Learner’s Evaluation. Most of students declared
that the recommendations were helpful and suited
(section 4.2.3), however we did not observed higher
following rates in learning analysis. The survey was
proposed to all students having faced the recommen-
dation system however only 49 answered. It can be
explained because most students do not use the ap-
plication regularly and may not accessed the survey.
That highlights the difficulty of developing a recom-
mendation system and finding an evaluation criteria
for this context.
We propose a recommendation system to improve
navigation in a mobile application through different
chapters and different grade levels. This system relies
on a notions graph to link chapters, uses IRT method
to assign each student a working strategy (revision,
continuation or deepening) to filter content and build
a pedagogical score to rank chapters by relevancy. It
is designed for a micro-learning use and to encourage
autonomous learning through the different grade lev-
els. The system is currently implemented and used
by students. Pedagogical experts approved the rec-
ommendation made for the revision and continuation
strategies, and the users evaluated the system as help-
ful and suitable. Interviewing more experts will help
to consolidate our findings and to perform some sta-
tistical analysis on the given marks. The deepen-
ing strategy seems to be more debatable mainly ex-
plained by the reluctance (of experts and students) on
the use and role of an extracurricular application to
discover coming years program. Concerning the ex-
perts recommendations not prefiltered by the system
or those not in top three (Figure 4), we could look
for a method to enhance or correct our notions graph.
We assume that some students reject the recommen-
dation because their were assigned to the wrong strat-
egy. Analysis of students behaviour from learning
traces will give the possibility to improve the system
to define the best strategy for each learner. We aim
to analyse deeper how learners use our recommenda-
tions, to consider students choices to improve the sys-
tem knowledge, and to try our system on other sub-
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Recommendation Model for an After-School E-learning Mobile Application