5.6 Network Convergence
Figure 6 plots the network validation loss during the
training process for DeepCaps and DeepCaps+. The
validation loss is the sum of the decoder (reconstruc-
tion) loss and the margin loss. As the figure shows,
both networks converge almost at the same epoch. In
the meantime, training DeepCaps+ is more stable than
DeepCaps. In addition, DeepCaps+ shows a slightly
higher final loss value compared to DeepCaps.
In this work, we present DeepCaps+ as a powerful
variant of Capsule-based Network, as an extension
of DeepCaps. This network performs competitively
compared to the state-of-the-art CapsNet-based net-
works. DeepCaps+ includes the 3D Dynamic rout-
ing and the class-independent decoder introduced by
Rajasegaran et al. (Rajasegaran et al., 2019) and in-
troduces the novel Capsule Assembler module in or-
der to reduce the primary capsules to speed up the
network and reduce the number of parameters while
maintaining the test accuracy. Using a 7-ensemble
model, DeepCaps+ obtains an accuracy of 91.63% for
the CIFAR-10 dataset using 7.3M parameters while
taking 1.71ms to test a single image. With 67.56%
test accuracy on the CIFAR-100 dataset, DeepCaps+
is among the few variants of vector-based CapsNet
that can process this dataset providing acceptable re-
This research has been funded in part or completely
by the Computing Hardware for Emerging Intelligent
Sensory Applications (COHESA) project. COHESA
is financed under the National Sciences and Engineer-
ing Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Strategic
Networks grant number NETGP485577-15.
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VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications