shown to activate the similar brain network also
supporting ME in studies employing
Electroencephalography (EEG) to monitor brain
response (Gonzalez-Rosa et al., 2015; Neuper et al.,
2005). Nevertheless, in term of rehabilitation
practice, the efficacy of MI paradigms is limited by
the ability of the subjects in performing a correct
imagination task, even of simple movements, while
the observation of complete and transitive
movements is believed to strongly activate the
sensorimotor cortex.
The dynamical activation of the brain during
motor- and sensorial- related stimulation is typically
measured by the event-related desynchronization
(ERD) of the sensorimotor cortical rhythms in the mu
(8-12 Hz) and beta (14-24 Hz) EEG frequency bands
over central motor areas of the brain (Neuper et al.,
2005; Tacchino et al., 2017). Few studies presented a
direct comparison of the ERD patterns characterizing
AO and MI of complex movement (Gonzalez-Rosa et
al., 2015), in order to understand to which extent they
overlap. To address this topic, in the current study, we
compare sensorimotor ERD patterns extracted from
EEG signals acquired on a group of healthy young
volunteers performing AO and MI protocols.
Specifically, three complex transitive manual
dexterity tasks were employed and the effect of the
different complexity of the movement was further
2.1 Data Acquisition
During the experiment, EEG signals were collected
from 46 right-handed healthy participants (Age: 20-
30, 22 female) using a 61-channel cap and the SD
LTM 64 express polygraph recording system
(Micromed, Mogliano Veneto, Italy). Signals were
sampled at 1024 Hz and the impedances were kept
under 20KOhm using a conductive hydrogel.
The action observation (AO) and motor imagery
(MI) protocol was approved by the Internal Ethical
Committee of the Istituto Clinico Humanitas
(Rozzano, Italy). All the subjects signed an informed
consent before the recordings. The stimulation
sequence consisted in the presentation of a 6.5-s-long
video-clip containing an upper limb movement
performed from the visual perspective of the subject
(1st person) and executed by a gender-matched actor.
Only the upper limb of the actor was visible. The
video-clip was preceded by a 3-s period of rest
(fixation of a cross) and 2 seconds of preparation (red
dot) displayed on a screen positioned in front of the
participant. The stimulation sequence was repeated
for 20 trials. The same sequence was repeated for the
motor imagery task but, in this case, only the first
frame of the video was shown for the same amount of
time (6.5 seconds). During the motor imagery task,
participants were asked to image performing the
movement themselves. Again, 20 trials were
recorded. AO and MI sequences together formed a
single stimulation block. Three stimulation blocks
(W1, W2 and W3) were delivered to participants
separated by resting periods during which volunteers
were free to move. In each block a different transitive
movement was shown in the video-clip (Figure 1).
The three movements were characterized by a
different level of interaction with objects. W1
consisted in picking-up five small coins, W2
presented the use of a hammer to hit a nail, and W3
displayed the interaction with tweezers to move a
small object into a plastic glass. The presentation
order of the videos was randomized.
2.2 Data Pre-Processing and Analysis
EEG signals were pre-processed using EEGLAB
toolbox and custom scripts optimized for the study
aim (Cassani et al., 2022). First, data were band-pass
filtered between 1 and 45 Hz with a FIR, zero-phase
filter, down sampled to 256 Hz and bad channels were
visually selected and removed. Signals were cut into
epochs from -5 to +6.5 seconds with respect to the
main stimulus presentation (start of the video/frame
presentation). The extended Infomax independent
component analysis was applied to the concatenated
epochs and with the support of the IClabel plugin
(Pion-Tonachini et al., 2019), the source of artifacts
were identified and removed. The previously rejected
bad channels were interpolated, and signals were re-
referenced to the common average reference. Finally,
epochs with residual artefacts were visually checked
and rejected.
Cleaned trials of each participant, separately for
AO and MI were used to compute the time-frequency
representation. The time-frequency analysis was
performed through EEGLAB toolbox using Morlet
wavelets starting from 3 cycle and expanding linearly
with the frequency for continuous transform as
suggested in the literature (Angelini et al., 2018;
Avanzini et al., 2012; Tacchino et al., 2017). EEG
power values were calculated for 145 linearly spaced
frequencies (from 4 Hz to 30 Hz) and along 200 time
bins resulting in a time resolution of ~0.05 seconds.
To select both the individual baseline period and the
mu frequency range, the two-second period from -4