Recommendation Model for an After-School E-learning Mobile
elle Badier, Mathieu Lefort and Marie Lefevre
Univ Lyon, UCBL, CNRS, INSA Lyon, LIRIS, UMR5205, F-69622 Villeurbanne, France
Adaptive Learning, Recommendation System, Educational Mobile Application, After-School Learning.
In this article we present a learning resources recommendation system for an after-school educational mobile
application. The goal of our system is to recommend relevant content among the learning resources available
in the application to fit student needs and to encourage autonomous learning. The system is based on a graph
of key notions to structure the application learning resources. We use the Item Response Theory method to
evaluate the student knowledge and filter the most relevant resources to study depending on three learning
strategies: revision, continuation and deepening. The resources filtered by the selected strategy, are ranked
mainly based on a pedagogical score. The system has been implemented for the Mathematics subject and
analysed for middle and high-school students in real-life conditions. In Fall 2022, we recorded the learning
traces of 1458 students that interacted with the system. By analysing experts opinions, logs and students
feedback, we can conclude that our system is pedagogically relevant, appreciated and used by students.
The rise of e-learning applications for several decades
now led to new ways of learning. Students tends
to learn more and more by themselves, looking for
extra-class learning content. We are working with an
after-school e-learning mobile application that pro-
vides courses and quizzes for all grade levels from
middle school to university. This e-learning system
is organized into subjects, containing chapters. In-
side each chapter there are between 1 and 5 small
courses and between 1 and 4 multiple-choice quizzes
of 5 questions each. In this context, our goal is to
recommend content suited for each student, within a
platform accessible to many profiles. This application
gathers students, who mostly work with the applica-
tion in small working sessions (less than 5 minutes),
and not regularly. Our research question is the fol-
lowing : How to mobilize the learning resources of
the application across different grade levels to of-
fer relevant recommendations ?
In the next section we present the scientific work
related to our subject and highlight the particularities
of our context. In a third part, we describe our con-
tribution that proposes a recommendation system that
meets the particularities presented in section 2. Then
(section 4), based on experts reviews, learning traces
analysis and students feedbacks, we show that the sys-
tem that was tested in the real context of use validates
the relevance of our recommendation model and give
us elements to improve our system. We discuss our
implementation choices and results in section 5.
As we are working with a mobile application, our
context is quite similar to the MOOCs platforms,
characterized by high attrition rates (Reich, 2014),
but our learners use our app as an extra and not as
their main support to learn. Thus, our application is a
micro-learning tool (Nikou and Economides, 2018).
According to systematic reviews (Vaidhehi and
Suchithra, 2018), recommendation systems in educa-
tion are essentially based on content and on learner
modeling (including hybrid strategies). (Guruge
et al., 2021) listed several methods used in recom-
mender systems, such as collaborative, content-based
filtering, or data mining technics. To provide rec-
ommendations and adapt to the users, some sys-
tems are based on the concept of ”Zone of Proximal
Development” (ZPD) developed by (Vygotski
ı and
Cole, 1978). It consists on evaluating the knowledge
level of a student to recommend slightly more diffi-
cult learning content, to make the students progress.
(Baker et al., 2020) used a ZPD-based recommenda-
Badier, A., Lefort, M. and Lefevre, M.
Recommendation Model for an After-School E-learning Mobile Application.
DOI: 10.5220/0011717800003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 80-87
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
tion system and proved its positive effects on learning.
This method requires to evaluate the student level.
Several systems are using the Bloom’s competencies
taxonomy (Bloom, 1956) to adapt to learner’s com-
petencies. The Knowledge Tracing Models (Corbett
and Anderson, 1994) are widely used to infer compe-
tencies and model the level of knowledge of a student
(Vie and Kashima, 2019). These models aim to pre-
dict the outcomes of students over questions. Using
statistics, the Item Based Theory (IRT) (Baker, 2001)
is a method used to evaluate the latent level of compe-
tency of a given student. The use of IRT for intelligent
tutoring systems have been studied by (Wauters et al.,
Recommendation systems can be developed to
help students to solve a precise task in one particu-
lar topic for example to learn programming languages
ome, 2022). In our case, we want to use our
recommendation system for different subjects, there-
fore we are not based on didactic. Other intelligent
tutoring systems are based on online resources (Da-
her et al., 2018). The content is usually structured
with ontological methods thanks to descriptive meta-
data and hyperlinks references (Nguyen et al., 2014)
and can be organised in knowledge graphes (Rizun,
2019). Our system must be suitable for several sub-
jects, but we do not have as many resources as the
web-based systems and we cannot benefit from the
meta-data description of learning resources (De Maio
et al., 2012). However, we adapted some methods
previously described as IRT that we use to evaluate
the knowledge of a student but also to describe the
difficulty level of our resources.
The system we present in the following section
is designed to handle a voluntary, irregular and au-
tonomous use with limited and internal resources.
Due to our context, existing methods are not directly
applicable and some criteria for evaluating recom-
mender systems (Erdt et al., 2015) cannot be used
neither, as the measure of effects on learning. Indeed,
this measure can only be calculated if we master the
complete learning cycle to be sure that the learning
gain is due to our system. However, as we provide an
extra-curricular application, the learning takes place
through the app and outside the app. Therefore, we
will only use the evaluation criteria of recommender
systems that apply to our context of out of school, free
and voluntary learning (section 4).
Our strategy is to recommend a small list of chap-
ters, ranked by relevancy, and to let the final choice
to the student. Our system orients the learner from
one chapter to another across several grade levels.
The recommendation process is represented on Fig-
ure 1. Firstly, we organise our learning materials in
a notions graph (section 3.1). We use IRT to select a
recommendation strategy to filter our resources (sec-
tion 3.2). We finally build a pedagogical score to rank
the prefiltered resources and recommend the more rel-
evant to the student (section 3.3).
3.1 Notions Graph of Ressources
Our learning resources are chapters that include
multiple-choice quizzes, small courses and summary
cards for each chapter called ”the Essentials”. We or-
ganize our chapters in a notions graph by tagging it
with prerequisite and expected notions. We call no-
tion a piece of knowledge useful to understand the
current chapter. A notion is labelled as prerequisite if
the learner must already understand part of the con-
cept described by the notion to master the current
chapter. The notion is expected if the chapter strat-
egy is either to discover this notion, or to go further
with more difficult questions on this notion. Thus a
chapter can be tagged with the same notion as prereq-
uisite and expected if this chapter enables the learner
to acquire a deeper knowledge on this notion.
The tags were applied by the experts, i.e. the
designers of the pedagogical resources according to
the official French education program. 244 different
notions have been applied on the 1 601 mathemat-
ics learning resources. These notions can be general
such as Triangle, Division or more specific like Fer-
mat Theorem. Our chapters are hence linked to each
others through the different grade levels. An extract
of this notion graph is represented on Figure 2.
3.2 Strategies Based on IRT
Because of our context, it is difficult to know the pre-
cise need of a student, so we decide to apply a recom-
mendation strategy depending on how well students
master the chapter they just finished. Three strategies
are defined : revision, continuation and deepening.
This level of mastery is not defined by the aver-
age success score, because each quiz was created by
a different teacher and they can be of varying levels
of difficulty. Furthermore, the multiple-choice format
makes it possible to guess the good answer by random
choice. To define the student level on each chapter,
we use IRT to estimate the latent learner mastery of
the notions required in the chapter. IRT is not used
here as it is often the case in the literature, to build
computerized-adaptive tests, but we directly use the
Recommendation Model for an After-School E-learning Mobile Application
Figure 1: Recommendation workflow combining an initialisation step to build a notions graph (done only once), a filtering
step based on IRT to choose among three recommendation strategies and a ranking step relying on a pedagogical score.
student estimated ability level θ to assign each student
a level of mastery at the end of each quiz.
We use the 3 parameters version of the IRT model
that includes a guessing parameter:
P(θ) = c + (1 c)
1 + e
with θ the ability level, a the discrimination, b the
difficulty and c the guessing parameters.
Firstly, we collected all the previous answers
given by all students that have used the application.
Using the mirt R package, we compute for each ques-
tion the parameters a, b and c, i.e the item characteris-
tics. To compute the θ value of the quiz for a new stu-
dent, we use the IRT property of local independence
of the items (Baker, 2001) and apply the conditional
probability formula with independent events. Given
a sequence of answers correctness for a quiz (for ex-
ample seq = {true, f alse, f alse,true,true}), and the
items characteristics, we can compute P(seq|θ)
P(Seq|θ) =
(true/ f alse|θ) (2)
with P
(θ) computed from equation 1 with corre-
sponding item parameters.
We can then use the iterative procedure based on
the maximum likelihood described by (Baker, 2001)
and assign to the learner the θ value that maximises
P(Seq|θ) for a given answers sequence. From this θ
we want to select a recommendation strategy for the
learner at the end of a quiz. To do so, we simulate
all the possible combinations for a 5-questions quiz
(Q1: correct, Q2: incorrect, etc...), and for each series
we got a θ score. We split this range [θ
] into
3 equal ranges assigned to one different strategy. By
splitting the whole range of simulated-θ in 3 groups
and not using a clustering method on the students col-
lected data, we make the strategy attribution indepen-
dent of the level of the whole group of learners.
Figure 2: Example of chapters in the notion graph with
corresponding recommendation strategies. Green notions
are the notions in common with the prerequisite notions
of the input chapter, pink notions are the notions in com-
mon with the expected notions, underlined blue notions are
all notions in common with the input chapter. R:revision,
C:continuation, D:deepening.
For the revision strategy (assigned to IRT-group
low students, R on Figure 2) we focus on the prereq-
uisite notions of the input chapter that are supposed
not sufficiently mastered: we retain all the chapters
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
of lower or equal grade level than the input chapter,
tagged with the input chapter prerequisite notions (in
green on Figure 2). From this example, if the student
ends the chapter Probability from 7th grade, we will
keep the candidate chapter 1, labelled with the input
chapter prerequisite Fraction and the candidate chap-
ter 3 for the Percentage and Fraction notions. Chapter
candidate 2 will not be prefiltered because it targets
a higher grade level. The continuation strategy (as-
signed to IRT-group medium students, C on Figure 2)
pre-filters all the chapters linked to the input chap-
ter by a prerequisite or expected tag (both green and
pink notions on Figure 2) of level equal or just one
year below the input chapter. On Figure 2, chapters 1
and 3 will be selected because chapter 2 does not fit
the level criterion. The deepening strategy (assigned
to IRT-group high students, D on Figure 2) selects all
the chapters of higher or equal level which notions in-
clude the input chapter expected notions. On the ex-
ample presented on Figure 2, chapters 2 and 3 will be
selected because of the notions Probability and Rela-
tive frequency. Chapter 1 has none of the input chap-
ter expected notions, and won’t pass the level crite-
rion anyway. The choose of notions type to prefilter
is discussed in section 5.
Having filtered our chapters with these 2 criteria
(notion type and grade level), we finally recommend
the more relevant chapters, according to the pedagog-
ical score described on subsection 3.3.
3.3 Pedagogical Ranking
The aim of this step is to rank chapters by pedagogical
relevance, to recommend resources that are related to
the input chapter, i.e the chapter the student is work-
ing on. The pedagogical relevance score takes into
account 2 components: the shared notions with the
input chapter (similarity score) and the distance to the
academic level of this chapter.
= score
(1 penalty
) (3)
The similarity score is calculated by taking into
account the shared notions (considering prerequi-
site and/or expected depending on the previously se-
lected strategy) between the available chapters and
the input chapter. To do so, we use the cosine
similarity method to compute the similarity between
chapters notions, previously vectorized using the
Term-Frequency Inverse-Document-Frequency (TF-
IDF) index. This vectoring method is used to take into
account the precision of the notions affixed (the more
generic concepts will have less weight in the similar-
ity index than the precise ones) and the number of
notions assigned to each chapter.
The second criterion is the level grade distance
between the input chapter grade and the others (For-
mula 4), which is an indirect indicator of the chap-
ter difficulty. As the French national education pro-
grams are structured by cycles, the distance penalty is
chosen in such a way as to penalise an ”inter-cycle”
distance (from 7th to 6th grade) more than an ”intra-
cycle” distance (from 8th to 7th grade). Considering
the input chapter grade level L
, and a candidate chap-
ter grade level L
, if L
and L
belong to the same cy-
cle, we apply the intra-cycle coefficient. Otherwise,
we apply the inter-cycle coefficient.
c |L
+ 1
with D
the maximum distance between range
levels (7 for now since the notions graph is build
from 7th to 13th grade) and c = 0.25 if we are in
intra-cycle, c = 0.75 elsewhere.
With the second criterion, two chapters having
the same similarity score regarding the shared notions
will be ranked to recommend the chapter whose grade
level is the closest to the input chapter. As a sec-
ond consequence, if a chapter A has a similarity score
slightly lower than a chapter B, chapter A may still
have a higher pedagogical score if its grade level is
closest to the input chapter than chapter B grade level.
4.1 Expert’s Validation
The pedagogical relevance of our recommendations
was surveyed by 5 mathematics teachers from differ-
ent schools via a survey. We present to them a simu-
lated use case: an imaginary student ends one chapter,
and is assigned to a given strategy. We repeat this case
for 8 chapters, for each of the 3 strategies. Thus, each
expert evaluated 24 use cases, divided into 2 proto-
cols (i.e 4 different chapters with the 3 strategies are
presented for each protocol).
In the first protocol, the teachers were asked to
propose themselves a recommendation among the
inner-app content, that was compared to the rec-
ommendation proposed by the system.
In the second protocol, the other 4 of the 8 chap-
ters not presented previously are presented to each
expert for the 3 strategies. The teachers were
asked to rate the recommendations proposed by
the system on a 4-points Lickert scale between
”highly irrelevant” and ”perfectly suitable” and to
explain their decision.
Recommendation Model for an After-School E-learning Mobile Application
Figure 3: Results of protocol 1. Position of experts recom-
mended chapters regarding our system, depending on the
selected strategy.
The results of the protocol 1 are shown in Figure 3.
Among the 102 mathematics chapters available in the
application for middle school and high-school grade
levels, the expert’s recommended chapters were also
recommended by the system in 51.7% of the cases
(31 cases out of 60). In 35% of the cases, their rec-
ommended chapters were in the top 1 for our system.
8 chapters (13.3%) recommended by the experts were
associated to the input chapter in the notions graph
but not selected in the 3 most relevant. In 7 cases
(11.7%), the experts recommendation was labeled as
”wrong strategy” : they recommended a lower grade-
level chapter for a high-group student, or more than 1
grade-level lower chapter for a medium-group student
which was not a possibility we had considered, but it
was consistent with our notions graph. For other 7
cases, the recommended chapters were not in the no-
tions graph. This limitation is discussed in section 6.
7 cases are labeled as ”out of system”: the experts
recommended to retry the same chapter, or to go back
working on a previously missed chapter instead of
starting to study next grade level content, possibilities
not handled by the system. The deepening strategy is
the one on which the experts most disagreed : 2 of
the experts argued that it would be too difficult for the
student, or do not want the student to look ahead to
the coming year by themselves.
The results of the protocol 2 are given in Figure 4.
6 cases, tagged as missing values, were not answered
by 2 of the 5 experts. The experts mostly agreed with
the recommendation provided by the system for the
revision and continuation strategies (32/34 of rated
chapters from protocol 2 were evaluated as suitable
or perfectly suitable), however they would have rec-
ommended something else for the deepening strategy.
2 of the 5 experts rated all the high-group students
cases recommendations at 1 and 2. They argued that
it would be better to recommend for high-level stu-
Figure 4: Results of protocol 2. Experts validation of
system’s recommended chapters depending on the selected
dents to practice more exercises from the same chap-
ter but with more difficult questions : trying higher
grade chapters would be too difficult. As the number
of chapters and quizzes is limited in the application (4
quizzes of 5 questions each), this solution is unfortu-
nately not applicable in our context. For some cases,
the teacher validated the system recommendations ar-
guing The recommended chapter was in this grade
level before the last educational reform, this makes
sense”. This validation encouraged us to recommend
chapters across different level grades. These expert’s
comments in the survey assess that our recommenda-
tions are pedagogically relevant for most of the pre-
sented cases. However, the deepening strategy seems
to be more problematic.
4.2 Real Life Experimentation
4.2.1 Implementation Design and Specificities
Our recommendation model have been implemented
in the mobile application for Mathematics, and was
made available for all the users during 1 month since
their first login to the app. The in-app recommenda-
tion interface is presented on Figure 5. We present
to each student 3 recommended chapters and 1 Es-
sential. The Essential is chosen from the student cur-
rent grade level, the most similar to the current chap-
ter according to the notions graph. The chapters rec-
ommendations are delivered from the previously de-
scribed model. The scores of the chapters that were
already studied by the learner, and those who were al-
ready recommended by the system are penalised by
the app in order to keep novelty in the recommenda-
tions. However, it only penalises a small number of
chapters and does not change the pedagogical rele-
vance previously established.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 5: Recommendation interface (translated from
French). The shared notions are displayed in orange. The
grade level of the chapter is written in parenthesis. The sys-
tem recommends 3 chapters (personalized) and one Essen-
tial (common to all learners).
4.2.2 Analysis of the Students Learning Traces
The system was tested in real-life conditions, that
is with students working by themselves, whenever
they wanted without control on their time spent us-
ing the app. We analysed the learning traces collected
during 3 months of experiment: from September to
November 2022. We implemented a tracking system
to record interactions between the learner and the sys-
tem. These data are kept for internal analysis only and
deleted after 3 years according to the European pri-
vacy data protection. To analyse our results, we are
using these terms:
A working session is defined by all the activities
recorded on the application for one student be-
tween opening and closing of the application; a
student can have several working sessions for 1
A working session is a Mathematics Active Ses-
sion (MAS) if the student started at least 1 Mathe-
matics quiz in this working session.
A recommendation is chosen if the student selects
one of the suggested contents (chapters or essen-
tial), regardless of the time spent on this resource.
We collected the learning traces of 1458 students that
used the application for studying Mathematics during
at least 1 Maths Active Session on the 3 months ex-
periment. The number of recommendations chosen
by the students, sorted by grade level is represented
on Figure 6.
Figure 6: Distribution of students, by grade level and by
number of chapters recommended chosen.
Among these 1458 students, 28.9% (421 students)
chose at least 1 recommendation and 11.5% (167 stu-
dents) chose at least 2 recommendations. The distri-
bution of these 1458 students among grade levels is
the following : 14.6% (213) are in 8th grade, 34.5%
(503) in 9th grade, 28.6% (417) in 10th grade, Fig-
ure 6: Distribution of students, by grade level and by
number of chapters recommended chosen 8.8% (129)
in 11th grade, 12.3% (179) in 12th grade and 1.2%
(17) in other grades. From those who chose at least 1
recommendation (421 students), 16.4% (69) were 8th
grade students, 36.3% (153) were 9th grade students
and 27.6% (116) were 10th grade students. These re-
sults indicate that we manage to keep some students
from different level grades using several times our
recommendations. Students grade-level distribution
also shows that our recommendations seems attrac-
tive for several grade levels.
4.2.3 Learner’s Evaluation
We collected the student’s evaluations on this rec-
ommendation system through an online survey filled
by 49 students of middle school and high school
grade, from different institutions at the end of the 3-
months experiment. The aim of this survey was to get
the user-centered indicators (Erdt et al., 2015). We
wanted to evaluate their perceived usefulness, expec-
tation and satisfaction regarding the coherence of the
recommendations with the chapter studied and diffi-
culty level. The survey contained 4 4-points Likert
scale questions (Figure 7), one multi-choices question
and one open-ended question.
Among the 49 students answers, 11 (22%) never
seen the recommendations (i.e they never used the app
to study Mathematics), 25 (51%) already followed
a recommendation, and 12 never followed a recom-
mendation (24%). We removed the 11 students that
never viewed any recommendation from the follow-
ing results analysis. Students mostly found the rec-
Recommendation Model for an After-School E-learning Mobile Application
Figure 7: Likert-scale results of students survey answers.
ommendations helpful (78.3%) and adapted (75.6%)
to the chapter they were working on. Fewer think the
recommendations are varied enough (72.9%), which
can be explained by the low number of resources
in the application. For 22 students (59.4%), these
recommendations seem to be a motivating factor to
spend more time working on the application. A multi-
choices question asked about the perceived difficulty
of the recommendations: 32 found the recommended
chapters difficulty appropriated, 5 too easy and 3 too
difficult. An optional open-ended question asked the
learner’s criteria to decide to choose a recommenda-
tion. The given answers were: the grade level dis-
played in parenthesis and perceived difficulty, the per-
ceived usefulness and if the recommended chapter
was already studied in class or not.
5.1 Implementation Choices
Notions Graph Exploration. We organized our
learning resources inside a notions graph, and decided
to look at all the notions in the candidates chapter
for the recommendation, and to not explore the no-
tions graph linearly. If we take the example of the
input chapter on Figure 2, for a student having diffi-
culties on this chapter, we had different choices. As
the percentage notion is a prerequisite notion maybe
not mastered enough, we could filter all the chapters
of lower grade level where percentage is an expected
notion to ensure the notion will be mastered at the end
of the recommended chapter, or filter all the chapters
where it is a prerequisite notion, to reinforce the mas-
tery of this notion by using it in a different context. As
these two options can be justified, we decided to con-
sider all the chapters of lower grade having a notion
in common with the prerequisite notion of the input
chapter, no matter of its type. We could separately
test these two hypothesis in a future work.
IRT-Driven Strategies. We choose to split the θ
range in three equal groups based on the simulated re-
sults, but could have decided to restrict the deepening
strategy for the students that obtained any fixed arbi-
trary value or to extend the revision strategy for those
whose θ is below any other arbitrary value. We chose
this option as it does not add hyper-parameters to the
model and allow us to gather first data to analyze, and
further improve our model.
Recommendation Design. We choose to recommend
only the three best chapters to the student. We wanted
to let the student choose among several possibili-
ties but within a small number of chapters to get all
the recommendations displayed on the mobile screen.
Moreover, with the limited number of available re-
sources, the chapters ranked more than top-3 would
be less relevant. We displayed the grade-level of the
recommended chapter, which can bias the student’s
decision as it has be shown in section 4.2.3. Like the
displayed of the graph notions in orange, we wanted
to make the system as transparent as possible.
5.2 Results Discussion
Learning Traces Analysis. We decided to label a
working session as maths active (MAS) based on the
criterion of 1 quiz started, and to assign a strategy
based on quizzes results. We could have chosen oth-
ers criteria such as time spent studying a Mathemat-
ics chapter, or the number of course read. We choose
quizzes because in our context, our students mostly
use the application to try quizzes, hence they are more
representative of student’s activity on the application.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Learner’s Evaluation. Most of students declared
that the recommendations were helpful and suited
(section 4.2.3), however we did not observed higher
following rates in learning analysis. The survey was
proposed to all students having faced the recommen-
dation system however only 49 answered. It can be
explained because most students do not use the ap-
plication regularly and may not accessed the survey.
That highlights the difficulty of developing a recom-
mendation system and finding an evaluation criteria
for this context.
We propose a recommendation system to improve
navigation in a mobile application through different
chapters and different grade levels. This system relies
on a notions graph to link chapters, uses IRT method
to assign each student a working strategy (revision,
continuation or deepening) to filter content and build
a pedagogical score to rank chapters by relevancy. It
is designed for a micro-learning use and to encourage
autonomous learning through the different grade lev-
els. The system is currently implemented and used
by students. Pedagogical experts approved the rec-
ommendation made for the revision and continuation
strategies, and the users evaluated the system as help-
ful and suitable. Interviewing more experts will help
to consolidate our findings and to perform some sta-
tistical analysis on the given marks. The deepen-
ing strategy seems to be more debatable mainly ex-
plained by the reluctance (of experts and students) on
the use and role of an extracurricular application to
discover coming years program. Concerning the ex-
perts recommendations not prefiltered by the system
or those not in top three (Figure 4), we could look
for a method to enhance or correct our notions graph.
We assume that some students reject the recommen-
dation because their were assigned to the wrong strat-
egy. Analysis of students behaviour from learning
traces will give the possibility to improve the system
to define the best strategy for each learner. We aim
to analyse deeper how learners use our recommenda-
tions, to consider students choices to improve the sys-
tem knowledge, and to try our system on other sub-
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