4. The transition rate is defined by a Metropolis rate,
represented by min(1,
In addition to probabilities, the CTMC model can
be used to incorporate time. For instance, at time in-
stant 4, the probability of the RNA molecule exist-
ing in s
is 2.772e − 25. Figure 3 shows the times
recorded on sample CSL queries on the simulation
model. The times for execution for the sample queries
is less than 0.01 second. The computational feasi-
bility of the model is efficient for the simple model.
Therefore, experiments can be performed on large
problem sizes.
The formalism for RNA structure prediction using
graph rewriting provided insights how a computa-
tional feasible model can be implemented. The model
also demonstrates how uncertainty can be incorpo-
rated in the model and can be quantified in terms of
the probabilities. A model defined by rewriting rules
in the PRISM model checker will become more useful
when different initial RNA strands are used as input
for validation for the formalism. The PCTL and CSL
logics are able to express different but complicated
properties of the system. The formalism provides a
foundation for a rigorous evaluation of RNA structure
prediction. Future work would include experiments
on large datasets of RNA structure.
A part of this project was supported by grant
P20GM103499-20 (SC-INBRE) from the National
Institute of General Medical Sciences, National In-
stitutes of Health (NIH). Its contents are solely the
responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily
represent the official views of the NIH. KG was sup-
ported by NSF CCF-2227898 for part of the work.
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Formal Analysis of Rewriting System Representing RNA Folding