into different tools, e.g., Eclipse or IntelliJ. Similar to
Dacite, it visualizes the identified coverage informa-
tion in a tree-like table and enables source code anno-
tations. However, JaCoCo does not support data flow
analysis but focuses on other coverage metrics such
as branch coverage or line coverage. Moreover, each
IDE integration was developed separately and is not
based on the LSP (EclEmma, 2017).
The Language Server Protocol (LSP) has been
utilized for the integration of various programming
languages. Additionally, extensions for functionali-
ties that are not typically not needed for integrating
programming languages have emerged, e.g., in the
context of model checking or theorem proving (Rask
et al., 2021). However, to the best of our knowledge,
the LSP has not yet been applied to the area of code
Considering that there is a lack of appropriate tools
for the analysis of the data flow within a program,
this paper introduced an approach to visualize DUCs
within code editors based on the LSP. After present-
ing some background on how the data flow is ana-
lyzed, we outlined the system design. Then, we de-
scribed how the LSP is employed in our use case
and introduced protocol extensions for selected as-
pects enabling a more comprehensible visualization.
Based on this, we presented a prototype including im-
plementations of a language server and two language
clients (IntelliJ IDEA and VS Code). We specifically
outlined how the components interact based on the
LSP. We evaluated and validated our results based on
five benchmark examples and also pointed out related
Future work should integrate the language server
with support for the custom extensions to additional
popular IDEs such as Eclipse in order to make it
greatly available for Java developers. Also, plugins
for build tools such as Maven
and Gradle
be implemented. This way, Dacite could be used as
part of the build pipeline and the analysis output (i.e.,
the XML file) could be used by third-party tools for
further applications. Moreover, by deriving the data
flow information during the execution, only those data
flows are considered that have been passed. Enabling
a visualization for this data flow is a first step for iden-
tifying data flow which was not passed. In the future,
we plan to integrate the dynamic analysis of Dacite
with symbolic execution to be able to identify the
data flow of every executable path of a given program
(Winkelmann et al., 2022). This way, DUCs which
were not covered by given JUnit test cases could be
identified and forwarded to the user.
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Visualizing Dynamic Data-Flow Analysis of Object-Oriented Programs Based on the Language Server Protocol