To implement agents within industry systems it is
important to determine what types of agents are useful
given the use case. The work of (Cruz Salazar et al.,
2019) outlines patterns when it comes to the basic (re-
ferred to as mandatory) set of agents required within a
factory - Resource Agent, Process Agent, Agent Man-
agement System and Communication Agent. The au-
thors further argue about the importance of having
such agents on the shop floor, as they execute basic
Given the strive towards interoperability enabling
these agents to collaborate, it is important to define a
way to model agents used within the manufacturing
process. This entails a methodology to model agents
and mapping the standardization approach to the one
used for other assets. The work of (Sakurada et al.,
2022) explores the idea of considering agents as assets
when applying the AAS in Industry 4.0 applications.
But, it does yet not look at how these agents would be
modelled exactly.
The work of (Ocker et al., 2021) comes closest
to the idea of modelling agents for a factory using
the AAS. The authors provide a suggestion regarding
how in particular the Planning and Resource agents
can be modelled using the AAS for multi-agent sys-
tems (MAS), further pointing towards how the actual
MAS can be build using those agents. Our work con-
tinues the direction Ocker et al. , however we take a
broader look at agent modelling. We choose to fo-
cus on how a general structure for an agent model
could look, providing an outline of the different types
of models and do not consider specific agent types
or their definitions. Our method aims to provide a
structure which can be used regardless of specifics
for agents and can be applied in multiple cases. To
the best of our knowledge, there is no general agent
model structure at the time of this work. Therefore
we investigate and propose how this problem can be
tackled within the next sections.
When describing software agents in a generic way us-
ing the AAS as a semantic standard, there are a couple
of design decisions to consider. What is the structure
of the model, what information should it contain and
how should this be grouped. Our model aims to pro-
vide maximum flexibility in describing agents, while
also providing enough structure to support reuse, con-
straint by what the AAS meta model provides. The
process of populating an agent is placed out of scope
for now.
3.1 General Structure of Agent Model
Within an AAS model, one may define properties
within reusable submodels whose values can be read
through a standard API. As such, the main goal of the
model is to make it clear to any user or application
which properties they are interested in. As there is no
direct approach to do this, we considered two differ-
ent approaches, which can be offered to support this.
An intuitive approach to present information of
a given software application (in our case an agent)
may be to look at the model elements as agent in-
puts, outputs or static description of the agent itself.
Within these three categories, properties may then be
defined. Resulting in an input, output and description
submodel which has an arbitrary amount of proper-
ties. Such an approach makes it very simple for de-
velopers to know which properties to use when inter-
acting with the agent, but at the same time makes the
model highly specific, loosing the interoperability be-
tween agents, as it is not possible to create reusable
submodels for different agents. That is to say, all
agents have the same submodels, but these may be
completely different in their actual content.
As we strive for interoperability in the models
to be created, we instead consider to group relevant
properties based on their semantic meaning and in-
tended usage. This provides us with models regard-
ing the creation of the agent, the connectivity details,
work order schedules (for a planning agent specifi-
cally), etc. This leads to a greatly increased amount of
submodels, some of which may contain less informa-
tion than others. At first impression this may appear
more complex, but it allows reusing of well defined
models across different agents, resulting in faster de-
velopment, easier reuse and the ability to better match
to domain specific information models.
Our suggested approach provides a possible struc-
ture for how such semantic grouping can be formed
for agents. We build our suggestion based on
the needs of different use cases represented in the
MAS4AI project, where we build an initial set of
reusable submodels, used to describe an agent. Un-
like standard submodels, we did not provide a com-
plete set of submodel elements, but instead proposed
a set of groupings which can be used to structure all
the relevant information and provide a base point for
developers to start from.
We split the agent model structure into two groups
of three types of components each, as shown in Fig-
ure 2.
An Agent has a set of Generic Agent Submod-
els, which contain information such as documenta-
tion, communication, capabilities. This is considered
Modelling Agents in Industry 4.0 Applications Using Asset Administration Shell