(specialized vocabulary), with the terms/words of the
application context, which allows to semantically
enrich the BoC method.
Experimental results were carried out with
the objective of analyzing the performance of the
proposed approach in the retrieval of legal documents
by calculating the semantic similarity of their vector
representations. The proposed BoLC-Th method was
compared with the traditional BoW, TF-IDF and BoC
approaches. The proposed method achieved better
performance when compared to the BoW model and,
on average, 40% more efficient than that obtained
with the BoC. Thus, a significant advantage was
demonstrated with the use of the BoLC-Th technique
for the analyzed case study. As future work, other
clustering techniques for the generation of concepts
should be considered.
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incorporates the advantages of the BoC approach,
such as the compact representation, while enriching
legal documents representation as it considers
specific words/terms from the context area. This
is a valuable contribution to a domain area with
peculiar characteristics, providing a valuable tool for
retrieving textual information accurately and quickly.
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Legal Information Retrieval Based on a Concept-Frequency Representation and Thesaurus