mindset adoption.
From a scientific point of view, this study con-
tributes to the body of knowledge related to Agile
adoption in different types of companies and to bet-
ter understand from methodological perspectives the
challenges related to Agile practices. For practition-
ers, the results presented in this paper offer evaluation
means and solutions for Agile adoption. For compa-
nies that do not completely adopt Agile, some action
plans can be designed.
In the future, it would be interesting to find out
how the Agile adaptation evolves in the mentioned
companies, and how much the adaptation is corre-
lated with project type (size, application domain, and
so on), company size, or management style.
The publication of this article was supported by the
2022 Development Fund of the Babes¸-Bolyai Univer-
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ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering