longer periods, such as in continuous monitoring
experiments. Future studies could apply available
techniques to avoid drifting, such as the integration of
data coming from the orientation sensor (magnetic
plus acceleration) and data coming from the
gyroscope. The use of additional sensors combined
with data fusion techniques could improve accuracy
in the identification of turns while increasing
computational and power costs.
Despite some differences and potential errors in
estimating some quantity and quality parameters,
both algorithms showed a moderately to very high
correlation. We hypothesize that the differences
among turn parameters at the single-subject level are
less of a concern when looking for associations with
prospective falls. In line with this discussion, we
could summarize a pipeline-process: turn detection,
calculation of turn parameters at the single-turn level,
and calculation of the average over turns of each
subject to extract turn parameters at the subject level.
The last two steps downstream (probably, the average
step in particular) attenuate the discrepancies, making
the two algorithms exchangeable. Initial evidence for
this statement is given by the similar performance of
the logistic regression model built on the identified
turning parameters with both algorithms.
All in all, the results and parameters presented
here are in line with previous research studies and
with current clinical standards tests. In fact, turning
ability is a fundamental aspect of several walking
tests, including the Timed Up and Go Test (TUG),
which is used to discriminate fallers from non-fallers.
Other cohorts could also be explored in prospective
longitudinal studies, it should be noted that the
percentage of fallers after 6 and 12 months in this
cohort was significantly lower than the global
statistics for falls in older adults.
Last but not least, a quick review of the literature
shows an exponential increase in reports related to
wearable-based monitoring for fall prevention.
However, despite several efforts to use this
technology for assessments of both healthy and
pathological movement patterns, the high level of
heterogeneity in the use of wearables (e.g., sensor
location and extracted gait parameters) makes it hard
to yield conclusive results. While some ongoing
initiatives aim to establish the clinical validity of
digital mobility biomarkers in different cohorts, some
real-world characteristics, such as turning, deserve
deeper analysis.
This study was partially funded by the Innovative
Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant
agreement No 820820 (Mobilise-D). This Joint
Undertaking receives support from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme and EFPIA.
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