tifacts can help streamlining and accelerating model
development; (iv) training, and ”mind set” on behalf
of engineers, domain experts and other stakeholders,
recognizing in advance the magnitude of the mod-
eling task, and the number and size of the artifacts
involved; (v) building domain specific solutions and
tools as a step toward more general solutions.
Future tasks include the study additional such is-
sues and challenges, some of which are listed in Sec-
tion 1, and the development of complex models sub-
ject to the informally documented approaches and
techniques; these can serve as proofs-of-concept to
the incipient modeling methodologies.
Such research and development should contribute
to the methodologies, languages and tools of model
development and model assessment, and hence, to the
usefulness of models in science and society.
We thank the anonymous reviewers for their insight-
ful comments and suggestions. This work was par-
tially supported by a research grants to David Harel
from the Estate of Harry Levine, the Estate of Avra-
ham Rothstein, Brenda Gruss and Daniel Hirsch, the
One8 Foundation, Rina Mayer, Maurice Levy, and the
Estate of Bernice Bernath, a grant 3698/21 from the
ISF-NSFC joint to the Israel Science Foundation and
the National Science Foundation of China, and a grant
from the Minerva foundation.
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