an initial foray into using a 2DFT technique to per-
form material classification of such manuscripts. The
ability to quickly classify the writing surface material
has the potential to expedite the initial manuscript in-
vestigation. The straightforward approach presented
here may be used as a starting point to help resolve
any debate over the nature of a DSS fragment’s ma-
terial and may be applied to other ancient historical
manuscripts. Furthermore, by building upon and de-
veloping the proposed system, this method demon-
strates a potential for use in helping to answer more
specialized questions. Examples may include intra-
material classification to provide evidence for differ-
ing production techniques and/or manuscript dating.
The consequences of gaining such insight by substi-
tuting in the proposed technique are threefold; the
preservation of delicate ancient manuscripts from fur-
ther degradation, a relatively low cost uncomplicated
implementable method, and an additional extendable
tool in gathering evidence to help conclude the ques-
tions surrounding the production of such manuscripts.
The authors like to thank Mladen Popovi
c, PI of
the European Research Council (EU Horizon 2020)
project: The Hands that Wrote the Bible: Digital
Palaeography and Scribal Culture of the Dead Sea
Scrolls (HandsandBible 640497), who allowed work
with the data and provided valuable inputs and the la-
bels for the materials. Finally, for the high-resolution
images of the Dead Sea Scrolls, we are grateful to
the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), courtesy of the
Leon Levy DSS Digital Library; photographer: Shai
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ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods