Applied Deep Learning Architectures for Breast Cancer Screening
Asma Zizaan
, Ali Idri
and Hasnae Zerouaoui
Modelling, Simulation and Data Analysis, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Benguerir, Morocco
Software Project Management Research Team, ENSIAS, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco
Keywords: Computer-Aided Screening, Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, Transfer Learning, Breast Cancer
Screening, Mammogram Classification, Image Processing.
Abstract: Breast cancer (BC) became the most diagnosed cancer, making it one of the deadliest diseases. Mammography
is a modality used for early detection of breast cancer. The objective of the present paper is to evaluate and
compare deep learning techniques applied to mammogram images. The paper conducts an experimental
evaluation of eight deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures for a binary classification of
breast screening mammograms, namely VGG16, VGG19, DenseNet201, Inception ResNet V2, Inception V3,
ResNet 50, MobileNet V2 and Xception. This evaluation was based on four performance metrics (accuracy,
precision, recall and f1-score), as well as Scott Knott statistical test and Borda count voting system. The data
was extracted from the CBIS-DDSM dataset with 4000 images. And results have shown that DenseNet201
was the most efficient model for the binary classification with an accuracy of 84.27%.
One of the most diagnosed types of cancer among
women is breast cancer, with statistics showing that
one out of eight females will be diagnosed with breast
cancer in their lifetime (The American Cancer
Society medical and editorial content team, 2022). In
2020, breast cancer was reportedly diagnosed in 2.3
million women and has caused 685 000 deaths
globally (Breast Cancer, n.d.). Survival rates started
to appear promising in countries where early
detection programs were combined with multiple
treatment options to eradicate this invasive illness
(Coleman, 2017). Breast cancer can be detected early
through screening mammography, which is one of the
most common screening modalities of our time.
Medical image processing is defined as the use
and the investigation of image files of the human
body, typically collected from a Computed
Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI) scanner, or another type of X-ray system using
computerized quantification and visualization tools.
The purposes of this analysis are to help search for or
diagnose disorders and guide medical procedures
such as surgery planning and treatments (McAuliffe
et al., 2001). Machine learning, specifically deep
learning, has sparked major interest in its application
to medical image processing due to its rapid progress.
Various previously published works applied deep
learning models to multiple medical fields such as
breast cancer and diabetic retinopathy (Lahmar &
Idri, 2022; Zerouaoui & Idri, 2022). For example,
(Zizaan & Idri, 2022): Shen et al. has constructed a
deep learning algorithm that may accurately identify
breast cancer instances on routine screening
mammograms, using an "end-to-end" training
strategy. This study showed promising results and is
trained to reach a high accuracy when applied to
similar mammogram datasets (Shen et al., 2019). In
the same manner, Agarwal et al. proposed a CNN
framework for automated mass detection in full-field
digital mammograms (FFDM) using VGG16,
Resnet50, and InceptionV3 (Agarwal et al., 2019).
The common downfall to the mentioned articles
is: (1) the lack of variety of the used DL architectures
for better comparison, and (2) the choice of
evaluation methods that is often limited to the
accuracy and area under curve (AUC).
Thus, the aim of this paper is to develop as well
as evaluate various DL techniques applied to the
binary classification of the CBIS-DDSM dataset of
BCS mammograms, namely VGG16, VGG19,
DenseNet201, Inception ResNet V2, Inception V3,
Zizaan, A., Idri, A. and Zerouaoui, H.
Applied Deep Learning Architectures for Breast Cancer Screening Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0011723700003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 617-624
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ResNet 50, MobileNet V2 and Xception
architectures. The empirical evaluation is set over two
steps, four performance measures in the first place,
namely: accuracy, precision, recall, f1-score, and
secondly, statistical testing using the Scott-Knott test
and Borda count system in order to select the best
performing model out of the eight. Such evaluation
methods are used to compare, cluster ad rank DL
models (Idri et al., 2016; Ottoni et al., 2019;
Zerouaoui et al., 2021; Zerouaoui & Idri, 2022). The
results of this study are discussed over two research
questions (RQs):
(RQ1): What is the overall performance of DL
techniques in BCS binary classification?
(RQ2): Are there any DL techniques that
noticeably outperform the others?
Accordingly, the main contributions of this article
are: (1) the development of eight end-to-end CNN
architectures, (2) preparing the data by using the
Contrast Limited Adaptive histogram equalization
(CLAHE) (Pizer et al., 1987) technique and intensity
normalization, and finally (3) comparing the results
of each model and selecting the best performing
among them.
The following is a breakdown of the paper's
structure: Section 2 presents the related works. In
Section 3, lays out the background of the study. As
for section 4, it explains the data preparation process
as well as the configuration of the eight DL
techniques. Section 5 presents and discusses the
empirical results. And finally, section 6 outlines the
conclusions and future works.
This section summarizes the findings of previous
studies investigating deep learning techniques for
BCS classification. Zizaan et al. published a
systematic mapping study (SMS) of the use of
machine learning in BCS (Zizaan & Idri, 2022). A
total of 66 papers published between 2011 and 2021
were selected for analysis, the main findings of the
SMS were:
(1) The most common publication venue is
journals (58.88%), followed by conferences (6.9%),
and books (2.3%). These publications showed a peak
in 2019.
(2) The most frequent paper type is evaluation
research (92.4%) including 31.8% of solution
proposal papers. And the least frequent articles are
reviews (7.5%).
(3) The most used BCS modality is
mammography (61%), followed digital breast
tomosynthesis, MRI, and ABUS imaging (10%, 7%,
and 7% respectively).
Out of the sixty-six selected papers, nine articles
used the DDSM dataset. Table 1. presents the five
most recent studies and their findings. The most used
DL techniques were VGG16 and Resnet50, while the
Table 1:
Overview of five related studies.
Authors DL techniques
Shen et al. VGG16, Resnet50,
Hybrid networks
Accuracy, AUC On several mammography platforms, automatic
deep learning methods can be easily trained to
achieve excellent accuracy.(Shen et al., 2019).
Aboutalib et
AUC The DDSM dataset had the overall best
performance. This could be as a result of the
higher dataset size or the features of the dataset
itself. (Aboutalib et al., 2018).
Chougrad et
ImageNet, VGG16,
RESNET50, and
AUC, Accuracy Achieve 97.35% accuracy as well as 0.98 AUC
on the DDSM dataset (Chougrad et al., 2018)
Saranyaraj et
Deep Convolutional
neural network
(DCNN), ResNet,
GoogleNet and VGG
specificity, AUC,
recall, precision,
and F1-score
Increase the mean classification accuracy to
97.46% and the overall classification accuracy
to 96.23% (Saranyaraj et al., 2020)
Agarwal et al. VGG16, ResNet50, and
Accuracy Develop an automated framewor
that has
obtained the best results based on TPR and FPI
(Agarwal et al., 2019)
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
most common performance metrics are accuracy and
area under curve (AUC). Some of the noticeable
limitations were the low number of applied DL
techniques, averaging at three architectures, as well
as the performance metrics and the lack of statistical
This section presents the data pre-processing tasks,
the parameter tuning of the DL models, as well as the
empirical design.
3.1 Data Preparation
This dataset consists of images from CBIS-DDSM
dataset (Eric A. Scuccimarra, 2018). Digital Imaging
and Communications in Medicine format (DICOM)
pictures totaling 10,239 were collected from 1,566
patients across 6,775 trials to build this dataset (Lee
et al., 2017). Some Pre-Processing tasks have already
been done such as extracting the region of interest
(ROIs) and resizing to 299x299. The primary dataset
contains 55890 training mammograms, with 7825
(14%) positive cases and 48064 (86%) negative
Considering that more than half of the images in
the CBIS-DDSM dataset were labelled negative,
which is considered as a limitation, resampling the
images from the DDSM dataset was made by using
data augmentation. It is worth mentioning that the
CBIS-DDSM dataset is a subset of the DDSM
dataset, meaning that the images that were sampled
from DDSM are of the same nature as the images
existing in the CBIS-DDSM dataset.
Further image processing was made using the
Contrast Limited Adaptive histogram equalization
(CLAHE) technique to enhance the images’ contrast
as well as intensity normalization. In Figure 1, the
data preparation process is detailed: First, acquiring
the data from the DDSM and CBIS-DDSM datasets
with the same number of samples in each class. Then,
enhancing the contrast of the images using the
CLAHE technique. Lastly, applying the min-max
normalization as shown in Equation 1 to the input
photos will normalize them to the conventional
distribution. Results of the image enhancing
technique are shown in Figure 2.
3.2 Model Configurations
As the present study is a binary classification of BCS
mammogram data extracted from the publicly
available dataset CBIS-DDSM, eight different end-
to-end CNN architectures were implemented using
several parameter tuning experiments. To train the
models after the data preparation phase was finished,
the transfer learning technique served as a practical
tool to import models pre-trained in the ImageNet
dataset (Fei-Fei et al., 2010).
To summarize the parameter tuning, the batch
size was set to 32 and the number of epochs to 200.
As for the optimization, the output layer optimization
function was SoftMax, and the optimizer Adam
(adaptive moment estimation) was chosen (Kingma
& Ba, 2015) with an initial learning set to 0. 00001.
Moreover, the loss function was set as the cross
entropy, and all the layers were frozen for the transfer
Figure 1: Data preparation process.
Figure 2: Example of CLAHE image transformation.
3.3 Data Splitting and Performance
In this study, we used K-fold cross validation with k
equal to 5 to apply and evaluate the DL models. We
also provided the performance metrics' average for
each DL method. Four metrics—accuracy, precision,
recall, and f1-score—were used to evaluate the
performance of the eight DL classifiers. These
metrics are provided by Equations 2 through 5.
Applied Deep Learning Architectures for Breast Cancer Screening Classification
𝐹1 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒2
TP: true positives.
FP: false positives.
TN: true negatives.
FN: false negatives.
In addition to the four performance metrics, two
statistical tests were used:
Scott Knott test is a type of exploratory clustering
techniques that is commonly employed in the context
of analysis of variance (ANOVA). Scott and Knott
proposed it in 1974 as a way to distinguish
overlapping groups using numerous comparisons of
treatment means (Jelihovschi et al., 2014).
Borda count is a voting method for single winner
election methods. Candidates are given points based
on their ranking in this method: 1 point for last choice,
2 points for second-to-last choice, and so on. The
entire point totals for all ballots are added together,
and the candidate with the highest point total wins
(García-Lapresta & Martínez-Panero, 2002).
3.4 Experimental Design
The methodology used to conduct the empirical
evaluations consists of three steps as shown in Fig. 3.
(1) Assess four performance metrics of each variant
of the deep learning architectures (VGG16,
VGG19, DenseNet201, Inception ResNet V2,
Inception V3, ResNet 50, MobileNet V2 and
Xception) as well as a CNN baseline.
(2) Select the DL architectures that outperformed the
CNN baseline by comparing the accuracy results.
(3) Use the Skott Knott test to build clusters of the
selected DL models and select the best SK cluster.
(4) To choose the ideal DL architecture, rank the top
SK cluster using the Borda count voting technique
based on the four performance criteria (accuracy,
precision, recall, and F1-score).
It is worth noting that comparable approaches were
utilized in previous works. (Azzeh et al., 2017 ; Idri
et al., 2018 ; Idri & Abnane, 2017 ; Worsley, 1977 ;
Zerouaoui et al., 2021)
This section presents and discusses the evaluations'
findings for the eight DL approaches used on the
CBIS-DDSM dataset. The performances of the DL
techniques were evaluated using four numerical
performance metrics: accuracy, recall, precision, and
F1-score, as well as two statistical tests: Borda count,
and Scott-Knott. First, the performance of each DL
approach is examined, and the ones that outperform
the CNN baseline in accuracy are chosen. (RQ1).
Then, we utilize the Borda count voting
mechanism to rank the DL approaches belonging to
the best SK cluster after using the SK statistical test
based on accuracy to cluster the chosen DL
techniques (i.e., accuracy greater than the CNN
baseline model) (RQ2).
Figure 3:
Experimental design.
4.1 Assessment of the DL Models’
Eight different CNN architectures which were
previously pre-trained on ImageNet (VGG19,
VGG16, ResNet50, Inception V3, DenseNet201,
MobileNet V2, Xception, and Inception ResNet V2)
are applied over the DDSM dataset in Python using
VGG16, VGG19, DenseNet201, Inception
ResNet V2, Inception V3, ResNet 50, MobileNet
V2 and Xception
Step 1: Assess the performance of each DL model as well
as a CNN baseline by using four performance metrics
(Accuracy, specificity, recall, and F1-score)
Step 2: Select the DL architectures that outperformed the
CNN baseline by comparing the accuracy results.
Step 3: Use the Skott Knott test to build clusters of the
selected DL models and select the best SK cluster.
Step 4: Rank the best Scott Knott cluster using the Borda
count voting system using accuracy, precision, recall, F1-
score to select the best performing DL architecture.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Tensorflow (Abadi et al., 2016), Keras, SciKit-Learn
(Pedregosa et al., 2011), Pandas(Reback et al., 2022),
Matplotlib (Hunter, 2007), NumPy, and Seaborn
(Waskom, 2021) frameworks, on a tensor processing
unit (TPU) provided by Google in collab notebook.
Figure 4 and Table 2 show the accuracy values of
the DL models as well as the CNN baseline. These
results are summarized in Table 2 and reveal that:
a) DenseNet201 unlocks better performance than
the other CNN architectures with 84.27%
accuracy and 84.27% F1 score.
b) ResNet50 was the weakest model showing a
noticeably lower accuracy (76.35%) and F1-
score (76.46%).
c) MobileNetV2 outperforms Inception V3 by a
2.67% higher accuracy.
Table 2: Performance metrics.
Accuracy Precision Recall
CNN baseline 82.07% 80.98% 84.25% 82.50%
VGG19 81.00% 80.76% 81.85% 81.14%
VGG16 82.82% 81.48% 85.19% 83.26%
InceptionV3 80.75% 80.77% 81.10% 80.87%
DenseNet201 84.27% 84.55% 84.0% 84.27%
MobileNetV2 83.42% 83.47% 83.55% 83.48%
Xception 82.57% 82.64% 82.60% 82.61%
83.12% 83.34% 82.65% 83.14%
ResNet50 76.35% 76.27% 76.92% 76.46%
Figure 4: Validation and training accuracy values of each
DL model.
Hereafter, the models to be discussed are the ones
that have scored a better performance than the CNN
baseline, namely: VGG16, DenseNet201,
MobileNetV2, Xception, and InceptionResNetV2.
4.2 Selection of the Best Performing
DL Model
Based on the results obtained, and to guarantee a
more precise selection of the best group of
architectures, further testing was required. In
particular, the hierarchical clustering of Scott Knott
was applied to the DL architectures which scored a
higher accuracy than the CNN baseline.
The outcome of the SK test shows that the
selected DL models all belong to a single cluster
(figure 5). As a result, these four DL approaches have
similar prediction skills in terms of accuracy values.
This cluster contains DenseNet201, MobileNet V2,
InceptionResNet V2, Xception, and VGG16.
Finally, selecting the best model from the Scott
Knott (table 3) cluster has been made by the Borda
count voting system taking into consideration the four
metrics (accuracy, recall, precision, and f1-score).
Figure 5: Results of Scott Knott test of the DL techniques.
Table 3: Borda count rankings.
DL Model Rank
DenseNet201 1
MobileNet V2 2
VGG16 3
Inception ResNet V2 4
Xception 5
This section discusses the threats to the validity of this
paper from both external and internal perspectives.
5.1 Internal Validity
In order to strengthen the robustness of the mean
accuracy of the eight DL designs, this work applied
Applied Deep Learning Architectures for Breast Cancer Screening Classification
the K-fold cross validation approach. When it comes
to optimization, the Adam (adaptive moment
estimation) optimizer's superior performance and
quick learning rate convergence make it preferable to
the traditional stochastic gradient descent method
(Zhang, 2019).
5.2 External Validity
The CBIS-DDSM dataset, which provides screening
mammography images, was utilized in this
investigation; however, we are unable to extend the
findings to other datasets that have the same image
type and attributes. In light of this, it would be
beneficial to repeat this experiment using more DL
methods, such as the UNET model or various CNN
model types, using additional publicly or privately
available datasets in order to corroborate or refute the
findings of the study.
5.3 Construct Validity
To assess the dependability of the classifier, this study
concentrated on the accuracy and other performance
measures (precision, recall and F1-Score). The fact
that these metrics are often used to assess
categorization performance was the primary factor in
the selection of these performance criteria. In order to
avoid favoring one performance criterion over
another, the results were also obtained using the SK
test and Borda count voting technique with equal
weights utilizing the four performance criteria.
This paper presented and discussed the process and
the results of an empirical evaluation study of eight
end-to-end CNN architectures, notably VGG19,
VGG16, ResNet50, Inception V3, DenseNet201,
MobileNet V2, Xception, and Inception ResNet V2
for the binary classification of BCS mammogram
images retrieved from the datasets CBIS-DDSM and
DDSM. The empirical testing was based on four
performance metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, and
f1-score), as well as a statistical testing which
consisted of Scott-Knott test and Borda count voting
system. This study's findings can be summarized in
two main points:
(RQ1) What is the overall performance of DL
techniques in BCS binary classification?
The accuracy percentages of the eight DL
techniques were all satisfactory and the majority
exceeded 80%. The highest accuracies were scored
by DenseNet201, MobileNet V2, and Inception
Resnet V2, respectively. While ResNet50 was,
compared to the other models, underperforming.
(RQ2): Are there any DL techniques that
noticeably outperformed the others?
SK test resulted in only one cluster, so further
testing was done to ensure that the best model is
chosen. So, by ranking first in the Borda count voting
system, DenseNet201 is the best performing DL
architecture out of the eight trained DL models. Thus,
it is a highly recommended model to serve as base for
a DL computer assistance program to aid in the
process of BCS.
This work came as a part of a project that puts
efforts in building a comprehensive tool of computer
aided diagnosis (CAD) to help improve the process of
breast cancer screening in terms of radiologists’
assessment as well as reducing unnecessary steps of
the process to eventually result in an early diagnosis
of the disease.
As future work, we aim to experiment with
different ensemble techniques, in particular the
techniques that use bagging or boosting, and use a
variety of pre-processing steps aimed for feature
selection on breast cancer screening data. Moreover,
we plan to apply and evaluating different DL
architectures over tabular breast cancer screening
data as well.
This work was conducted under the research project
“Machine Learning based Breast Cancer Diagnosis
and Treatment,” 2020-2023. The authors would like
to thank the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education
and Scientific Research, Digital Development
Agency (ADD), CNRST, and UM6P for their
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