erated approach in the medical field can far outweigh
the challenges of implementing it.
Third, the risk of data bias and incorrect recom-
mendations to the incomplete data in any machine
learning system is a reality. With the federated learn-
ing, we try to reduce that risk by training a module
with more data coming from multiple sources. By this
way, more comprehensive data can be available but
also more diverse datasets. Non-IID data across data
providers can, indeed, be a major issue in FL. How-
ever, a lot of research (Li et al., 2019; Zhao et al.,
2018) is carried out and techniques are being devel-
oped to improve the quality of federated systems in
such settings.
Having developed the architecture of our F-HRS and
demonstrated its technical feasibility, our next goal
is to operationalize this system on real data. To
achieve this, we are in discussion with different hos-
pitals to get our local models developed on their real
database. This step will obviously require some para-
metric adaptations of the system.
Moreover, after several discussions with health
care professionals, it is clear that hospital data is
rarely in a structured format. Generally, medical re-
ports are available as PDF documents written in nat-
ural language. To be able to integrate this impor-
tant information into our recommender system, an im-
portant step related to the data preparation must be
considered. To do so, different techniques of Natu-
ral Language Processing will have to be mobilized in
order to transform these unstructured data into struc-
tured data.
In this position paper, we propose to integrate the Fed-
erated Learning to build a health recommender model.
By this way, we want to overcome the lack of data
that medical institutions face in developing patient-
oriented decision support systems. Indeed, federated
approach allows to train a general and robust recom-
mender model on data from several institutions with-
out the need to share the raw data. The technical feasi-
bility of our solution has been demonstrated via open-
source data in the context of a drug-recommender sys-
We would like to thank the Walloon region for the
funding of the ARIAC project, of which our F-
HRS project was born and is part. Thanks also to
the TRAIL organization which organized the TRAIL
Summer Workshop in September 2022 during which
our F-HRS project was developed.
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Federated Health Recommender System