PARL: A Dialog System Framework with Prompts as Actions for
Reinforcement Learning
Tao Xiang
, Yangzhe Li, Monika Wintergerst
, Ana Pecini, Dominika Młynarczyk
and Georg Groh
Department of Informatics, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
Open-Domain Dialog Systems, Prompting, Reinforcement Learning, Conversational AI.
The performance of most current open-domain dialog systems is limited by the (training) dialog corpora due
to either generation-based or retrieval-based learning patterns. To circumvent this limitation, we propose
PARL, an open-domain dialog system framework using Prompts as Actions for Reinforcement Learning.
This framework requires a (fixed) open-domain dialog system as the backbone and trains a behavior policy
using reinforcement learning to guide the backbone system to respond appropriately with respect to a given
conversation. The action space is defined as a finite set of behaviors in the form of natural language prompts.
Preliminary results show that with the guidance of the behavior policy, the backbone system could generate
more engaging and empathetic responses.
Open-domain dialog systems are a popular natural
language processing (NLP) task because of their po-
tential in real-life applications, such as Google Meena
(Adiwardana et al., 2020) or Facebook Blenderbot
(Roller et al., 2021). Current methods for open-
domain dialog systems can be generally catego-
rized into retrieval-based and generation-based meth-
ods, where both require high-quality dialog corpora:
Retrieval-based systems need a pre-collected paired
conversation dataset for retrieving responses, while
generation-based systems need a large amount of
training data for supervised learning (Ni et al., 2022).
Therefore, the performance of dialog systems de-
pends heavily on the quality of the dialog corpus and
in theory, it is difficult for dialog systems trained with
these methods to exceed the quality of the training set.
Inspired by reinforcement learning (RL) appli-
cations surpassing human performance, such as Al-
phaGo Zero (Silver et al., 2017), our research objec-
tive in this work is to explore whether RL can further
improve the performance of dialog systems in order to
outperform training set level or even reach a human-
like quality. To this end, we train a behavior policy
that decides which system action to perform accord-
ing to the current dialog history with RL. The sys-
tem actions are defined as general human behaviors
during one-on-one conversations in the form of nat-
ural language prompts, such as “greeting the other”
or “comforting the other”. After the system action is
confirmed, it is fed together with the dialog history
to a fixed dialog system, which then generates a re-
In this position paper, we introduce PARL,
an open-domain dialog system framework using
Prompts as Actions for Reinforcement Learning
. It
is considered a framework because the definition of
the action space, the backbone dialog system, and the
training of the policy network can all be modified in
future work. Its general pipeline is given as follows:
1. Define the actions as natural language prompts.
An example is “comfort me”.
2. Train or use a pre-trained open-domain dialog
system as the fixed backbone.
3. Train a policy network that maps dialog history to
actions with reinforcement learning.
4. Feed the dialog history and action prompt to the
backbone to generate responses.
Code and models:
Xiang, T., Li, Y., Wintergerst, M., Pecini, A., Młynarczyk, D. and Groh, G.
PARL: A Dialog System Framework with Prompts as Actions for Reinforcement Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0011725200003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 633-640
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: In section 2 we review related work in recent
years, in section 3 we dive into details of our frame-
work, in section 4 we introduce the evaluation meth-
ods used in this work, in section 5 we demonstrate
and analyze the evaluation results, in section 6 we
highlight advantages and limitations of the proposed
framework, and in section 7 we conclude our work
and discuss directions for future work.
2.1 Open-Domain Dialog Systems
In the past few years, the area of open-domain dia-
log systems has achieved significant progress with the
development of deep learning. Typically, deep learn-
ing methods for open-domain dialog systems can be
categorized into retrieval-based and generation-based
A retrieval-based open-domain dialog system
matches user utterances with present queries in a pre-
collected human conversation dataset and retrieves
responses of similar queries as candidate responses.
Then a scoring algorithm scores these candidates and
the response with the highest score is selected. Re-
cent work on retrieval-based systems includes (Zhou
et al., 2016), (Zhou et al., 2018), and (Gu et al.,
2020). One drawback of retrieval-based systems is
their dependence on the pre-collected dataset, which
is difficult to construct. Additionally, the pre-existing
responses can only cover a limited scope of con-
versations. This poses limits to real-world open-
domain conversations, which include an arbitrarily
wide range of topics.
Generation-based dialog systems, on the other
hand, possess the potential of generating unseen re-
sponses. Recent work on generation-based systems
focuses on fine-tuning pre-trained language models
on dialog datasets (Saleh et al., 2020; Wolf et al.,
2019; Zhang et al., 2020; Adiwardana et al., 2020).
While generation-based dialog systems alleviate the
limited scope problem of retrieval-based systems,
their performance still heavily depends on the qual-
ity of training corpora.
2.2 RL for Dialog Systems
Compared to supervised learning, reinforcement
learning in the area of open-domain dialog systems
is still in the exploratory stage. One popular RL
research direction is to optimize a dialog system
pre-trained with supervised learning. For example,
(Jaques et al., 2019) optimize for sentiment and sev-
eral other conversation metrics by learning from a
static batch of human-bot conversations using Batch
RL. (Saleh et al., 2020) propose using RL to reduce
toxicity in an open-domain dialog setting in order to
ensure the model produces more appropriate and safe
conversations. In these settings, the action space is
usually infinite with actions being system responses
of various lengths. In contrast, (Xu et al., 2018) ex-
plicitly define an action space consisting of dialog
acts that represent human behaviors during conversa-
tion and train a policy model that decides appropriate
dialog acts with respect to dialog history.
2.3 Prompting Language Models
Prompting, which can for instance be used to steer
multi-task generalist agents (Reed et al., 2022), has
recently also been explored as a way to enhance the
performance of language models. (Radford et al.,
2019) employ prompts to guide zero-shot generation
for tasks such as translation. (Raffel et al., 2020) use
task-specific prefixes as prompts in their text-to-text
framework for various NLP tasks. (Lee et al., 2021)
use natural language descriptions for requested do-
mains and slots as prompts to guide the generation of
a slot value for the requested domain and slot in the
dialog state tracking task.
Inspired by this body of work, we propose to use
natural language prompts as actions in RL to guide
the backbone dialog system to behave accordingly.
We explicitly define an action space similarly to (Xu
et al., 2018), but with actions as natural language
prompts. To the best of our knowledge, we are the
first to propose using natural language prompts as ac-
tions in RL for optimizing dialog systems.
3.1 Problem Statement & Notation
In this section, we introduce the primary notations
used in this paper and formulate the task briefly. The
main task of PARL is to train a behavior policy that
takes the dialog history as input and outputs a be-
havior action with RL. Then we combine the dialog
history and behavior action as input to our fixed pre-
trained dialog system, which we call backbone. The
backbone then generates a system response. PARLs
framework structure can be found in Figure 1.
We consider a dialog as a sequence of utterances
alternating between two parties, U
, S
, . . . , U
, S
with U as the user utterance and S as the system
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Framework structure of PARL.
Figure 2: Input representation for the backbone dialog system: Special tokens [usr], [sys], [qst], and [bhv] represent a
following user utterance, system utterance, question-or-not action, and behavior action, respectively.
response. In a turn t, the user produces the new
utterance U
and the system replies with utterance
. Then we denote the dialog history at turn t as
, S
, . . . , S
, U
, which excludes the latest
system response S
. Furthermore, we denote the ac-
tion space in RL as A , and the policy network is de-
fined as π = P(A
| H
) with A
A .
3.2 Action Space Definition
As discussed above, we define the action space A as
a finite set of general human behaviors during one-
on-one conversations. For our experiments, we de-
fine two types of actions: question-or-not (QST) ac-
tions and behavior (BHV) actions. QST actions in-
dicate whether the next system response should be a
question, whereas BHV actions represent behaviors
the backbone system should perform next. For QST
actions, we define two values: Ask me for further de-
tails. and “[None]”. As for the BHV actions, we de-
fine four human behaviors: 1) to congratulate the user,
2) to comfort the user, 3) to give the user advice, and
4) no behavior. We believe these behaviors represent
actions desirable for an empathetic conversation part-
ner, supportively reacting to both positive and neg-
ative emotions, and providing advice when needed.
The action values are defined as “I’m in a positive
mood, please congratulate me and praise me.”, “I’m
in a negative mood, please comfort me.”, “give me
some advice. and “[None]”, respectively. The action
space A is then a two-dimensional space combining
QST actions and BHV actions.
Note that the values are in the form of natural lan-
guage prompts, and in particular, they are phrased as
requests from the user’s perspective. We define them
as such because we concatenate these action values
with the last user utterance U
from the dialog his-
tory H
, and feed it as input to the backbone sys-
tem. An example input representation can be found in
Figure 2. Such processing simulates the user saying
these prompts, and should guide the backbone system
to better understand the user sentiment and generate
more appropriate and empathetic responses.
3.3 Backbone Dialog System
For the backbone dialog system, we use Blenderbot-
400M-distill (Roller et al., 2021), a generation-based
model that has shown generally good conversational
skills. To let the backbone system better understand
the prompts, we first augmented the EmpatheticDi-
alogues dataset (Rashkin et al., 2019) by appending
suitable prompts to each last user utterance U
in dia-
log history H
, and then we fine-tuned Blenderbot on
this dataset for only 10 epochs to avoid overfitting. To
assign a proper question-or-not prompt to each dialog
in the augmentation step, we simply checked whether
the system response has a question mark. For be-
havior prompts, we trained a sentiment classifier to
tell whether the user is in a positive/negative/neutral
mood and then added prompts according to the clas-
sification. To train this classifier, the first author
manually labeled 500 dialog samples from the Empa-
theticDialogues dataset with the label set defined as
{positive, negative, neutral}. Then we used this clas-
sifier to tag the whole EmpatheticDialogues dataset
and finally, we manually reviewed the entire dataset
and revised obvious misclassifications. We have made
the augmented EmpatheticDialogues dataset
The purpose of the fine-tuning is to make sure the
backbone system can understand action prompts and
respond accordingly. This consistency between action
prompts and system responses is necessary for later
reinforcement learning.
empathetic dialogues with special tokens
PARL: A Dialog System Framework with Prompts as Actions for Reinforcement Learning
3.4 Policy Network
3.4.1 Model Architecture
To select appropriate actions according to different
conversation situations, we design a policy network
that takes the dialog history as input and outputs the
action prompts defined in subsection 3.2. The policy
network consists of only fully-connected layers. The
input is the embedding of the dialog history and the
output is two-dimensional logits, where the first di-
mension represents behavior actions and the second
represents question-or-not actions.
To obtain the embedding of the dialog history,
we use the pre-trained conversational representation
model ConveRT (Henderson et al., 2020) and keep
it fixed. ConveRT is a specialized encoder that can
compress the dialog history into a 512-dimensional
embedding. We further apply the arctan function to
this embedding element-wise so that each dimension
is restricted to (1, 1). We believe such processing
can improve exploration efficiency for later training
while ensuring distinguishability of the embeddings
around the origin.
To map the logits to corresponding action values,
we further employ activation functions to restrict the
logits into a fixed interval. Then we slice this interval
into subintervals and each subinterval corresponds to
a certain action value. For example, for the second
dimension logits we apply Tanh so that the interval is
(1, 1). Then we divide the interval into two subinter-
vals (1, 0] and (0, 1), where (1, 0] corresponds to
the QST action value Ask me for further details. and
(0, 1) corresponds to the QST action value “[None]”.
3.4.2 Training
In order to train the policy network with reinforce-
ment learning, we choose the Soft Actor-Critic (SAC)
algorithm, which is an off-policy actor-critic deep RL
algorithm based on maximum entropy reinforcement
learning (Haarnoja et al., 2018). The reason we use
SAC is that it can explore very diverse policies and
preserve near-optimal policies while pursuing conver-
gence as much as possible. This fits our behavior
policy well, since human behaviors can be very com-
plex and different people might react differently to the
same conversation situation.
The process of training the policy network can be
divided into the following steps:
1) Action Decision & System Response Gener-
ation. First, the embedding of dialog history H
, S
, . . . , S
, U
is fed to the policy network,
which then selects an appropriate action. The action
(prompt) is then concatenated with the original dialog
history and fed as input to the backbone dialog sys-
tem, which then generates a new system response S
An input example for the backbone dialog system can
be found in Figure 2.
2) Reward Calculation. Once we have the gen-
erated system response S
, we compute a reward for
it. We use the metric model DYnamic MEtric for dia-
log modeling (DYME) (Unold et al., 2021), which we
trained on the EmphateticDialogues (Rashkin et al.,
2019) and DailyDialog datasets (Li et al., 2017).
DYME predicts utterance metrics for the next sen-
tence based on a given dialog history. In total, it
considers 15 metrics, such as repetition metrics, sen-
timent, coherence metrics, empathy-based metrics,
and utterance length. We first use DYME to predict
ground truth utterance metrics of an ideal next system
response given the current dialog history H
, denoted
as m
. Then we use the same metric algorithms
as in DYME to compute utterance metrics of the gen-
erated response S
, denoted as ˆm
. The reward
function is defined as a distance function that mea-
sures the similarity between m
and ˆm
, denoted as
l : R
× R
R. In this work, we use the negative
mean square error as the reward function.
3) New User Input Generation. To continue the
conversation, a new user input U
is required as
reply to the system response S
. In our framework,
real human interaction or a user chatbot can both be
used to produce user inputs. For our experiments, we
employ a user chatbot, namely Blenderbot-1B-distill
(Roller et al., 2021), which is a variant of the back-
bone system but with more parameters.
4) Dialog History Update & Repetition. Once
we have the new system response S
and user in-
put U
, we update the dialog history as: H
, U
}, where stands for the concatenation.
Then we repeat the entire process.
To explore the effect of the policy network’s guid-
ance, we compare PARL and the baseline (PARLs
backbone, the fine-tuned Blenderbot without policy
network as introduced in subsection 3.3) in both an
automatic and a human evaluation. The experimental
dataset is the test set of the original EmpatheticDia-
logues dataset, which does not include prompts.
4.1 Automatic Evaluation
For automatic evaluation, we use METEOR (Baner-
jee and Lavie, 2005) and FED (Mehri and Eskenazi,
2020). METEOR is a word-overlap metric that cal-
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(a) Episodic return w/o AT. (b) Actor loss w/o AT. (c) Q function loss w/o AT. (d) Q values w/o AT.
(e) Episodic return w/ AT. (f) Actor loss w/ AT. (g) Q function loss w/ AT. (h) Q values w/ AT.
Figure 3: Training results of two experiments with (“w/”) and without (“w/o”) auto-tuning (AT). The blue part in Figure 3a
indicates the random sampling in the first 1k steps. Q values are represented by values from Qf1 due to double Q learning.
culates the similarity between the generated sequence
and the ground truth sequence on word-level, whereas
FED is a neural metric that can measure fine-grained
dialog qualities at both the turn- and whole dialog-
level. More specifically, FED can assess eighteen
qualities of dialog without relying on a reference re-
sponse and has shown moderate to strong correlation
with human judgment. Example qualities are “di-
verse”, “coherent” and “fluent”. In this experiment,
we consider eleven qualities in view of their relative
importance stated in (Mehri and Eskenazi, 2020).
4.2 Human Evaluation
Seven raters scored 20 randomly sampled conversa-
tions independently from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high)
in terms of empathy, relevance, and fluency. All
raters are university-educated and share a computer-
science-related background. For the purpose of blind
evaluation, we marked the responses of the two mod-
els as response A and response B and randomly shuf-
fled some responses to reduce bias. To represent sub-
jectivity, we computed the inter-rater agreement by
Krippendorffs Alpha (Krippendorff, 2011) with the
level of measurement as “interval”.
5.1 Policy Network Training Results
In our experimental training process, we observe that
the actor in the policy network begins exploration at
an early stage. Exploration and exploitation form a
trade-off in reinforcement learning, where the former
avoids getting stuck in a local optimum by trying var-
ious actions, and the latter aims to explore the op-
timal strategy by spending limited resources on ob-
serving the results of a few better actions. Figure 3a
and Figure 3e show an inconspicuous improvement
around 2k steps (1k steps for the random data collec-
tion phase, which should be 5k steps generally). The
actor loss (Figure 3b) experiences a rapid decline and
then rebounds, so we suspect that the training data
collected in the early stage has already been exploited
and the actor has turned to slow exploration after 2k
steps. The loss of the Q function (Figure 3c) de-
clines steadily while the value (Figure 3d) decreases
and stabilizes after reaching the peak at around 2k
steps, which means the Q function is overestimated at
the beginning, also indicating the completion of ex-
ploitation. In the case of auto-tuning, the actor loss
(Figure 3f) increases instead along with the Q values
(Figure 3h), reflecting that the exploration is carried
out without too much exploitation. Considering this,
we think the training is still at a very early stage and
the agent is doing more exploration at this point.
Note that SAC and other RL algorithms often re-
quire millions of training steps to achieve significant
results (Haarnoja et al., 2018), while resource con-
straints only allowed us to make a preliminary verifi-
cation of the algorithm.
5.2 Results of Automatic Evaluation
From the METEOR scores in Table 1, we can see that
although PARL has a higher score, both scores are
small and the difference is negligible.
For FED, PARL scores higher than the baseline
in engagement, semantic appropriateness, specificity,
understandability, fluency, and likeability, with the
score difference being around 0.01. On the other
hand, the performance of PARL on relevance, correct-
ness, coherence, consistency, and diversity metrics is
lower, with the difference being around 0.1.
PARL: A Dialog System Framework with Prompts as Actions for Reinforcement Learning
Table 1: Results of automatic evaluation. Better scores are
in bold (FED scores were negated for for readability).
Blenderbot PARL
METEOR 0.1605 0.1627
Engaging 0.3698 0.3701
-0.2425 -0.2354
Specific 0.2020 0.2118
Relevant -6.3218 -6.4173
Correct -6.3973 -6.4928
Understandable -0.2254 -0.2161
Fluent -0.2454 -0.2350
Coherent -6.2809 -6.3813
Consistent -6.5760 -6.6770
Diverse -6.4907 -6.5906
Likeable 0.2269 0.2283
5.3 Results of Human Evaluation
Table 2: Results of human evaluation.
Empathy Relevance Fluency
Blenderbot 3.114 3.114 3.607
PARL 3.250 3.129 3.236
Table 3: Krippendorffs alpha.
General Empathy Relevance Fluency
0.256 0.290 0.278 0.149
From the results in Table 2, we can see PARL was
rated slightly better than the baseline regarding em-
pathy and relevance. The difference in empathy is
0.136, while the difference in relevance is quite small
at only 0.015. There is a relatively big difference of
0.4 when it comes to fluency, where the baseline was
rated higher. Overall, both models achieved ratings
slightly above the neutral rating of 3 for all metrics.
The agreement results in Table 3 show very low
agreement on each metric. However, the agreement
on empathy and relevance is much higher compared
to the agreement on fluency. This might indicate that
fluency is harder to judge and more subjective.
5.4 Conversation Examples
To show advantages and limitations of PARL, we
cherry-picked two conversation examples generated
during training. The actions output by the policy net-
work are attached to each user utterance in italics.
Conversation A
User: Hi, I’d like to return this radio. (ask de-
tails; congratulate me)
PARL: That’s good to hear. Why do you want
to return it? Is it something wrong with
User: I don’t think so, but I just don’t want
to deal with the hassle of returning it.
(none; comfort me)
PARL: I understand. Perhaps you can give it a
try and if you like it, you can return it.
Conversation B
User: Mom, you know that Andrea and I
sometimes worry about you. (ask de-
tails; comfort me)
PARL: I worry about my mom all the time.
Why do you worry about me? What
happened to you?
User: I don’t know, I guess I’m just worried
that she’s going to get sick and I won’t
be able to take care of her. (none; give
PARL: You can take good care of your mom.
Don’t worry about the things that worry
you. Everything will be okay.
Based on the results in section 5, we now discuss
PARLs advantages and current limitations.
6.1 Advantages
PARL has the following advantages:
Controllable and Explainable. Due to explicit
behavior decisions, PARL shows controllability and
explainability. The behavior actions chosen by the
policy network can guide the backbone dialog sys-
tem to generate a corresponding response as shown in
Conversation A and B, where the backbone follows
the guidance of the policy network.
Engaging and Empathetic. Even though the dif-
ferences are small, the results of both automatic and
human evaluation show that PARL is rated as more
engaging and empathetic compared to the baseline.
We believe this is thanks to the explicit engaging be-
haviors such as “comfort” and “congratulate”.
Dynamic emotion Capturing. Because the pol-
icy network decides behaviors in every dialog turn, it
can capture the user’s changing emotions.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Adaptability. The backbone dialog system can be
exchanged (e.g., with a more powerful model) and the
behavior definition can also be extended.
6.2 Limitations
However, there are still several limitations for PARL.
Non-Comprehensive Behaviors. In this work,
we only define four behavior actions, which is far too
little compared to real human behaviors. We think
this is the reason why PARL shows less diversity in
the automatic evaluation.
Lengthy Action Prompts. Some action prompts
are lengthy, such as “comfort” and “congratulate”.
Since the prompts are directly concatenated to the di-
alog history, this could potentially change the user ut-
terance’s original meaning, especially when the dia-
log history is short or the policy network makes mis-
takes. We believe this is why PARL shows less rel-
evance, coherence and consistency in the automatic
evaluation. An example would be Conversation A,
where the user’s emotion may not actually be positive
in the beginning.
Coarse-Grained Action Space. The current 2D
action space is coarse-grained because we put sen-
timent behaviors and advising behavior in the same
dimension. Thus, PARL can not perform sentiment
behaviors and advising behaviors simultaneously.
Besides the framework limitations, the decision
making of the policy network is not perfect due to
limited training time, which might explain the small
difference compared to the baseline. As such, PARL
might yet have to fully realize its potential and the
advantages mentioned above.
Additionally, PARLs performance depends on the
backbone system’s quality. The used model produced
generally good outputs, but struggled with logical
consistency and uncommon user inputs (see Conver-
sation A and B).
Regarding the human evaluation, it must be noted
that due to the small sample size, it is not fully conclu-
sive. Since the manual rating of conversations seems
to be challenging and subjective, as evidenced by the
low inter-rater agreement, a larger-scale evaluation
with more detailed annotation rules should be carried
out once the model has been fully trained.
In addition, we found DYME has some limita-
tions. For instance, for discrete metrics like “ques-
tion”, DYME predicts floating point numbers, which
leads to permanent losses between the predicted float-
ing point numbers and the floor and ceiling integer
numbers corresponding to the calculated metrics from
the generated utterance. Also, metrics like “utter-
ance length” may lead to lower rewards despite a high
utterance quality from a human perspective, which
has a continuous impact on a conversation due to the
non-sparse nature of DYME-based rewards. These
two factors make it difficult for the policy network
to achieve the best results.
We propose PARL, an open-domain dialog frame-
work that uses natural language prompts as behav-
ior actions to guide a pre-trained dialog system. We
design a reward function using the pre-trained metric
model DYME, with which we train a policy network
to select proper actions according to the dialog con-
text. Despite limited training resources, preliminary
results indicate a potential of the policy network’s
guidance to improve dialog systems with RL.
Since our work is only a preliminary attempt to
combine RL with the prompting technique, there are
still many possible improvements: 1) Improving the
reward function: DYME’s limitations as discussed in
subsection 6.2 could be remedied. 2) More diverse
behaviors: For instance, behaviors related to different
emotions (instead of just positive or negative) could
create more diverse dialogs. 3) Improved prompts: As
mentioned in subsection 6.2, shorter prompts could
better preserve the user utterance’s original meaning.
4) Better action space design: As mentioned in sub-
section 6.2, a more fine-grained action space (e.g.
higher dimensional) would enable the agent to per-
form diverse behaviors simultaneously. 5) Dynamic
aborting: Dynamic “done” returns based on metrics
could be applied to stop conversations at appropri-
ate times. 6) Multi-task learning: Instead of a fixed
backbone, policy and dialog system could be trained
jointly. 7) Extending the model: We could, for exam-
ple, add a memory component (Weston et al., 2015)
to increase conversational ability in longer dialogs.
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