Table 6: Confusion matrix of sample authentication com-
puted from data sets P
b and P
Predicted P
b P
b 98.7% 2.7%
s 1.3% 97.3%
tion applications. Additionally, the use of relatively
small data sets for training stage, motivates us to con-
tinue to study this approach for real-world authentica-
tion applications.
Medicine falsification is a big issue nowadays. We
need to find simple and relatively cheap protection
solutions. One of such solutions is the use of foren-
sics approaches. To print pharmaceutical packag-
ing printing manufactures use the rotogravure print-
ing technique that has some specific characteristics.
Previously, it was shown that the signature of the ro-
togravure cylinder can be easily identified using Pear-
son correlation. Nevertheless, the identification of the
rotogravure press and of the printing support were
shown to be a difficult problem. In this paper, we
investigated the use of the similarity metric learning
approach for these two identification scenarios.
Our experimental results prove the possibility to
easily identify both the printing support used and the
rotogravure press used for packaging pharmaceuti-
cal samples, using the similarity metric learning ap-
The next step will be to construct a full authen-
tication system using the proposed similarity metric
learning approach, and explore the possibility to use
a smartphone camera for authentication.
We would like to thanks the PAUSE Program: Emer-
gency Assistance to Ukrainian Researchers to support
the scientific stay of T. Yemelianenko in LIRIS lab-
oratory. This work was done in the context of the
FakeNets project funded by F
eration Informatique
de Lyon. All the printed samples were provided by
Sergusa Solutions Pvt Ltd in the context of PackMark
project (IFCPAR-7127) supported by the Indo-French
Center for the Promotion of Advanced Research.
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Printed Packaging Authentication: Similarity Metric Learning for Rotogravure Manufacture Process Identification