The presented model proves that it is possible to
model bioimpedance measurements using the finite
element method and lays the groundwork for future
biomedical device modeling. Our long-term goals
are, firstly, to continue with the cylindrical model, as
it is a simple way to correlate the increase in volume
due to swelling by fluid accumulation with the effect
on the measured bioimpedance, but on the other hand,
we also aim to move towards more realistic models,
where we are considering using cross-sectional im-
ages of the ankle section or even three-dimensional
tomographies of the leg, so that we can carry out stud-
ies thanks to which we can even indicate the best way
of placing the measuring device, taking into account
the proximity of the bones, the fat accumulation in a
certain area or other factors. However, our most im-
mediate objective is to validate the data obtained from
the simulation with experimental results, so that we
can be sure that the model adjusts to the behavior of
the device on healthy individuals and, subsequently,
on diseased patients.
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en tiempo real de volúmenes en pacientes con in-
suficiencia cardiaca (PRECLI-HF)”, AT 21_00010,
funded by Junta de Andalucía – Consejería de Trans-
formación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y
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BIODEVICES 2023 - 16th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices