: S (small) or L
(large). We decided to use thematic analysis (Braun
et al., 2019; Kiger and Varpio, 2020) to interpret the
text, previously used in software engineering in other
studies (Motogna. et al., 2021; Petrescu et al., 2022).
RQ1: How is the team structure adapted? / How does
the team structure differs in small vs large compa-
Team structure as defined in the SCRUM should
consist of a Product Owner (PO), a SCRUM Mas-
ter (SM), and the SCRUM team, such that the team
has all the resources and the knowledge to be able
to deliver each sprint. Once the decision to use the
SCRUM methodology is used, people need to be al-
located to fill up the roles. We asked each interviewed
person about the PO role in their team and to de-
scribe how SCRUM was implemented. We found
out that ”We changed the role responsibility (PO
tasks were taken over by Scrum Master/Team lead”
(RL31). More interviewers mentioned that the back-
log changed during the sprint without the team’s ac-
ceptance. In many cases, the PO had a hard time ne-
gotiating with the client, and most of the time the team
had to complete tasks with higher priority in the same
sprint. The interviewees mentioned that there are is-
sues with ”backlog prioritization (tasks appear with
0 priority and they need to be solved and impact the
sprint, as no tasks are taken out). The prioritization
is done by PO and BAs.(RL17).
In our study, we found out that the structure of
the SCRUM teams is very different, it depends on the
size of the project, the project type, the client’s re-
quirements, and the involvement. For example, we
encountered the following situations for the PO role:
no explicit PO allocated (2 cases), PO assigned by
the client (12 cases), PO assigned by the develop-
ment team (11 cases), and PO shared (5 cases). In
our interviews, only one small company had a per-
son designated to do a PO role, but we had a com-
plex project in which there were 7 persons working
A Perspective from Large vs Small Companies Adoption of Agile Methodologies
as PO: ”We had seven POs and no SCRUM master”
(RL25). Another observation, the shared PO role ap-
peared in large companies for small teams, and there
were only two cases in a large company where the
PO role was not explicitly allocated (due to project
specificity). For the PO role, there are no significant
Figure 1: PO Distribution in small vs large companies.
differences between large and small companies; for
SM role, the situation is different. We found out that
the SM role was more adapted to each project’s speci-
ficity (size, niche):
- a person was designated only for a project in a) large
companies or b) small companies but large projects
(15 cases)
- shared SM, the same person had this role in multiple
projects (11 cases)
- no designated person (5 cases)
In the last case, the role was performed by PO, team-
lead or by different members of the team depending
on the sprint ”it was not a permanent role, for techni-
cal sprints, it was a technical person, for a sprint with
polishing, design, the role was taken by PO” (RS12).
Figure 2: SCRUM Master Distribution.
Non-Coding Roles. All teams had developers for
programming roles, and most of the teams had QA,
but as for the other roles: business analyst, DevOps,
and subject matter experts, things were more flexible
and they were adapted based on the required skills,
client, and project. We found out that some roles (De-
vOps) were filled based on demand from interval re-
sources or by contracts when there was no internal re-
source: ”There was a need for technical experts (for
cloud migration)- they were request based and con-
tracted” (RS12). Business analysts or subject mat-
ter roles were sometimes fulfilled by PO, but in some
cases, independent contractors were hired for domain
know-how ”It depends on the problem, for a business
problem sometimes they hired a consultant” (RL24).
We found out that small companies were more
likely to find external resources for technical roles; for
business roles (PO, SM), sometimes the client was in-
volved. Other non-coding roles (i.e. technical writer)
were not mentioned; practically, there was almost no
effort related to writing project documentation. Large
companies hired specialized personnel for documen-
tation writing, and all companies (small and large)
used internal resources when a presentation or other
internal documents had to be written. Usually, large
companies had internal resources for technical roles
such as DevOps or site engineer, allocated project
Our analysis revealed the following key points:
A. There is no significant difference in non-coding
roles between small or large companies, they rely on
external resources (usually contract based) when they
don’t have the necessary know-how. Most companies
try to use as few resources as possible for tasks such
as documentation (technical writers’ roles are men-
tioned briefly only in large companies).
B. In small companies, the team structure is more
flexible, as PO and SM roles are performed by
different team members; in large companies, there
are more dedicated persons to perform these roles.
RQ2: How was implemented Agile Manifesto? How
are the processes and the people’s roles adapted in
small vs large companies? We structured the answer
to this question in two parts, the first one related to
how the principles in Agile Manifesto were adapted,
and the second related to the adaptation of processes
and people’s roles.
RQ2.1:How were adapted Agile Manifesto princi-
Individuals and Interactions over Processes and
Tools. Agile enforces interactions and teamwork over
processes or specific usage of tools. In the intervie-
wee’s perception, implementing all the ceremonies
(or most of them) introduces high costs. ”Spending
a day each fortnight it’s a lot of wasted time.
(RS24) or ”processes (spring defining, planning,
retrospective are time-consuming 15% time can
be consumed only on these tasks)” (R26). Some
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
teams modified the ceremonies, shorted, merged,
or even removed them to save time ”retrospective
and planning were in the same meeting all in
one” (RL26). However, daily meetings were the one
ceremony that was the most present and suffered less
adaptation. Some companies kept the main idea and
tasks, but the processes and the responsibilities were
adapted, ”there was a mini squad team to review the
document” (RL11).
Working Software over Comprehensive Docu-
mentation. To have comprehensive documentation,
each team should assign people to write it. In our
interviews, none of the interviewees mentioned
technical writers, nor did they mention writing doc-
umentation tasks, client’s manuals, or other types of
documentation. Everyone’s focus was on delivering
working software and sometimes on fixing and
supporting testing versions (cases when the backlog
was modified due to high-priority bugs). As all the
companies valued working software more compared
to comprehensive documentation, and the processes
were not related to the degree of Agile methodology
adoption, we believe that the approach is due more to
the business perspective, as the clients don’t accept
the costs of such comprehensive documentation.
Some clients had a hard time accepting the cost
of different development tasks, ”clients do not
understand the impact in terms of the cost of their
CRs (change requests);” (RL2).
Customer Collaboration over Contract Negoti-
ation. Customer collaboration is strong, in our study,
35% of the projects had the Product Owner named
by the client (11 projects from 31 interviewed). In
1.16% (5 of 31) projects, the client preferred not to
interfere at all in the development phase, so those
projects can be considered more contract related. The
rest of the projects had flexible length sprints and the
backlog was updated based on the client’s input. In
conclusion, we can state that customer collaboration
was extensive in most of the projects (83% of them).
Responding to Change over Following a Plan.
Developing a project requires a plan, and the archi-
tecture skeleton should be in place before starting to
implement the other features. The main topic is in
fact how easily the backlog artifact can be adapted
to new requirements, to changes of prioritization,
or based on client feedback. Only 4 interviewees
mentioned that it was plan-driven development,
one interviewee did not mention it. Other intervie-
wees mentioned that there were issues due to work
overload: topics and tasks were added to the sprint
backlog during the sprint. We concluded that in most
of the projects, 83% of the total number of projects,
the methodology was to respond to change, ”support
tickets were resolved with higher priority than the
sprint tasks” (RL22), ”Agile in fact is a waterfall
split in sprints. There are deadlines, a list of features,
but the work is structured in sprints.(RS12).
RQ2.2:How are the processes and the people’s roles
adapted in small vs large companies?
The answer to this research question is obtained
by analyzing the results obtained through open cod-
ing of the responses to question 13 (see Table 1). The
procedure followed in the coding process considered
the already existing themes/categories related to Ag-
ile methodology and project management and key-
words generated from data analysis have been clas-
sified according to these themes. Two members of
the study have previous industrial experience in Agile,
one with over 15 years working in IT company, while
one member had significant experience in Grounded
Theory application to software engineering problems.
Table 2 contains the main categories (themes) ob-
tained through coding, keywords (labels) associated
with this category, and respectively suggestive exam-
ples for these keywords. The process was applied for
all answers, regardless of the company type. We then
explore which is the distribution of these categories,
depending on the size of the company, as depicted in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Adapting Agile in large vs. small companies.
Our analysis revealed the following key points:
A. The majority of adapting changes target the
methodology itself both for small and large compa-
nies in terms of flexible ceremonies and adapted ar-
tifacts; in some cases, companies decided to drop
SCRUM in favor of Kanban. The adaptations seem
to have similar distribution for small and large com-
B. In the case of small companies, adapting Agile was
targeting people on a bigger scale than in the case of
larger companies. Having ”mixed roles” and consid-
A Perspective from Large vs Small Companies Adoption of Agile Methodologies
Table 2: Categories for ”Adapting SCRUM/Agile”
Category Topics Examples
Client client dependency, changes,
client only partially involved
”frequent client requirements to modify scope”, ”client
could ask for change requests during the sprint”, ”client
not present to define all subtasks”
Project project, modify scope ”was adapted depending on project needs”, ”Kanban and
Scrum are combined due to development purpose”
People team availability, human re-
sources, mixed roles
”adapted to facilitate the team”, ”roles are mixed; SM
also has other roles”
Methodology estimations, flexible cere-
monies, adapted artifact,
”board is not always well defined, just add items”,
”grooming eliminated from planning”, ”long meetings,
involving many people in which one does not bring any
Others non formal, enforce new ideas ”nothing is formalized”, ”scaled Agile framework: one
sprint for stabilization and innovation”
ering ”team availability” takes higher importance in
small companies. We might say that adapting human
resources is easier in the case of larger companies.
C. In the case of large companies, adapting changes
were generated by client requirements or specificity,
which might indicate that a larger company might
be more sensitive to client changes, while the
smaller companies will try to preserve their resources
throughout the whole lifespan.
RQ3: How are challenges perceived in small compa-
nies vs large companies?
The answer to this research question comes from
results obtained through open coding of the responses
to question 14 from Table 1, following the same ap-
proach as in the case of the previous research ques-
tion. We applied the same methodology of coding on
all answers, regardless of the company size, which re-
sulted in four categories of challenges, as presented
in Table 3. The answers were very diverse, with some
respondents nominating several challenges, and some
of them even describing actions to resolve them. The
Agile methodology poses a large range of challenges
for both small and large companies. The majority is
due to the methodology itself ( 51%), where esti-
mations, priorities, and planning are among the most
encountered: ”people find it hard to do all the cere-
monies mentioned in the methodology” (RS16), ”pri-
orities that had to be changed one week to another”
(RL20), ”the estimation part as is impacted by: ur-
gent issues, new issues that must be done, or issues
that were included in the sprint but can not be done
due to external factors” (RL27).
Human resources challenges were mentioned by
( 31%) of interviewees: people are sometimes not
fully allocated to a project, are not available, or is
hard to find people with required skills: ”People chal-
lenges: find people with required skills” (RL3). There
are cases when there is no dedicated person for a spe-
cific role, i.e. the SM role was ”adapted to facilitate
the team”. The attributes were delegated to a spe-
cific different team member ”PO did the scrum mas-
ter part”, ”roles are mixed” (RL7). Small and large
companies encountered other restrictions or specific
conditions they had to overcome: ”Nothing is formal-
ized” (RL2), ”One limitation is timezone”; to adapt:
”scaled Agile framework: one sprint for stabilization
and innovation”. They are confronted with resistance
to change ”The resistance to change is big, people
find it hard to do all the ceremonies mentioned in the
methodology” (RS16).
Clients or contracts also played a major role. Dur-
ing the phases of a project, they intervened and mod-
ified requirements or imposed a priority change in
the tasks of a sprint: ”frequent client requirements
to modify scope” (RL3), ”support tickets interfered
with the sprint” (RS23). In other projects, the clients
did not offer support or did not perform their tasks
”Client not present to define all subtasks” (RL21).
Figure 4: Challenges in large vs. small companies.
The key points regarding the challenges can be
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 3: Categories for ”Challenges in SCRUM/Agile”.
Category Topics Examples
Client client requirements, client re-
strictions, client interaction
”clients don’t understand the impact in terms of cost of CRs”,
”convince them about agile principles”, ”clients not answering”
Agile estimation, agile methodol-
ogy, planning, agile imple-
mentation costs, priorities
”when a task implementation exceeds two or three times the esti-
mated time”, ”Too long meetings with too many people”, ”most
problematic is the estimation part”
workload, HR shortage, com-
munication, context switch-
”peoples with required skills”, ”Online communication: infor-
mation passing might be affected”, ”Context switching impacts
Others project specificity, software
quality, business value
”Scrum may not be suited for a live project (in production)”, ”ac-
cumulated technical debt can be an issue”, ”lack of testing for
frequent deliveries”
A. Challenges related to the methodology itself pose
the biggest problems both for large and small compa-
nies. In the case of small companies, these challenges
seem overwhelming compared to the others.
B. Especially large companies struggle with human
resources needs. The solution was (according to the
answers) to train people from other domains to per-
form roles such as SM, PM, and business analyst.
Being an empirical investigation, threats to validity
have to be addressed. We followed existing guide-
lines (Ralph, Paul (ed.), 2021), and considered the
following potential threats to validity: the sample size
is too small, the sample size is too similar, the lack
of representativeness, and the relevance of the survey
based on the assumptions that it captures general peo-
ple’s perception. We addressed the first threat by hav-
ing 31 interviews, a number close to similar studies
(Burga et al., 2022; Gerster et al., 2020; Martini and
Bosch, 2013; Souza et al., 2019). The sample size
was diverse in terms of gender (the number of women
was almost equal with the number of men), years of
experience in the field, and the positions held in the
company. Special attention was given to the company
size as small companies and medium/large compa-
nies needed to be represented. We mitigated the last
risk by asking questions strictly related to processes,
where the people’s perception is less important and it
does not influence the answer. To ensure internal va-
lidity, we also took into consideration and minimize
the impact of our interventions: we followed the same
interview structure and timing and the data set was
generic, so no extraneous factors can explain the re-
sults. We paid careful attention to the content of re-
sponses, trying to reduce bias by third author verifica-
tion of the transcript and also explicit approval of the
respondents on the final transcript. We respected the
methodology of open coding, by addressing aspects
related to the objectivity of the coding process and
the saturation of categories. We paid attention to con-
struct validity, we had several iterations of the ques-
tions included in the interviews. We had two inter-
views with two professionals with extensive experi-
ence to calibrate the questionnaire before starting the
study. Finally, there was no companies or people se-
lection bias selection. We make sure that there exists
a complete anonymization of persons and companies.
We discussed and analyzed the answers of 31 inter-
viewees from 14 companies to find out the challenges
encountered in adopting different methodologies and
how did they adapt these methodologies. To have a
valid overview of the business environment, we had
to select carefully the data set to be representative for
all the actors in the market. The selected data set
was diverse in terms of the company’s size (small and
medium/large companies), business model (product
companies and outsourcing companies), and also in
terms of the interviewed persons. Both genders were
represented, people were having multiple roles (team
lead, scrum master, release manager, and so on). We
found out that most of the companies adopted the Ag-
ile methodologies in a more or less extensive man-
ner. By far, the most used ceremony was Daily meet-
ings, other ceremonies were sometimes merged or re-
moved from the methodology implementation. There
were only 2 of 32 projects that used ”SCRUM by the
book” methodology. We also analyzed how the Ag-
ile Manifesto was implemented in these companies,
even if this was not the original scope of our study,
but it provides relevant information related to Agile
A Perspective from Large vs Small Companies Adoption of Agile Methodologies
mindset adoption.
From a scientific point of view, this study con-
tributes to the body of knowledge related to Agile
adoption in different types of companies and to bet-
ter understand from methodological perspectives the
challenges related to Agile practices. For practition-
ers, the results presented in this paper offer evaluation
means and solutions for Agile adoption. For compa-
nies that do not completely adopt Agile, some action
plans can be designed.
In the future, it would be interesting to find out
how the Agile adaptation evolves in the mentioned
companies, and how much the adaptation is corre-
lated with project type (size, application domain, and
so on), company size, or management style.
The publication of this article was supported by the
2022 Development Fund of the Babes¸-Bolyai Univer-
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ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering