Identifying Personal Data Processing for Code Review
Feiyang Tang
1 a
, Bjarte M. Østvold
1 b
and Magiel Bruntink
2 c
Norwegian Computing Center, Oslo, Norway
Software Improvement Group, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Data Privacy Protection, Code Review, Static Analysis.
Code review is a critical step in the software development life cycle, which assesses and boosts the code’s
effectiveness and correctness, pinpoints security issues, and raises its quality by adhering to best practices. Due
to the increased need for personal data protection motivated by legislation, code reviewers need to understand
where personal data is located in software systems and how it is handled. Although most recent work on
code review focuses on security vulnerabilities, privacy-related techniques are not easy for code reviewers to
implement, making their inclusion in the code review process challenging. In this paper, we present ongoing
work on a new approach to identifying personal data processing, enabling developers and code reviewers
in drafting privacy analyses and complying with regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) lays
the legal foundation for data protection in the EU and
increases individual data protection rights through-
out Europe. It also carries significant fines of up to
4% of yearly worldwide revenue for businesses that
do not comply with the legislation. Many IT system
providers, especially software-producing firms, may
need to alter their systems in order to comply with
the GDPR. This is predicted to require significant ef-
fort (Blume, 2016). As a result, providing software
engineers in the industry with effective and system-
atic ways to build data protection into software is an
essential and beneficial study topic (Lenhard et al.,
2017). Organizations are pushing security to the soft-
ware development life cycle, such as code review,
to prevent software security vulnerabilities (Braz and
Bacchelli, 2022). Similarly, to comply with privacy-
by-design and perform privacy analysis tasks, code
reviewers would benefit from similar tools to those
used for security to identify privacy-related patterns
in software.
Developers address privacy concerns using data
security terminology, and this vocabulary confines
their notions of privacy to threats outside of the orga-
nization (Hadar et al., 2018). However, even though
data security is the main prerequisite of data privacy,
privacy protection in software is still very much dif-
ferent from traditional security-related vulnerabilities.
And according to Bambauer: “security and privacy
can and should be treated as distinct concerns” (Bam-
bauer, 2013). Developers struggle to convert legal,
ethical, and social privacy concerns into concrete
technology and solutions (Notario et al., 2015).
Assessing privacy involves not only finding per-
sonal data in the software but also evaluating compli-
ance with the related processing. GDPR defines as
processing: “any operation or set of operations which
is performed on personal data or on sets of personal
data, whether or not by automated means. The defi-
nition encompasses a vast range of actions performed
on personal data, such as collecting, recording, orga-
nization, structuring, storage, adaption or modifica-
tion, retrieval, transit, etc. Privacy assessment tasks
beg the question: How can we assist code review-
ers and software developers in assessing personal data
processing? By identifying personal data and the rele-
vant processing in the system, code reviewers can un-
cover interesting patterns and utilize them to redesign
the system to be more privacy-friendly or perform pri-
vacy analysis.
In this paper, we present ongoing work on a
novel approach designed to assist developers and code
reviewers in identifying personal data processing,
Tang, F., Østvold, B. and Br untink, M.
Identifying Personal Data Processing for Code Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0011725700003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 568-575
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
which can subsequently be used for privacy analy-
sis. This enables developers and code reviewers to as-
sist organizations with a variety of important privacy-
related tasks, such as completing a data protection im-
pact assessment (DPIA) and creating a privacy policy.
An essential step in the software development pro-
cess, code reviewing incorporates both manual and/or
automated reviews. The main goal of code reviews is
to assess and boost the code’s effectiveness and cor-
rectness, pinpoint security issues, and raise its qual-
ity by adhering to best practices (McIntosh et al.,
2014). To automatically evaluate code, a variety of
vulnerability detection tools have been built. They are
also known as source code analyzers or static analysis
tools, as they can analyze a program’s code without
having to execute it (McGraw, 2008).
, and Semgrep (r2c, 2022)
are two pop-
ular code review tools that utilize static analysis. Cod-
eQL treats code as if it were data, and issues are mod-
eled as queries. Following the extraction of these
queries from the code, they are executed against a
database. The database is a directory containing data,
a source reference for displaying query results, query
results, and log files. Semgrep matches grammatical
patterns on parsed programs (represented as an Ab-
stract Syntax Tree (AST)) instead of matching string
or regular expression (regex) patterns on the program
as a string. Semgrep makes it considerably simpler
to construct customized rules than CodeQL, which
needs rules to be defined in QL, a declarative object-
oriented query language.
There is relatively little published work that fo-
cuses on code reviews to identify privacy-related vul-
nerabilities, and it is problematic to translate current
security knowledge to privacy, which we will explain
in Section 3. There are studies on the identification
of personal data that are valuable to our research.
Fugkeaw et al. (Fugkeaw et al., 2021) proposed AP2I
to enable organizations to identify and manage per-
sonal data in the local file system automatically. By
monitoring network traffic, ReCon (Ren et al., 2016)
utilized machine learning to identify probable per-
sonal data breaches. van der Plas et al. (van der Plas,
2022) used CodeBERT, a RoBERT-like transformer
model, to identify personal data in Git commits.
Data privacy analysis is becoming as crucial as secu-
rity vulnerability discovery and has brought a new di-
mension to the data security dilemma (Bertino, 2016).
It is advantageous for code reviewers to be able to
conduct a similar privacy analysis that they did for se-
The current state of the art is mostly focused on
security analysis. Although data security is a primary
requirement for data privacy, the analysis domain and
identification process are rather different (Jain et al.,
2016). Simply adopting security mechanisms and
mindsets to analyze privacy can be misguided, and
even harmful (Bambauer, 2013).
Integration of recent studies on assessing software
privacy during code review is challenging. On the
subject of program analysis, three well-known pri-
vacy analysis methods are available. First, static anal-
ysis based on bytecode requires project compilation,
whereas dynamic taint analysis requires project ex-
ecution. This is not practical nor efficient for code
reviewers to implement. A machine learning-based
technique is similarly difficult to implement, as it re-
quires a large and diverse training data set. Obtaining
and generating such data sets requires additional ef-
fort and could be outside the scope of code reviewers’
capabilities. Lastly, text analysis based on UI widgets
is constrained for privacy by domain-specific UI at-
tributes. A financial web application that employs a
model trained on an Android health mobile applica-
tion is unlikely to benefit. Code reviewers require an
approach that is simple to deploy, efficient, and adapt-
able (Buse and Zimmermann, 2012).
Due to the complex nature of privacy and the flu-
idity of the definition of personal data, identifying the
processing of personal data in the codebase presents
In the following paragraphs, we highlight the two
most significant challenges related to the task in the
context of code review.
3.1 The Ambiguous Definition of
Personal Data
Article 4(1) in GDPR defines personal data as:
any information relating to an identified or
identifiable natural person (‘data subject’);
an identifiable natural person is one who can
be identified, directly or indirectly, in partic-
ular by reference to an identifier such as a
name, an identification number, location data,
Identifying Personal Data Processing for Code Review
an online identifier or to one or more factors
specific to the physical, physiological, genetic,
mental, economic, cultural or social identity
of that natural person.
The definition of personal data in the GDPR is so
broad that almost any information may qualify as per-
sonal data if it refers to a specific individual, such as
the fact that a person is wearing a red shirt (Ber
and George, 2009). The definition is also semanti-
cally ambiguous.
In contrast to the fact that certain data may be
anonymous from the start (such as weather sensor
data without any connection to real people), other data
may initially be personal data but later be success-
fully altered to no longer have any connection to an
identified or identifiable natural person. This empha-
sizes how flexible the categorization of personal data
is (Finck and Pallas, 2020).
The same data point may be personal or non-
personal depending on the context and may thus be
covered by the regulation or not. This implies that
the categories of personal data in the software vary
depending on the software and the processing under-
lying it. For instance, health data such as blood pres-
sure and medical records, for example, are sensitive
for a health application, but location data is sensitive
for navigation software.
Even if we accept that content-wise every item of
information can be considered personal data if it can
be related to an individual, the GDPR’s definition is
still rather vague structurally since it is not always
clear what kind of structure every ‘record’ of an indi-
vidual must have to be considered personal data (Voss
and Houser, 2019).
Due to the ambiguous nature of the definition of
personal data in the relevant legislation, it is practi-
cally difficult for us to have a clear and fixed identifier
to precisely locate personal data in code.
3.2 What Counts as Sensitive
Data subjects may agree to data processing for par-
ticular reasons. This is the usual legal basis but only
counts as one factor. Processing may also be “nec-
essary for the performance of a contract to which the
data subject is a party or in order to take steps at the
request of the data subject prior to entering into a con-
tract.” (Voss and Houser, 2019)
Unfortunately, concerns that arise in principle
about the relationship between contract and consent
tend to be avoided in reality by disregarding consent
requirements (Pormeister, 2017).
We cannot rely on existing privacy policies and
written consent to uncover personal data processing in
the codebase. This requires us to consider all potential
personal data processing in the codebase. Later we
will explain how we define and identify the relevant
processing in software in Section 4.1.2.
We present an approach to identify instances of per-
sonal data processing in the codebase and present
them in a way that facilitates the code review.
The approach has three primary phases: pattern
matching, labeling, and grouping of results. As input,
we take the codebase, which consists of source code
files. Then, a static analyzer will evaluate these source
code files using our rules and patterns. The code snip-
pets discovered by the static analyzer are then labeled
according to the various features they include. Fi-
nally, we allow users to group the results by single
or several labels, allowing a personalized exploration
of the findings.
An illustration of our approach is shown in Fig-
ure 1.
Code snippets
Labeled snippets
Figure 1: Approach.
4.1 Design Choices
In the following paragraphs, we discuss our design
choices for implementing the approach.
4.1.1 Types of Findings
We want to have a basic default list of personal data
that we want to locate, this is mostly personal identi-
fication and characteristics data, such as full name,
email address, gender, sexual orientation, and age.
We call them fixed personal data.
According to different types of software, we cus-
tomize default lists for them. For example, for a bank-
ing/finance application, the list may contain bank ac-
count numbers, credit scores, and salary information.
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
This type of personal data is subject to context - the
types of processing in specific software, which we
named contextual personal data.
Depending on how we locate the mentioned per-
sonal data in the software, we can divide their occur-
rences in code into simply two types.
The first is in clear text. This includes all kinds
of locations where personal data appear in clear text.
It is verbatim or direct personal data. For example,
a credit card number appears in an SQL query, or an
email address falls into a log function.
The other type is more common and subtle, where
personal data is stored in a variable or an object. De-
pending on the different types of programming lan-
guages, the object types might vary from a local vari-
able, a class instance, or a prototype. This means we
aim to find the code that processes this type of data.
4.1.2 Types of Processing
Simply locating every instance of personal data pro-
duces a large number of results. Many of these do not
directly help the code reviewer’s work, which is to
find meaningful processing. We want to use a hybrid
approach to cover as many as processing as possible.
Processing personal data represents a specific
behavior. This motivates our first approach: to
use an action name tag to find relevant processing.
We adopted most of the verbs from Section 3 of
DPV (Pandit et al., 2019)
. These vocabularies help
us to find relevant processes in the software.
The second approach is the identification of exter-
nal libraries. We know that modern applications rely
on various APIs to achieve different goals. Therefore,
obtaining a list of relevant APIs and detecting the ex-
istence of personal data that flows into them helps us
find meaningful patterns.
4.2 Pattern Matching
The first step is to feed our codebase (consisting of
source code files) to the static analyzer for pattern
matching. We chose Semgrep as our analyzer because
of its user-friendly rules and rapid processing perfor-
mance. Depending on the different syntactic char-
acteristics of personal data, as we discussed in Sec-
tion 4.1.1, we adopt a hybrid approach that combines
two different types of analysis.
Match personal data in clear text using regular ex-
pression matching.
Taint analysis to find flows in each file between
a source (where personal data enters the analysis
scope) and a sink (where personal data gets pro-
cessed) that match our criteria.
Our personal data processing rules currently support
Java, JavaScript, and TypeScript as our primary anal-
ysis domains. However, our rules for identifying
clear-text personal data apply to the vast majority of
Semgrep-supported languages.
4.2.1 Source and Sink
Our prototype classifies the sources into nine separate
categories. As stated in Section 4.1.1, we divide fixed
personal data into four different categories: account,
contact, national ID, and personal ID. Included are
five more contextual personal data categories, such as
location, health, and financial data. In addition, we
provide a template for identifying the processing of
personal data and enable code reviewers and develop-
ers to submit additional personal data simply by enter-
ing the relevant keywords. Then, corresponding rules
will be automatically produced for future use.
Sinks are categorized into ve main types. Three
types of action: data manipulation (M), data trans-
portation (T), and data creation/deletion (C/D). An-
other two represent two special types: database (DB)
and encryption (E).
A sink’s name may contain a specific type of
source. For example, setLatitude(100,100)
does not take any source into the method, but
includes a source identifier Latitude and a sink
identifier set, showing that it processes values
directly as a source into a sink. We call this spe-
cial type of sink a source-specific sink. When a
source-specific sink invokes anything, we mark this
source-specific sink as the new source but the caller
of the source-specific sink as the new sink. For exam-
ple, in gpsTracker.setLatitude(100,100),
setLatitude becomes the new source and
gpsTracker is the new sink.
Inspired by how Privado
uses regular expres-
sions to identify GDPR-related data in Java applica-
tions, a sample Semgrep rule that matches the pattern
of account data source goes into a transportation (T)
sink is shown below in Figure 2, followed by a sample
code snippet detected in Figure 5.
4.3 Labeling
The identified findings from Semgrep are in the form
of various lengths of code snippets (consisting of
statements and expressions). Each finding contains
at least one detected sink and one source (or an object
that received value from a source). We abstract the
Identifying Personal Data Processing for Code Review
Figure 2: Semgrep rule: find personal data flows from ac-
count data source to transportation sink.
Figure 3: Sample code snippet (from ToolJet) detected by
Semgrep showing a flow from account personal data to a
transportation sink.
structure of possible sources and sinks in each code
snippet using the symbols below.
O ranges over sources
I ranges over sinks
ranges over source-specific sinks
We write
O as shorthand for a possibly empty se-
quence O
, ··· , O
. Here the underscore represents
a placeholder for an expression that is insignificant in
terms of privacy - it is neither a source nor sink nor
contains a value from a source.
Below is a list of the common flow abstracts be-
tween sources and sinks that we observed in each
code snippet. Each abstract represents a typical flow,
for example, 1 to 3 show that there are values pass-
ing through a sink to a source, from a non-privacy
sensitive value ( 1 ) or from another source ( 2 ) or
from innovating a sink inside another source object
( 3 ).
1 O = .I( )
2 O
= .I(O
, )
3 O
= .O
.I( )
4 = .O.I( )
5 = .I(
O, )
6 .O.I( )
7 .O.I( ,
8 .I
( )
9 .I
( ,
10 .I(
O, )
For each identified code snippet, we label them
with 22 labels (9 types of source, 5 types of sink, 5
types of source-specific sink, and 3 types of change
in the sensitivity level), which are listed in Table 1.
Besides the definition of source and sinks, we also in-
troduce an important label: sensitivity. The sensitivity
level can increase, decrease, and stay the same in one
identified code snippet.
Table 1: Labels to be assigned to each code snippet.
O Nine types of source: {O
, O
, . . . , O
I Five types of sink: {I
, I
, . . . , I
Five types of source-specific sink :
, I
, . . . , I
S Sensitivity level change: {up, down, equal}
Sensitivity Level. Not every result shares the same
level of sensitivity regarding personal data process-
ing. After processing, the data from the source might
remain at a similar sensitivity level, become more sen-
sitive, or become less sensitive.
S = up: 1 , 4 , 5
S = equal: 2 , 3 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9
S = down: 10
4.4 Result Presentation
Johnson et al. (Johnson et al., 2013) pointed out
that “because the results are dumped onto a code re-
viewer’s screen with no distinct structure causing him
to spend a lot of time trying to figure out what needs
to be done”. This indicates that developers and code
reviewers may not benefit from ungrouped code snip-
pets from static analysis tools if they are not presented
in a sensible manner.
To tackle this issue, we present a two-phase tech-
nique to process the findings from Semgrep and
present them to code reviewers in a smart way.
After each code snippet is labeled, we start to
group them for presentation using their labels and
other criteria. Criteria for grouping include not only
the labels but also other properties:
neighboring results will be combined (same file
and within a line number threshold);
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
same or similar source/sink name;
same API usage (e.g. every code snippet that is
related to the same API MongoDB).
Figure 4 following provides a straightforward illus-
tration of how we present our results. The results are
presented in two separate sections: plain text results
and flow results. Users have the flexibility to select
any label or label combination to filter the results.
Plain Text Personal Data
email: ''
queryExecutor('SELECT John Doe FROM userDB')
Flows Group by: source
Account data
Government ID data
Sensitivity level: up
createRepository{userId: userId;
pasId: pasId;
ssn: ssn}
Figure 4: Example presentation of the result. Personal data
occurrences is at the top and personal data processing code
is at the bottom.
We created rules in Semgrep trying to capture as
many useful findings for our analysis. The soft-
ware we analyzed here is ToolJet
, an open-source
low-code framework for building React-based web
applications. ToolJet’s implementation is mostly in
JavaScript and TypeScript. Users can build internal
tools using ToolJet’s prebuilt UI widgets to connect to
data sources like databases, API endpoints, and exter-
nal services. This means ToolJet has many parts that
process personal data, which makes it a good starting
Our Semgrep rules produce a total of 1,589 results
from ToolJet’s source code. We manually reviewed
each of the results and calculated the precision for
each category. If a single result can clearly demon-
strate the processing of personal data, we consider it
relevant and it could be beneficial for privacy code
review. Surprisingly, most false positives come from
the personal data occurrence detector (with a preci-
sion of only 46.6%), while most personal data pro-
cessing results are relevant (with an average of 90.9%
precision for categories that have more than 50 code
snippets identified).
Detailed statistics are listed in Tables 2 and Ta-
ble 3.
Table 2: The code snippet count for each identified source
and sink identified, ‘-’ marks labels for which our approach
detected no code snippet. Sink types are: data manipulation
(M), data transportation (T), data creation/deletion (C/D),
database (DB), encryption (E) and log (L).
Account 66 171 84 24 - 21
Contact 89 175 36 3 - 3
Personal ID 56 133 41 7 1 4
Online ID 6 26 1 - - 1
Location 1 2 - - - -
Table 3: The precision of code snippet relevance (in %) for
each identified type of source and sink, ‘-’ marks the labels
for which our approach did not detect any code snippet, ‘*’
marks the labels for which our approach detected less than
10 results. Sink types are: data manipulation (M), data
transportation (T), data creation/deletion (C/D), database
(DB), encryption (E) and log (L).
Account 90.9 90.6 95.2 91.67 - 95.2
Contact 89.9 94.9 80.6 * - *
Personal ID 92.9 81.9 85.4 * * *
Online ID * 84.6 * - - *
Location * * - - - -
Figure 5 shows a simple interesting example
of a grouped result showing how personal data
userId is retrieved from a local repository in
app users.service.ts and then utilized to generate
many data structures, such as the app object in
app service.ts.
Figure 5: Grouped example results showing how
organizationUserId flows between functions.
Identifying Personal Data Processing for Code Review
5.1 Future Work
Since our objective is to identify all relevant process-
ing of personal data in source code, reducing false
negatives is our next primary priority. However, in
our case, false positives are not a major concern. Due
to the subtlety of personal data processing, determin-
ing relevance without human assistance is particularly
challenging. Specifying the analysis to certain spe-
cific patterns would ease manual analysis. This ne-
cessitates the implementation of a privacy taxonomy.
Using Ethyca’s taxonomy (Ethyca, 2022) as an exam-
ple, we may modify our labels to match the technique
with the taxonomy.
As an extension of this article, we propose an au-
tomated mapping of personal data in an unpublished
(under review) manuscript (Tang et al., 2023) to assist
developers and code reviewers in identifying privacy-
related code. The mapping based on static analysis
automatically detects personal data and the code that
processes it, and we offer semantics of personal data
This short paper presented ongoing work on a novel,
customizable approach to identify personal data pro-
cessing for code review. This three-phase technique
first uses Semgrep to match patterns in the code based
on rules for sources and sinks, then associates code
snippets generated from pattern matching with a set of
behavioral labels, and finally groups results to reduce
code reviewer workload. Our demonstration shows
the utility and feasibility of this method for gathering
and presenting code snippets related to personal data
processing from a codebase.
Along with the continued development of the ap-
proach architecture (refined rules for source and sink,
more meaningful labels, and additional criteria for
grouping), future work will focus on expanding the
case study to include a larger set of open-source soft-
ware from various domains and conducting a thor-
ough user evaluation of the resulting platform.
This work is part of the Privacy Matters (PriMa)
project. The PriMa project has received funding from
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and inno-
vation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie
grant agreement No. 860315.
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Identifying Personal Data Processing for Code Review