On the Design of GDPR Compliant Workflows for Responsible
Neuroimage Data Sharing
Alexandros Karakasidis
1,2 a
and Vassilios Vassalos
Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics & Business, Athens, Greece
Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
Privacy Preservation, Data Sharing, Workflows, GDPR.
Sharing medical data may facilitate advancing research as this may allow understanding the mechanisms of
certain diseases, develop new drugs and medication schemes and find cures. However, as these data originate
from humans, the issue of individual privacy rises since certain data modalities, as Neuroimages, if not prop-
erly curated, may reveal the identity of the individual described by these data As legislation around the globe
attempts to set rules for protecting privacy, techniques and methodologies have been proposed to allow for
data publishing, also complying with the law. In this paper, we aspire to provide practitioners with workflows
for ethical neuroimage data publishing under the GDPR, EU’s latest data protection regulation.
In the last years, medical research and operations
are strongly relying on a variety of data modalities
(Gkoulalas-Divanis and Loukides, 2015). In this pa-
per, we focus on neuroimages, which are imaging
data capturing the state or the operation of the hu-
man brain. Neuroimages exhibit explicit challenges
and characteristics in terms of privacy preservation
regarding data management and analysis. The reason
is that neuroimage can allow identification either by
revealing unique facial characteristics (Schimke and
Hale, 2015) or, due to the uniqueness of the brain
structure (Eke et al., 2021).
GDPR (European Union, 5 04) is EU s most
recent legislation regarding storage, processing and
management, including automated means, of personal
data. However, GDPR does not explicitly define the
measures required for privacy-preserving data shar-
ing. Instead, it states that in terms of privacy preser-
vation, the nature of processing, the state-of-the-art,
the costs and the purposed should be taken into ac-
count. At this point, there are certain questions rising.
First of all, what are the state-of-the-art methods for
privacy-preserving neuroimage sharing? Then, how
do they align with GDPR’s requirements? Finally,
Supported by the Human Brain Project (HBP):
SGA3, Grant Agreement no 945539.
what happens regarding legal liability in the case of
privacy breach?
Motivated by the fact that neuroimaging data are
highly sensitive, we will try to answer these ques-
tions by first surveying state-of-the-art privacy pre-
serving neuroimaging data sharing methods and by
establishing three major categories of privacy protec-
tion mechanisms. Afterwards, based on this catego-
rization, we design GDPR compliant workflows at the
process level, to accommodate the reviewed privacy
preservation methods, so as to investigate their com-
pliance with GDPR provisions.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents works related to ours. In Sec-
tion 3, there is the necessary background for our ap-
proach. Section 4 contains the mechanisms we pro-
pose and the categorization of state-of-the-art privacy-
preserving sharing methods for neuroimages and Sec-
tion 5 contains the proposed workflows based on these
mechanisms. Finally, in Section 6 we sum up with our
conclusions and present our next steps.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work at-
tempting to describe GDPR compliant workflows for
neuroimage sharing. Previous works in this area (Gar-
ijo et al., 2014; Savio et al., 2017) as they are not
Karakasidis, A. and Vassalos, V.
On the Design of GDPR Compliant Workflows for Responsible Neuroimage Data Sharing.
DOI: 10.5220/0011743000003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 600-607
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
focused on privacy preservation they dot not discuss
GDPR implications either. In (Basin et al., 2018),
Basin et al. propose a methodology for auditing
GDPR compliance of business processes. However,
this work does not regard sensitive personal informa-
tion as in the case of neuroimages. In (Dumas et al.,
2016), a method is proposed for analyzing differen-
tially private workflows, however it is not evident how
their methodology aligns with the GDPR or if it is
applicable on neuroimage data. In (Besik and Frey-
tag, 2019), authors use ontologies to check for privacy
compliance in medical workflows, while in (Belhaj-
jame et al., 2020), methods for identifying sensitive
data in e-science data analysis workflows and their
anonymization are presented. In these works, there
is no distinction regarding different controllership se-
tups. Finally, Besik et al. (Besik and Freytag, 2020)
describe how consent should be managed under the
GDPR, an approach that may be complementary to
our approach in terms of implementation.
In this section, we provide the background knowledge
required for laying out our methodology for sharing
neuroimages under the GDPR. First, we briefly de-
scribe the key points of the GDPR for data process-
ing and publishing. Then, we discuss some privacy-
centered notions.
3.1 GDPR Key Points
The GDPR (European Union, 5 04) is the primary EU
legislation concerning personal data processing and
safeguarding individual privacy
. It considers privacy
by design, meaning that all data related operations
should be designed so as to consider privacy at each
of their steps, and privacy by default, which dictates
that by default all available privacy measures should
be applied each time personal data processing occurs.
Furthermore, data should be maintained only as long
as it is required for specific processing purposes.
Data processing, considers any action on data, e.g.
storing, processing, analyzing and sharing. Without
harming the general case, we consider a setup with
two entities, the data holder and the contractor. The
data holder owns the data, deciding how these data
will be processed. Furthermore, the data holder may
also perform some data processing as well. Not hav-
ing the capacity for further data processing, the data
Article 7(1) of the GDPR
holder employees a contractor who will take up fur-
ther data processing on behalf of the data holder.
To accommodate such situations, there is the def-
inition of two roles. There is the Data Controller
and the Data Processor
. The data controller decides
the purposes and means for data processing, while
the data processor performs data processing on be-
half of the data controller following her directions. In
other words there is the capacity for outsourcing data
processing, provided that the processor adheres to the
controller’s directions.
Of course, a data controller may process personal
data as well. However, there is the case of joint con-
, where a data processor also makes deci-
sions with regard to processing means and purposes
with some data controller. In this case, the legal lia-
bilities change
. To this end, considering data shar-
ing, the aforementioned involved entities should take
all necessary measures so as for datasets containing
personal information, to be responsibly processed, so
that all these elements that make an individual identi-
fiable to be removed. Next, we will briefly discuss the
types of processing that personal data may undergo in
order to achieve privacy preservation.
3.2 Anonymization, De-Identification
and Pseudonymization
Anonymization, de-identification and pseudonymiza-
tion are terms related with data processing, aiming at
privacy and confidentiality preservation. Anonymiza-
tion refers to the removal of private data from a
record. In ISO 29100:2011 standard it is defined as
the “process by which Personally Identifiable Infor-
mation (PII) is irreversibly altered in such a way that
a PII principal can no longer be identified directly or
indirectly, either by the PII controller alone or in col-
laboration with any other party” (Eke et al., 2021).
In de-identification, a unique artificial code is as-
signed to data corresponding to each subject allow-
ing iits re-identification. Pseudonymization, accord-
ing to GDPR, is very close to this description of de-
identification (Eke et al., 2021). In pseudonymization,
an individual may be identified using additional infor-
mation. It is evident that these two processes are se-
mantically close in the sense that in both cases there
is some capacity for re-identification. Having these
in mind, it is evident that all processes performed on
personal data may not be identified as anonymization,
Articles 4(7), 24 of the GDPR
Articles 4(8), 28 of the GDPR
Article 26 of the GDPR
Recital 79 of the GDPR
On the Design of GDPR Compliant Workflows for Responsible Neuroimage Data Sharing
unless they employ methods that aggregate data or
add randomized noise to the data being processed, a
fact however that may have negative impact on the re-
spective utility of these data.
As a result, sharing of neuroimage data is not a
trivial task and certain measures need to be taken. In
(Eke et al., 2021), such safeguards and measures are
described. These measures are: 1) informed consent,
2) data protection by design and by default and 3) data
use agreements. As in this manuscript we are inter-
ested in technical measures that can be taken, we will
focus on how data my be protected by design.
In order to comply with GDPR requirement for
’privacy by design’ and ’privacy by default’ for data
sharing, applied measures comprise a combination of
pseudonymization, encryption and access control. As
we have earlier described pseudonymization, let us
have a glimpse at the role of the other two measures
that are required. Encryption, using secure hash func-
tions is considered to meet current GDPR standards
for data processing, data storage and data transfer, re-
ducing the liability of a data controller (Eke et al.,
2021). In terms of access control, now, since GDPR
requires that, for privacy by design, ”personal data are
not made accessible to an indefinite number of natu-
ral persons or to bad actors” (Eke et al., 2021), using
technical access control mechanisms emerges as a ra-
tional solution.
To sum up, data may be considered anonymous
when they have been aggregated, minimized and dis-
torted by random mechanisms. Otherwise, sharing
should take place under the options that have been de-
scribed, since such data may result to the individuals’
We will now present three mechanisms for categoriz-
ing privacy-preserving neuroimage data sharing de-
pending on the privacy guarantees they provide and
their release model. These mechanisms are generic
and may be applicable to other data types as well.
Then we categorize existing privacy-preserving shar-
ing methods for neuroimages to each of these cate-
4.1 Data Sharing Mechanisms
Let us first begin by presenting our categorization,
distinguishing three categories of data sharing mech-
anisms. As these mechanisms are generic, they may
be also applicable beyond neuroimages. For each
of these mechanisms one or more privacy-preserving
data publishing techniques may be used, each of them
having its advantages and disadvantages. These are
summarized in Table 1 and we will describe them in
4.1.1 Non - Interactive Sharing with Formal
Privacy Guarantees
The first mechanism we consider is a non-interactive
release mechanism, which, however, will be able to
provide formal privacy guarantees (NIF: Non - in-
teractive Formal). We call this mechanism Non-
Interactive as its based on the single release model
as described earlier. For a method to provide formal
privacy guarantees, a consistent mathematical model
should exist. Furthermore, the privacy level offered
may be determined through calculations and even cal-
ibrated. Differential privacy (Dwork, 2008) features
these properties and is applicable to aggregate data
(Kaissis et al., 2020; White et al., 2022). As such,
the results of differentially private processing may
be considered as fully anonymous, thus fulfilling the
anonymization requirements GDPR sets.
On the other hand, there are certain drawbacks
(Kaissis et al., 2020) when differential privacy is used.
First of all, as differentially private mechanisms are
applicable to aggregate data, a dataset of consider-
able size is required so as aggregation to be per-
formed. Furthermore, since differential privacy based
mechanisms are based on randomization, data are dis-
torted. To this end, if accurate measurements are re-
quired, this may not be a suitable choice. Further-
more, differentially-private methods are parametric.
This means that noise should be calibrated with cau-
tion not to undermine the utility of a dataset. Last
but not least, such methods are not intuitive, requiring
certain training in order to be used.
4.1.2 Non - Interactive Sharing with Non
Formal Privacy Guarantees
The second release mechanism we consider also re-
gards non-interactive data publishing but for method-
ologies that do not provide formal privacy guaranties
(Non - Interactive, Non Formal: NINF). Such a
method, like k-anonymity, may be used for a variety
of reasons. For instance, such a method may already
be included in some workflow, or there might even be
no other alternative. Under these circumstances, such
a method on its own may not be sufficient for provid-
ing privacy under the GDPR, thus requiring additional
Access control mechanisms are categorized in this
case as well. These do not pose formal privacy guar-
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Categorization of privacy-preserving data publishing techniques.
Mechanism Sharing
Advantages Disadvantages
NIF Differential
Privacy (Dwork, 2008)
+ Formal Privacy Guarantees
+ Anonymization
– Datasets of considerable size required
– Added noise distorts data
– Needs careful calibration of amount of noise
– Non intuitive
NINF Observable characteristics removal:
1.Skull stripping (Kalavathi and Prasath,
2.Defacing (Schimke and Hale, 2011)
3.Face blurring (Milchenko and Marcus,
4.Refacing (Schwarz et al., 2021)
+ Intuitive
+ Maintains information (3)
- Reidentifiable
- Requiring curation
- Information Loss (1,2,4)
Encryption (Acar et al., 2018)
+ Strong and provable security guar-
– Computationally intensive
– Does not protect identity / presence
Secure Multiparty Computation (Zhao
et al., 2019)
+ Strong and provable security guar-
– Communication intensive
– Does not protect identity / presence
antees in terms of an established mathematical model
either. However, allowing authorized users only,
this technique manages to block unauthorized access.
Furthermore, since users have to provide credentials
in order to access data, this allows for monitoring and
tracking data usage. Last but not least, access control
mechanisms are easy to implement, to use and to un-
derstand, as most practitioners are expected to have
experience with user accounts. Regarding their other
drawbacks, now, access control mechanisms are vul-
nerable to internal attacks in case of absence of addi-
tional privacy measures, since there is no protection
of an individual’s identity within a dataset with mea-
sures as generalization.
4.1.3 Interactive Sharing with Formal Privacy
The third category of release mechanisms considers,
this time, interactive data sharing. These are settings
where computation is performed upon request and re-
sults are shared without releasing original data, while,
at the same time, providing formal privacy guaran-
tees (Interactive, Formal: IF). Such setups may uti-
lize combinations of technologies as secure multi-
party computation, federated learning or differential
privacy in an interactive setting.
The question rising is whether this category of so-
lutions adheres to the mandates of GDPR for data
anonymization before publishing. The situation here
is as follows. First of all, there is no direct publish-
ing of data per se, but the results of computations.
These computations should be secure, not allowing
leakage of any personal information. This should be
ensured through encryption mechanisms, as for in-
stance Homomorphic Encryption, so as data transfers
are secure. Similarly, in Secure Multiparty Compu-
tation techniques, data do not leave the participants.
Within these techniques all participating entities may
assumed to be Data Processors, following the direc-
tions of the Data Controller.
4.2 Classes of Publishing Methods
Let us now see how existing neuroimage privacy-
preserving sharing methods comply with the mech-
anisms we have described.
4.2.1 NIF
The first category of solutions, organized as NIF
mechanisms, considers differentially private mecha-
nisms (Kaissis et al., 2020). While this approach is
suitable for all neuroimage types and able to provide
formal privacy guarantees for the resulting dataset,
certain issues arise (Sarwate et al., 2014) beyond
those described earlier in Table 1. First, Neuroimag-
ing data are often continuous-valued while differen-
tial privacy has mainly focused on discrete data. Next,
neuroimaging datasets may contain few individuals
and adding noise may significantly degrade utility.
Furthermore, existing methods are application spe-
cific. This means that the entire dataset is not shared,
but only specific metrics that will have to be decided
in advance (e.g. the average value of some metric).
4.2.2 NINF
The second mechanism relates to well-known tech-
niques for pseudonymizing neuroimages which al-
ter the observable characteristics of a subject’s
face. These techniques are not sufficient to provide
anonymity, thus their use should be complemented
with organizational measures. In general, there are
four directions in the literature. First there is face
blurring or masking (e.g. (Milchenko and Marcus,
On the Design of GDPR Compliant Workflows for Responsible Neuroimage Data Sharing
Figure 1: Distinct controllership NIF workflow.
2013)). Face blurring has been proven to be quite
weak, allowing face reconstruction. Defacing cuts
the entire face off from the neuroimage (Schimke and
Hale, 2011), and finally, there is skull stripping. Skull
stripping is the process of segmenting brain and non-
brain elements to remove eyes, skin, etc and bone
that may interfere with analyses (Schimke and Hale,
2015). Refacing replaces facial characteristics with
averages (Schwarz et al., 2021).
As it is evident from their descriptions, these
methods are only applicable to structural MRIs, other
types of modalities such as fMRIs are not suitable
for this publishing mechanism. Furthermore, defac-
ing and refacing may allow some facial reconstruction
based on skull contours. All these methods, however,
fail to address linkage attacks, as the brain structure of
the individual remains intact. Bearing these in mind,
such data cannot be freely released in public. A solu-
tion towards using such a data modality would be to
combine it with access control on the processor’s side
and agreement signing for the users of these data (Eke
et al., 2021).
4.2.3 IF
The third mechanism, as its name implies regards
interactive solutions. Here, generic solutions based
on Homomorphic Encryption and Secure Multiparty
Computation may apply (Kaissis et al., 2020). Such
solutions are the following. Neurocrypt (Senanayake
et al., 2021) offers a suite based on Secure Multiparty
Computation. Nevertheless, in this case as well, de-
ployment was limited to less than ten participating
sites. COINSTAC (Plis et al., 2016) is a dynamic
decentralized platform. It can feature increased sta-
tistical power within its computations, since it may
have access to multiple datasets, otherwise inaccessi-
ble. This framework is scalable, it supports a variety
Figure 2: Distinct controllership NINF workflow.
of methods (Gazula et al., 2020) and has the capacity
of enabling the incorporation of differentially private
algorithms (Imtiaz and Sarwate, 2018). Further at-
tempts in this area are in progress (Silva et al., 2020;
Scherer et al., 2020). The Joint Imaging Platform
of the German Cancer Consortium is established as a
long term project for performing federated computa-
tion and analysis on distributed datasets. However, it
is still in early stage of deployment. Fed-BioMed is
a similar initiative by INRIA
, aligning with the aims
We have seen how existing privacy-preserving pub-
lishing methods may be categorized to each mecha-
nism. Now, for each of these mechanisms, we will
provide workflows based on GDPR for the two con-
trollership cases we have described, Distinct Con-
trollership and Joint Controllership.
Data processing regards either computations on
data or data sharing. Computations refer to any com-
putational step towards changing the initial form of
the data to enhance the privacy of the described indi-
viduals, e.g. defacing of a neuroimage, or even partic-
ipation in a secure multiparty computation protocol.
Such actions may be taken by the data processor, by
the data controller, or by both. On the other hand, by
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 3: Distinct/joint controllership IF workflow.
data sharing, we indicate the action that makes data
available beyond the owner.
At this point, it would be interesting to mention
that data to be published may also require some cura-
tion, in the sense that there should be checks that pro-
cessing has concluded as desired, that data is usable
and that the type and amount of information shared
is as planned. For instance, in case of MRI defacing,
there should be checks that facial characteristics have
been properly stripped off. Another example concerns
the metadata of a neuroimage. Medical imaging for-
mats as DICOM have the capacity to withhold identi-
fying information. There should be proper measures
for removing this information.
5.1 Distinct Controllership
Let us begin with the distinct controllership case. The
controller, who also owns the data, decides the type
of publishing she desires for her data, NIF, NINF, or
IF, having taken into account the limitations and ad-
vantages of each of the aforementioned options. All
decisions are taken at her side. The processor’s role
is to only perform processing, computation and shar-
ing, according to controller’s orders, thus being liable
when processing deviates from controller’s directions.
For NIF (Fig. 1), the controller is the one hold-
ing the raw data. She will have to decide whether she
is performing data computations on her own, delegat-
ing only sharing to the processor. In this case, she
performs all necessary preprocessing, computations
(skull stripping or defacing), and curates the output.
Now, the processed data, after differentially private
computations take place, end up at the processor for
release. Being differentially private, the may be as-
sumed anonymized, thus freely shared. As the pro-
cessor is only responsible for sharing, her implication
with GDPR is limited to properly storing the data,
without any loss or corruption, and for making them
public with availability designated by the controller.
Any curation is the controller’s sheer responsibility,
since the processor only hosts and shares the data.
Nevertheless, the controller may not have the tech-
nical experience or capacity to perform the required
computations, delegating computations to the proces-
sor who has to process the data so as to comply with
the requirements of the controller. Also, she will have
to safeguard raw or preprocessed data for the period
of time required and agreed and to perform curation
on her side, since processing is her duty. Then, she
shares the data as in the previous case. Someone
may consider that the controller should also check
for the curation results. However, we have assumed
that there is no technical experience or capacity for
her to do so, thus delegating these actions to to the
processor. Consequently, the processor is responsible
for performing all these actions according to the con-
troller’s mandates. Of course, there is the possibility
that the controller both processes and shares the data,
however, we do not focus on this case as in this pa-
per we study the implications of having two distinct
cooperating entities.
For NINF processing, the workflow for is illus-
trated in Fig. 2. Here, we consider that the controller
holds structural MRI data, suitable for defacing or
skull stripping. This workflow resembles the one of
the NIF case, but with some differences. First, pro-
cessing only regards skull stripping or defacing. Sec-
ond, and most important, there is an additional step of
agreement signing for controlled release, as described
in Section 3. As data of the NINF case are not consid-
ered to be anonymous, they cannot be freely released
but they should follow a restricted access procedure.
Thus, an agreement signing has to take place with the
data controller who owns the data, so that processing
purposes are agreed and access is tracked.
Finally, there is the third alternative with IF, which
implies cooperated computation, releasing only re-
sults. In this case, all participants are performing
computations. Data at the processor’s side may orig-
inate from another controller not willing, or not hav-
ing the capacity, to participate in the distributed com-
putation. First of all, each of the participants should
preprocess her data, to make them appropriate for the
process, not revealing additional information. Next,
each of the participants (controller and processor)
process their local data as steps of multiparty compu-
tation schemes under the condition of using all avail-
able technical measures, as secure hash functions.
This type of computations requires communication
between the participating entities. Eventually, data re-
lease takes place as the successful calculation of the
result of collaborative computations.
On the Design of GDPR Compliant Workflows for Responsible Neuroimage Data Sharing
Figure 4: Joint controllership NINF workflow.
5.2 Joint Controllership
Joint Controllership’s case is more complicated as the
processor also acts as a joint controller. There are ad-
ditional GDPR implications on the processor’s side
as well, as she also takes decisions regarding com-
putations on data, having to ensure that the GDPR
anonymization requirements are met.
Let us first visit the case of NIF release, as il-
lustrated in Fig. 5. Again, there are two options.
First, the data holder performs the differentially pri-
vate calculations and the processor only shares the
data. Second, both differentially private calculations
and sharing are carried out by the processor. In the
first case, the processor, also being liable under the
GDPR as a joint controller, should also check that
GDPR anoymization requirements have been covered
by controller’s processing. To this end, the proces-
sor performs curation checking that personal identi-
fiers have been excluded and that the differentially
private method has been properly applied (e.g. proper
method and parameters have been used so as to pro-
duce a properly anonymized dataset). If this has not
been the case, she repeats curation also notifying the
controller. In the second case, where the processor
also performs calculations on data, she performs cu-
ration on the computation results by default.
For NINF release, as illustrated in Fig. 4, the same
two cases as before apply. That is, data processing by
the data holder and sharing by the processor, and both
processing and sharing by the processor. Now, com-
putation regards skull-stripping or defacing structural
MRIs. As these data are not anonymous, the proces-
sor, as a joint controller should ensure that all nec-
Figure 5: Joint controllership NIF workflow.
essary measures are taken to safeguard the subjects’
identities. As such, during curation, neuroimages are
checked that personal identifiers have been removed
and that defacing and skull stripping has been prop-
erly performed. If these are not the cases, data are
accordingly processed. Then, these neuroimages are
released through controlled access accompanied by
an agreement signing so as to keep track of the users
having access to these data. Agreement signing may
be performed at processor’s side as she also has con-
troller status due to joint controllership.
Finally, there is IF data sharing. As mentioned
earlier, the data holder participates in a joint computa-
tion mechanism. As data remain at their owners, there
is no need for curation and the workflow is identical
with the distinct controllership case, as illustrated in
Fig 3. Nevertheless, as the controllership is joint, the
policies and details for this type of processing are de-
cided by both parties.
In this paper, we have designed workflows for state-
of-the-art privacy-preserving neuroimage data shar-
ing techniques and discussed the implications for the
main actors identified by the GDPR. Our next steps
focus on two directions. First, we aim at investigating
the implications of implementing the steps described
at the process level and the respective mechanisms re-
quired for this purpose. Next, we are going to apply
the lessons learned to design workflows for more data
modalities (e.g. genomics).
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Work performed while A. Karakasidis was cooperat-
ing with Athens University of Economics and Busi-
ness. This research has been funded by the Human
Brain Project (HBP) - SGA3, Grant agreement no
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