Figure 8: Sentence agreement relative to sentence length.
curacy for longer sentences. It is assumed that the
bottom-up processing of our method, which takes into
account all modifiers (descendant bunsetsus) of each
bunsetsu, is effective for the word ordering of long
sentences, in which each bunsetsu tends to have more
modifiers. In this section, we explain the analysis of
sentence length in terms of whether the bottom-up or
non-bottom-up processing is carried out.
Figure 8 demonstrates the sentence agreement of
our method [BERT] and the method [BERT
], which
uses non-bottom-up processing, relative to sentence
length. At almost every length, [BERT] outperformed
]. Particularly, the agreement of [BERT
decreases as the number of bunsetsus in a sentence
rises, whereas [BERT] maintains a relatively high
agreement no matter how many bunsetsus are present.
In our method, the input to BERT includes the
modifiers (descendant bunsetsus) of each bunsetsu be-
cause of conducting the bottom-up processing. There-
fore, it is conceivable that our method could prop-
erly consider the information included in the modi-
fiers, and thus could perform word ordering with a
high agreement for long sentences also.
In this paper, we propose a method for Japanese word
ordering. By processing the dependency tree from the
bottom up and utilizing BERT, our method can deter-
mine the appropriate order for a set of bunsetsus that
make up a sentence. The experimental results verified
the effectiveness of the BERT model and bottom-up
word ordering. In the future, we would like to en-
hance the evaluation including the use of operators’
subjective judgments.
This work was partially supported by JSPS KAK-
ENHI Grand Number JP19K12127.
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