While the existing method failed to correctly cap-
ture the risk regions, the proposed method was able to
identify the risk regions accurately, so the proposed
method improved the accuracy of RMSE and other
metrics. From the values of Precision and Recall, we
also find that the risks were estimated more accurately
by the proposed method for regions where objects are
In this paper, we proposed a method for estimating
accident risk maps, which represent the accident risk
to the own vehicle, based on in-vehicle images.
The dataset required for training the GAN was
created using a model independent of the camera pa-
rameters. Unlike the conventional Time-to-Contact,
the dataset created by the proposed method can rep-
resent with high accuracy the greater risk only for ob-
jects approaching in the direction of the own vehicle.
Moreover, by combining the trained UString-Net, it is
possible to create a dataset of accident risk maps that
represent only hazards in situations where accidents
are likely to occur.
We also proposed a network for generating the
risk map images from in-vehicle images. The pro-
posed network trained by the proposed dataset can
estimate the accident risk map more accurately than
the conventional network by dealing with scenes with
different camera parameters.
Finally, we confirmed through real-world experi-
ments that the proposed method can visualize the risk
to the own vehicle using any type of in-vehicle cam-
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Seeing Risk of Accident from In-Vehicle Cameras