classification accuracy of the proposed method is
0.046~0.129 (D=16) and 0.044~0.116 (D=32). It is
noted that the classification accuracy of the original
CNN-based classifiers is zero (100% error) for the
adversarial images.
In this paper, we proposed modified kNN classifiers
for the output vector space of CNN-based classifiers
to provide robust performance against adversarial
attacks. To reduce the complexity problem of
conventional kNN classifiers when the number of
training samples is very large, we propose a modified
kNN classifier for CNN-based classifiers. The
proposed method was evaluated using 12 models and
showed noticeable improvement in reducing the
classification error caused by adversarial attacks. By
applying the kNN classifier in the middle layers, it
may be possible to further improve performance.
This research was supported in part by Basic Science
Research Program through the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry
of Education, Science and Technology (NRF-
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ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods