Exploring the Role of Technological Change in the Relationship
Between Strategic Innovation and Business Model Innovation:
Evidence from a Cross-Industry Multiple Case Study
Antonio Ghezzi, Jacopo Manotti, Andrea Rangone and Raffaello Balocco
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering,
Via Lambruschini 4B, 20156 Milan, Italy
Keywords Business Model, Business Model Innovation, Strategic Innovation, Technological Change, Lean Startup.
Abstract: Business Model Innovation (BMI) has recently caught the eye of academics and practitioners in the broad
fields of Strategy and Technology Management. However, the relationship between BMI and Strategic
Innovation (SI) remains an open issue. Thus, this study aims at investigating the relationship between SI and
BMI, focusing on the role technological change plays in it. To this end, we first propose a classification of
Technological Change types according to three dimensions: trajectory, intent and effect. Second, based on
this classification, we conduct a cross-industry multiple case study with 16 companies to understand how the
relationship between SI and BMI is mediated or triggered by the nature of Technological Change taking place,
giving rise to eight “innovation paths”. We also shed light on the key role played by different actors top,
middle and low management and key employees – in SI and BMI, according to their level of “technological
change empowerment.
The quest for technology-enabled innovation has
been influencing and permeating the very foundations
of theory, research and practice in strategy (Hamel,
1998). As environmental complexity grows and
become increasingly multifaceted, the role of
technological change has alternatively puzzled and
attracted strategists. On the one hand, by questioning
the validity of traditional approaches based purely on
strategic positioning (Porter, 2001) and jeopardizing
stable performance driven by well-established
businesses and strategies (D’Aveni and Gunther,
1994). On the other, by providing ever-renewing and
sometimes dramatic opportunities to update or create
new sources of value (Chesbrough, 2010).
Over time, diverging answers were offered to the
question of how to strategically operate in and govern
a changing environment where technology acts as a
major innovation trigger. While some scholars
investigated the effects of volatility on industry
structure and dynamics (Porter, 2001; Van Der
Zande, 2001), others focused on internalizing the
necessary resilience (Hamel and Valikangas, 2004),
dynamic capabilities (Teece et al., 1997) and
absorptive capacity (Cohen and Levithal, 1990) to
accept and adapt to volatility, while still others aimed
at stimulating and driving change to capture value as
innovators or first movers (Christensen, 1997a;
Christensen and Raynor, 2003; Kim and Mauborgne,
2005). In response to this urging issue, academics and
practitioners lately seem unanimous in claiming that
more research efforts should be directed towards an
emerging field, to some extent transversal to the
abovementioned approaches, that comprises both
Business Model (BM) design and Business Model
Innovation (BMI) (Schneider and Spieth, 2013).
BMI research arose quite abruptly from the
relatively fuzzy BM literature (Zott et al., 2011), and
such unstructured rise led to two main issues. First,
BMI inherited the relatively scarce theoretical
foundation characterizing the body of knowledge on
BM, together with the “original sin” of a still
unstructured relationship with strategy. In fact, as
shown by Schneider and Spieth (2013), BMI research
is still concentrated mostly on the identification of
prerequisites for and impacts of BMI and its
constituting processes and dynamics, but a
comprehensive theoretical background is still largely
lacking. Second, BMI research has not yet been
related to a prolific body of research that dealt with
Ghezzi, A., Manotti, J., Rangone, A. and Balocco, R.
Exploring the Role of Technological Change in the Relationship Between Strategic Innovation and Business Model Innovation: Evidence from a Cross-Industry Multiple Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0011717200003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 481-489
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
similar subjects of innovation and change in the last
decades: that of Strategic Innovation (SI) (Markides,
1997; Tushman and Anderson, 1997; Govindarajan
and Gupta, 2001; Govindarajan, 2005).
It can be argued that BMI and SI are inherently
related, and that this relationship is fundamentally
influenced by the nature of change affecting the
firm’s strategy (e.g. see Chesbrough, 2010; Teece,
2010). Up to now, research on this nexus has been
limited to exploratory studies in restricted industries
subjected to disruptive change (Downes and Nunes,
2013; Ghezzi et al., 2014), but a comprehensive
understanding of how different characteristics of
change impact SI and BMI is still lacking (Markides,
To fill the existing gap and push the understanding
of BMI forward, this study hence investigates the role
of technological change in the relationship between
Strategic Innovation and Business Model Innovation.
Firstly, we propose a conceptual framework that
classifies the paramount dimensions of technological
change. Based on this framework, we employ a
multiple-case study approach to investigate 16
companies in order to identify different innovation
paths, i.e. different features of the relationship among
BMI, SI and technological change. As result, we
present eight types of innovation paths that depend on
the characteristics of the technological change faced.
To understand the relationship between strategic
innovation and business model innovation, we need
to investigate the relationship between BM and
strategy. Initially, the two concepts were closely
linked (Porter, 2001), but in recent years the
distinction between them has been consolidated. In its
essence, a BM describes how an enterprise creates
and delivers value to customers, enticing them to pay
and converting payments into profits (Teece, 2010).
It is, in this sense, a novel unit of analysis that
simultaneously considers internal firm specific
factors as well as external relationships (Amit and
Zott, 2001; Schneider and Spieth, 2013). As such,
Casadesus-Masanell and Ricart (2010) argue that BM
refers to the way the firm operates and creates value,
while strategy refers to the choice of the BM to
compete. BM, thus, becomes a valuable tool for
developing and implementing strategy: a mechanism
to both map the business in static conditions and
describe the internal strategic context during change
(Hacklin and Wallnöfer, 2012).
If BM is a tool to develop and implement strategy,
it is arguable that SI and business model innovation
(BMI) are closely related. Kim and Mauborgne
(1997), for instance, praised the benefits of value
innovation, a new strategic logic which refers to
fundamentally changing the basis of a business’
dominant value proposition in order to create and
dominate new competitive landscapes. Similarly,
Hamel (1998) proclaimed that competitive advantage
in the dynamic environment of the 21
century would
reside in “changing the rules of the game”, that is,
performing a non-linear BMI.
Both Kim and Mauborgne (1997) and Hamel
(1998) were writing in the context of SI
(Govindarajan and Gupta, 2001; Charitou and
Markides, 2003), a research stream in management
theory that aimed at developing firms’ capabilities to
continuously generate innovations as a competitive
response in changing environments. SI is
alternatively defined as the strategic process
responding to or triggering change (Martinsons,
1993; Markides, 2006), the innovation of strategy in
itself (Hamel, 1998), or innovation with strategic
impact (e.g., see Afuah, 2009).
Building on the nature of the relationship between
BM and strategy, it can be posited that BMI serves as
a means to operationalize SI endeavors. However, not
every strategic innovation is the same.. Ghezzi et al.
(2014), for instance, found evidence that in some
cases, BMI can lead to emergent SI rather than the
other way around. Thus, it becomes important to
investigate the role of technological change in the
relationship between SI and BMI.
In strategy research, the nature and classification of
technological change vary. As Drucker (1969) states,
changes can take place in the form of technological
environment uncertainties, due to the rise of new
technologies (“technological discontinuity”) that
affects the industry structure. Additionally,
discontinuities can occur in competences and
resources necessary for designing and producing
products; changes in the product itself as physical
changes; and price/performance changes (Ehrnberg,
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Another characterization of environmentally-
driven change is found in Miller (1985), who describe
changing environments in terms of dynamism (that is,
the rate of change in customers’ expectations,
technologies, or competitors’ responses). However,
technological change not only originates in the
external environment. Instead, it can also be triggered
inside the firm, by emerging phenomena within the
internal environment (Ghezzi et al., 2015). Such
endogenous discontinuities are often linked to gaps in
the “work setting”, “tasks” or “relations (Watson-
Manheim et al., 2002). Indeed, technological change
within an enterprise can manifest itself as either a
prominent or a local modification in processes,
practices or routines, or a variation in products (by
creating different outputs due to an innovation)
(Anderson and Tushman, 1990). Interestingly, such
internal phenomena may take place unintentionally,
due to the risk component which resides in the
planning processes of every enterprise and makes it
impossible to achieve perfect forecasting (Schreyögg
and Steinmann, 1987).
Intent is indeed another key dimension that
characterizes technological change and its influence
on strategy and BM. The discussion on the explicit or
implicit intention to change manifested by a
company’s top management can be borrowed from
the literature on the strategy making process, which
contrasts a deliberate approach to strategy making
and strategic planning (e.g. see Armstrong, 1982;
Lorange, 1980; Chermack et al., 2001) to an emergent
(and possibly bottom-up) process made of a set of
informal strategic decisions (Mintzberg, 1994;
Christensen, 1997b).
Considering that BMI is the operationalization of
strategy making process (Shafer et al., 2005;
Casadesus-Masanell and Ricart, 2010), BMI can
therefore be indirectly influenced by technological
change factors, which impact or modify the BM
constituting building blocks or parameters (e.g.
Ghezzi et al., 2014). Therefore, depending on its
characteristics, change may have different forms of
influence on Strategy Innovation and BMI.
The way technological change phenomena
manifest varies according to a set of key features and
characteristics that we bring back to three
dimensions: trajectory; intent; and effect (Table 1).
Table 1: Three classification dimensions of Technological
Dimension Alternatives
(e.g. Miller, 1985; Schreyögg and
Steinmann, 1987; Watson-Manheim et
al., 2002; Anderson and Tushman, 1990)
(e.g. Lorange, 1980; Armstrong, 1982;
, 1994; Christensen, 1997b
(Drucker, 1969; Miller 1985; Ehrnberg,
1995; Bessant et al., 2005; Ghezzi et al.,
The three classifications dimensions can be presented
in different combinations of their alternatives in terms
of continuous-discontinous, exogeneity-endogeneity,
emerging-deliberate, resulting in a set of 8
configurations. Based on them, , one research
question (RQ1) rises up: how does the typology of
technological change influence the relationship
between SI and BMI? We argue that technological
change may act as an influencer either a mediator
or a trigger – of the relationship between SI and BMI.
In summation, we suggest that the relationship
between SI and BMI may depend on the direction
(trajectory), causality (intent) and intensity (effect) of
technological change that takes place in a specific
For this study, we adopted an empirical qualitative
multiple-case study research (Yin, 2009). Qualitative
multiple-case study is useful for theory building
based on extensive field analysis, when researchers
need to understand how a given phenomenon happens
(Yin, 2009; Eisenhardt and Graebner, 2007).
The cases were selected by means of theoretical
sampling (Eisenhardt and Graebner, 2007), where the
companies included in the theoretical sample were
drawn from a cross-industry database created by
researchers involved in a two-year international
research project on firms undergoing technology-
enabled BMI. Due to the explorative nature of the
topic, the research favoured depth of analysis over
width, and a limited population of 45 firms from
different industries and countries was selected. After
a preliminary contact, 28 companies expressed
interest in participating, and 22 were ultimately
selected due to the inability to gather necessary
information from 6 of them. Through cross-case
analysis, some cases with similar dynamics were
Exploring the Role of Technological Change in the Relationship Between Strategic Innovation and Business Model Innovation: Evidence
from a Cross-Industry Multiple Case Study
excluded, resulting in the final sample size of 16
companies. The final sample included at least two
cases for each of the eight configurations. For data
collection, we followed Yin (2009), employing a
descriptive case study method based on 88 semi-
structured interviews and documental analysis with
57 informants during a period of 14 months. Each
meeting had an average length of 1h 42 minutes.
The need for assessing SI and BMI processes,
nature of technological change and the sequence of
relationships linking them led to the adoption of an
“embedded” case study (Yin, 2009), with multiple
units of analysis, related to: (i) technological change
(ii) strategic innovation; and (iii) BMI.
The reference framework selected to assess BMI
is that proposed by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010),
which considers nine parameters a BM is made of:
(BMi) Value Proposition; (BMii) Customer
Segments; (BMiii) Channels; (BMiv) Customer
Relationship; (BMv) Key Activities; (BMvi) Key
Resources; (BMvii) Key Partners; (BMviii) Revenue
Streams; and (BMix) Cost Structure. Such framework
is widely adopted and employed both by practitioners
and academics (e.g., see Chesbrough, 2010). For data
analysis, we used the Technological Change
configurations and the details collected during the
interviews about the sequence in which BMI occurs
considering the SI process and the need or
opportunity of change. We codified interviewees’
statements and comments into the three units of
analysis; thus, we performed qualitative content
analysis based on the chronological perspective of the
technological change process for each company.
Next, we discuss the cases and the observed
innovation path that describes the relationship
between strategy and BMI when considering the role
of each type of technological change.
Type 1: Exogenous, Deliberate and Continuous
Change and the First Innovation Path
In both cases A and B, change had an outside-in
thrust, originating from the external environment and
influencing firms’ strategy and BM. Notwithstanding
its external origin, change was deliberately
interiorized by top managers, and a SI process was
hence triggered to include the features and outcome
of change within firms’ strategy. In turn, SI was
concretized and executed through BMI, and drove a
redesign of one or more dimensions in the current
BM. In this type, the continuous trait of change
determines incremental variations of those BM
dimensions affected by innovation. Consequently,
our cases A and B suggest that change was hence the
trigger of a deliberate SI, which later reflected top-
down on BMI and incremental variations of the
performance of the current BM.
Type 2: Exogenous, Deliberate and Discontinuous
In both cases C and D, change had an outside-in
thrust, originating from the external environment and
influencing firms’ strategy and BM. Notwithstanding
its external origin, change was deliberately
interiorized by top managers, and a SI process was
triggered to include the features and outcome of
change within the firms’ strategy. In turn, SI was
concretized and executed through BMI, and drove a
redesign of several dimensions in the current BM.
The discontinuous trait of change determined radical
variations of those BM dimensions affected by
innovation. Cases from Companies C and D suggest
that in this type, change is the trigger of deliberate SI,
which later on reflects top-down on BMI and radical
variations of the current BM.
Type 3: Endogenous, Deliberate and Continuous
In these two cases E and F, the rise of internal
resources, competencies and know-how was
embraced within a deliberate and continuous strategic
innovation and BMI represents the execution of such
deliberate strategy. Consequently, change was the
effect of a deliberate strategic decision made by the
top management, who, by means of SI, aimed at
modifying the current strategy, BM and performance.
Therefore, change determined by SI followed an
inside-out trajectory, stemming from inbound
processes and dynamics and later reflecting on the
firms’ BM, and being executed through BMI. The
continuous trait of change determined incremental
variations of the performance of those BM
dimensions affected by innovation. Change was
hence the mediator between deliberate incremental SI
and its top-down concretization through incremental
Type 4: Endogenous, Deliberate and Discontinuous
In both cases G and H, change was the effect of a
deliberate strategic decision made by top
management, who, by means of SI, aimed at
modifying the current strategy, BM and performance.
Thus, SI generated change according to an inside-out
trajectory, stemming from inbound processes and
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
dynamics and later reflecting on the firms’ BM, and
being executed through BMI. The discontinuous trait
of change determined radical variations of those BM
dimensions affected by innovation. Consequently,
this particular type of change was the mediator
between a deliberate radical SI and its top-down
concretization through a radical BMI.
Type 5: Exogenous, Emerging and Continuous
In these cases I and J, change had an outside-in thrust,
originating from the external environment and
influencing firms’ strategy and BM. Change
propagates and spreads in the firm in an emerging and
unstructured fashion, not immediately reflected in a
variation of the overall strategy, but rather being
absorbed locally in one or more BM dimensions that
represent the strategy’s implementation. Emerging
variations in the BM characterize a BMI. The
continuous trait of change determined incremental
variations of those BM dimensions affected by
innovation. Following a bottom-up diffusion process,
BMI is later caught up by and formalized within the
overall strategy through SI. Change was hence the
trigger of an emerging incremental BMI, which then
propagated bottom-up to cause an incremental update
of the firm’s Strategy through SI.
Type 6: Exogenous, Emerging and Discontinuous
In these two cases K and L, change had an outside-in
thrust, originating from the external environment and
influencing firms’ strategy and BM. Change
propagated in the firm in an emerging and
unstructured fashion, not immediately reflected in a
variation of the overall strategy, but rather being
absorbed locally in one or more BM dimensions that
represented the strategy implementation. The
emerging variations in the BM caused a subsequent
BMI, as the other BM dimensions must be adapted to
cope with localized evolutions. The discontinuous
trait of change determined radical variations of those
BM dimensions affected by innovation. Following a
bottom-up diffusion process, BMI was later caught up
by and formalized within the overall strategy through
SI. Change was hence the trigger of an emerging
radical BMI, which then propagated bottom-up to
cause a radical update of the firm’s Strategy through
Type 7: Endogenous, Emerging and Continuous
The type of change appearing in cases M and N had
the effect of implicit, unstructured or local
modification of the firms’ current BM. Such change
propagated and spread in an emerging and
unstructured fashion, not immediately reflected in a
variation of the overall strategy, but rather being
absorbed locally in one or more BM dimensions.
Emerging variations in the BM characterize a BMI.
The continuous trait of change determined
incremental variations of those localized BM
dimensions affected by innovation. Following a
bottom-up diffusion process, BMI was later caught up
by and formalized within the overall strategy through
SI. Thus, change was the mediator between an
emerging incremental BMI and SI that causes an
incremental bottom-up update of the firms’ strategies.
Type 8: Endogenous, Emerging and Discontinuous
Change, in cases O and P, was the effect of an
implicit, unstructured or local modification of the
firms’ current BM. Change propagated in an
emerging and unstructured fashion, not immediately
reflected in a variation of the overall strategy, but
rather being absorbed locally in one or more BM
dimensions. The emerging variations in the BM cause
a subsequent BMI. The discontinuous trait of change
determined radical variations of those BM
dimensions affected by innovation. Following a
bottom-up diffusion process, BMI is later caught up
by and formalized within the overall strategy through
SI. Change was hence the mediator between an
emerging radical BMI and SI that caused a radical
bottom-up update of the firms’ strategy.
The proposals and findings presented in this study
touch upon and relate two key themes in the research
stream on BM, strategy and technology: (i) the
relationship between SI and BMI and the nature of
technological change’s influence on it; and (ii) the
actors and roles in technology-enabled BMI as a
First, this study focuses on clarifying the
relationship existing between BMI and SI. The link
between BM and technological change was already
postulated in several works (Lindgardt et al., 2009;
Teece, 2010; Chesbrough 2010; Casadesus-Masanell
and Ricart, 2010), whose main findings claim that: (i)
BM and BMI research still suffers from fuzzy
definitions and lack of a common theoretical frame;
(ii) BM is closely related to business strategy, in the
Exploring the Role of Technological Change in the Relationship Between Strategic Innovation and Business Model Innovation: Evidence
from a Cross-Industry Multiple Case Study
sense that it acts as strategy execution; and (iii)
entrepreneurs and managers innovate BMs by means
of technological experimentation and learning,
although the efficient development and
implementation of new business models in corporate
practice is a complex process.
Although previous studies pointed in the same
direction, they showed a largely conceptual approach
to the problem, and mostly focused on the dyadic
relationships strategy-BM and BM-technological
change only. Our study’s contribution refers to the
investigation of a wide multiple case study which
reports and compares findings from diverse industries
and allows to ground on empirical evidence the claim
that strategy and BMI are closely coupled. We
establish a more formal and systematic relationship
between these concepts, thus confirming and
extending the conceptual work from Teece (2010).
More specifically, we extend the insightful proposals
from Casadesus-Masanell and Ricart (2010) and
Richardson (2008) to their natural (but still implicit)
consequences: being the BM the way a firm executes
its strategy, we claim that Business Model Innovation
is the concretization of Strategic Innovation. Indeed,
as our cases show, SI choices affect one or more BM
parameters, ultimately determining BMI or
conversely, BMI will eventually lead to SI. Business
Model Innovation is hence “Strategic Innovation in
action”. This finding suggests a transitivity in the
BM-Strategy and BMI-SI relationships which helps
connecting the so far parallel streams on BMI and
Strategic Innovation. In addition to consolidating and
extending the BMI-SI relationship, our study makes
one key step further, by finding that the nature and
characteristics of technological change significantly
matters in such relationship. Indeed, positioning the
cases in the Technological Change Types Matrix
shows that technological change acts as an influencer
either a mediator or a trigger of the relationship
between SI and BMI.
Since change is the essence of BMI and SI, both
their origin and outcome, and acts as the fil rouge that
connects SI with its execution through BMI,
including the nature of change in the equation helps
shedding light on the idea that a relationship exists,
though its direction and sequence is not
predetermined. The relationship between SI and BMI
depends, in its direction (trajectory), causality (intent)
and intensity (effect), on the type of technological
change in place.
Our framework which classifies the 16 cases on
the basis of eight change types gives rise to eight
different “innovation paths” for the relationship
between SI, BMI and technological change itself.
This finding relates to the second key theme that
concerns the actors and roles in BMI and SI as a
process. We find that the dimension of change intent
plays a fundamental role in shaping the causality of
the SI-BMI relationship. The comparison between the
eight cases belonging to change types 1 to 4, where a
deliberate intent characterized innovation, with cases
in change types 5 to 8, where intent was emerging,
shows that in the former innovation paths SI
determines BMI, where in the latter it is BMI that
triggers SI.
Hence, two different streams of innovation in
strategy seem to exist: (i) the formal, top-down and
overarching one, which aims at innovating the firm’s
explicit mission, vision and strategic goals
(innovation paths 1 to 4); and (ii) the rather informal,
bottom-up, possibly local and undercurrent one,
which emergently changes the way a firm operates in
its attempt to create value and reap a share of it
(innovation paths 5 to 8).
The first stream clearly refers to the traditional
research stream on the strategy making process
(Armstrong, 1982), with the addition that a change in
strategy eventually reflects on a change in the BM
(Casadesus-Masanell and Ricart, 2010; Johnson et al.,
2008). The second stream contributes to the
discussion on “business model lifecycle” (Morris et
al., 2005) and “experimentation” (Lindgardt et al.
2009; Chesbrough, 2010), particularly in the context
of strategic experimentation (Govindarajan and
Trimble, 2005). According to Morris et al. (2005), the
business model lifecycle consists on: an initial period
during which the model is fairly informal or implicit;
a process of trial and error where number of core
decisions are made that constraint the directions in
which it can evolve; and a final step where a fairly
definitive, formal model is established. Subsequently,
adjustments are made and on-going experiments are
undertaken. Chesbrough (2010) wrote that companies
must adopt an effectual attitude toward business
model experimentation. Thanks to effectuation
(Sarasvathy, 2008) they can create actions based on
the initial results of experiments, generating new data
which may point towards previously latent
The four change types related to an emergent
intent are examples of these BMI dynamics, with a
significant addition referring to the role of managerial
leadership in the survival of emerging BMI resulting
from experimenting. If it is true that new ideas and
opportunity discover can arise from everywhere in the
company, it is also proved that without the right
authority mobilized for change, it will not take place
(Hamel, 1998). Mansfield and Fourie (2003) state that
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
developing and implementing new or changed
business models requires entrepreneurial flair and
careful management of risk. The discussion is
revisited in Chesbrough (2007), who underlines the
“business model innovation leadership gapexisting
in many organizations: no one in the organization has
both the authority and the capability to innovate
business models. Since it takes a lot of time to
develop business model experiments, obtain clear
results, interpret and understand the results, and then
carry out a broad deployment of those results, top
managers usually represent a barrier to innovation.
Indeed, top managers normally reach their level of
responsibility by executing within the current
business model, so that the model is familiar and
reassuring to them (Chesbrough, 2007). It is almost
like an opportunistic behavior that immobilizes
company‘s practices and prevents business models to
adapt to fast changing environmental conditions. An
organization needs to identify internal leaders for
business model change (Chesbrough, 2010) and give
senior managers the resources and authority to define
and launch business model experiments (Chesbrough,
Our study contends that it is true that technology-
enabled innovation will not take place at a planned
formal strategy level without a top-down deliberate
approval, though it will survive and live at an
operational strategy level, and may drive performance
change even before the overarching strategy catches
up. To different extents, this is the case for the eight
companies who followed innovation paths 5 to 8,
where innovation was led by middle/low
management and employees with a strong grip on
BM’s operational execution, thanks to specific
technological skills and know how. This is to some
extent consistent with the recent notion of “big bang
disruption” and “undisciplined strategy” posited by
Downes and Nunes (2013) where technology-enabled
innovations may not be led by a strategy and shared
by a top manager, since change may not require a
budget approval and may be based on experimenting
and combining different resources and asset, either
internal (see cases M, N, O and P) or external (see
cases I, J, K and L).
Our study shows that BMI may survive the lack
of supervision and strategic commitment by the top
management, being primarily led by line managers
and employees invested in experimentation on
operational level. This claim may attenuate the risk of
encountering top managers that impair rather than
enable BMI; also, it sheds light on the need to focus
the attention of practitioners on the “technological
change empowerment” or strategic independence
they wish to vest the line management and employees
with. Such technological empowerment should be
properly balanced with an ability to supervise and
eventually consolidate BMI, thus avoiding any
strategic inconsistencies deriving from a bottom-up
Value for practitioners is equally important, since
this study provides a set of tools to: (i) categorize
technological change; (ii) relate technological change
types to SI and BMI, and map the “innovation path”
a firm has – explicitly or implicitly – undertaken; and
(iii) disclosing the strategic role of technological
change empowerment assigned to different actors.
Like all studies attempting to frame reality in a
model, this work is not without limitations, deriving
from: any observer bias in the activities of case data
gathering and analysis; and the possible information
loss determined by case selection. Although the
sound methodologies and the use of a wide cross-
industry sample attenuate such limitations, a
validation of these finding through quantitative
analyses on a larger sample should be the objective of
future research. Other opportunities for future
research could: relate to the investigation of how firm
size can influence the SI-BMI relationship and the
chance to actually trigger BMI without a deliberate
strategic commitment; define managerial guidelines
to confer technological change empowerment, by
recognizing it as a possible source of BMI; and assess
the opportunities and risks deriving from a distributed
strategic independence allowing managers and
employees to leverage their technological skills
endowment, which could lead to local or contingent
approaches (a sort of uncontrolled explosion of case-
specific BMs) possibly diverging from the
institutional strategic intent.
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Armstrong, J.S. (1982). The value of formal planning for
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Casadesus-Masanell, R.; Ricart, J. (2010). From strategy to
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Exploring the Role of Technological Change in the Relationship Between Strategic Innovation and Business Model Innovation: Evidence
from a Cross-Industry Multiple Case Study
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Exploring the Role of Technological Change in the Relationship Between Strategic Innovation and Business Model Innovation: Evidence
from a Cross-Industry Multiple Case Study