In this work, we present a simple-to-explain data-
driven approach for processing quantifiable require-
ments and pricing components for the selection of
the most suitable placement for commercial off-the-
shelf IT enterprise applications, with a case study
based on SAP and sizing performed prior to place-
ment based on the recorded real-world system work-
load profile. We note that this problem can be for-
mulated in a single and multi-objective way, which
allows for the potential use of various optimization
algorithms. The validity of the approach is evalu-
ated with the use of evolutionary meta-heuristics and
the selected algorithms were able to find a suitable
solution while taking the pricing, the requirements,
and the considered constraints into account. It’s also
noted that the use of explicit constraints for the facil-
itation of the co-location for interconnected services
leads to faster discovery of a better suitable placement
than simple reliance on the implicit increased costs.
The approach discussed in this work is suitable for the
variable size of considered IT landscapes. However,
it’s noted that a multi-objective NSGA-III suffers a
noticeably smaller performance degradation on larger
problems in comparison to the single-objective GA.
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